
单词 olim
释义 I. olim, n. pl.|oˈlim|
[Heb., pl. of ꜥōleh one who ascends.]
Jewish immigrants who settle in their spiritual home of Israel.
[1958New Outlook Jan. 50/1 Nahum Manelson is the teacher of a group of ‘Noar Oleh’ (immigrant youth), in one of the kibbutzim.1961A. A. Weinberg Migration & Belonging 309 Were you ever in a temporary reception camp, Beit Olim, Ulpan or Maabarah before you found your permanent place of abode?]1962A. Ramati Israel Today ix. 90 The Jewish Agency..had spent {pstlg}340 million on bringing in olim.1966New Yorker 27 Aug. 54/3 The olim who came to Israel are, in Zionist terminology, to be considered as seekers after social and spiritual integration as Jews in the land of the Bible, the home of Jewish history. Hence the ‘aliya’ or ‘ascent’.1973Jewish Chron. 19 Jan. 7/4 (Advt.), Pilot tour for intending olim.1980N.Y. Times Mag. 7 Dec. VI. 100/2 Those who immigrate to the Jewish state have fulfilled the ultimate Zionist injunction and are called olim (‘those who go up’).
II. olim, adv.|ˈəʊlɪm|
At one time, formerly.
Chiefly introducing an earlier name or style and placed parenthetically after that currently in use.
1645S. Luke Let. 23 June in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1846) 3rd Ser. IV. 262 These two men Hobson and Beaumont (olim Capts.) should come countenanced with your authority to preach the working of miracles.1901N.E.D. s.v. Jordan1 1, Sloane MS. 73 lf. 133 b (olim 138 b).1975Times Lit. Suppl. 28 Nov. 1423/1 The former colonial archive at Jakarta (olim Batavia).

