
单词 ponga
释义 I. ponga|ˈpʌŋə|
Also bunger, bungy, punga.
An evergreen New Zealand tree-fern, Cyathea dealbata, belonging to the family Cyatheaceæ; also attrib.
1832G. Bennett in London Med. Gaz. 22 Sept. 793/2 This fern..is named Ponga by the natives, who use the trunks as posts in the erection of their houses.1855R. Taylor Te Ika a Maui viii. 115 Some of the trees themselves..held down their heads, and have never been able to hold them up since; amongst these, were the ponga (a fern tree) and the kareao (supple jack), whose tender shoots are now always bent.1874J. White Te Rou xi. 179 Round two sides and one end [of the hangis, or ovens] a ponga fence is put.1892E. S. Brookes Frontier Life xv. 139 The Survey department graded a zigzag track up the side to the top, fixing in punga steps.1898Morris Austral Eng. 65/1 Bunga or Bungy,..a New Zealand settlers' corruption of the Maori word punga.1905W. B. Where White Man Treads 232 It irks to go back to ponga whare and earthen floors.1926Trans. N.Z. Inst. LVI. 670 In some instances the Maori name has been adopted but corrupted:..‘bunger’ (now fortunately seldom heard) for ‘ponga’.1933Press (Christchurch, N.Z.) 23 Sept. 13/7 Bungy.—Tree fern. I [sc. L. G. D. Acland] have only heard this word used on the West Coast; it is just as often pronounced pungy.1935‘J. Guthrie’ Little Country iii. 58 Tall punga ferns spread their proud fronds.1949F. Sargeson I saw in my Dream ii. xiv. 172 On the ridge it was too dry for pungas.1959Times 10 June 12/6 We strained our eyes..to see the punga fern under which the first white child was born in New Zealand.1963B. Pearson Coal Flat xxii. 376 Peter was urinating urgently against a ponga.1966Encycl. N.Z. I. 650/1 C[yathea] dealbata or ponga has distinctive whitish undersurfaces to the leaves.1966G. W. Turner Eng. Lang. Austral. & N.Z. viii. 168 Other Maori words in changed form are cockabully from kokopu,..bunger (Maori ponga), a common name for the treefern [etc.].1968N.Z. Listener 11 Apr. 10/1 He built himself a ten-foot-high punga fence and was snug.1977N.Z. Herald 5 Jan. 2-16/8 (Advt.), Genuine bush with pongas, totara and kauri surrounding this most impressive 4-brm contemporary home.
II. ponga
var. panga1.

