
单词 well-spoken
释义 well(-)ˈspoken, ppl. a.
Also 5 -spoke.
1. Of a person: Gifted with good or ready speech; courteous and refined in speech.
c1440Alphabet of Tales 394 When þis chylde was waxen he was fayr & semely & wele-spoken.c1440Promp. Parv. 138/2 Eloquent, or welle spoke man or woman, eloquens.1476Paston Lett. III. 157 He is wel spokyn in Inglyshe, metly well in Frenshe.1552Latimer Serm. Christmas Day (1584) 273 b, Shee did not as our welspoken dames do: Shee tooke not in hand to preach.1594Shakes. Rich. III, i. iii. 348 For Clarence is well spoken, and perhappes May moue your hearts to pitty, if you marke him.1604Bacon Apol. Earl Essex 37, I told her, my Lord was an eloquent and well spoken man.1715Addison Drummer v. end, Mr. Vellum, you are a well-spoken Man: Pray do you thank my Master and my Lady.1816Jane Austen Persuasion iii, A very well-spoken, genteel, shrewd lady, she seemed to be.1844Emerson Ess., Nom. & Real. ⁋3 Strong, punctual, practical, well-spoken England.1899Daily News 5 June 4/7 A pretty, well-spoken girl of 18 years.
transf.1594Shakes. Rich. III, i. i. 29 Since I cannot proue a Louer, To entertaine these faire well spoken dayes.1599B. Jonson Ev. Man out of Hum. Induct. i, I vrg'd it..the rather To giue these ignorant well-spoken daies Some tast of their abuse of this word Humor.
2. Of words: Spoken well or with propriety.
a1592Greene & Lodge Looking Gl. (1598) E 1 b, Well spoken fellow in thine owne behalfe.1602Shakes. Ham. ii. ii. 488 Fore God, my Lord, well spoken, with good accent, and good discretion.1605Lear ii. iv. 239 Is this well-spoken?
3. With of: Favourably mentioned.
1538Elyot Dict. Add., Bene audire, to be well spoken of.1778Johnson in Boswell (1904) II. 252, I have heard Henry's History of Britain well spoken of.1963Wodehouse Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves ii. 18 Knowing where I could get a couple of tickets for a well-spoken-of musical.
Hence well-spoken-of-ness. nonce-wd.
1872W. H. Gillespie Argum. Being & Attrib. God v. ii. (ed. 6) 179 The word Blessedness..may stand for consummate Well-thought-of-ness, or Well-spoken-of-ness.

