
单词 larvi-
释义 larvi-|ˈlɑːvɪ|
combining form of L. larva, larva. ˈlarvicide [-cide 1], a preparation adapted to kill larvæ; also attrib. or adj.; so larvicidal a. larˈvicolous a. [L. col-ĕre to inhabit: see -ous], living in the body of larvæ (Mayne Expos. Lex. 1855). larviform a. [-form], having the form of a larva. larˈvigerous a. [-gerous], bearing or containing larvæ. larˈviparous a. [L. par-ĕre to bring forth: see -ous], (a) producing young in the condition of larvæ, (b) produced in the form of larvæ.
1900Brit. Med. Jrnl. No. 2041. 305 A cheap *larvicidal substance..not injurious to the growth of the rice plants.
Ibid. 325 The *larvicides are intended to be used for the destruction of mosquito larvæ and pupæ in pools and ditches.Ibid., Professor Celli showed experiments at the Institute of Hygiene with certain insecticide and larvicide substances.
1848Maunder Treas. Nat. Hist. 791 *Larviform, shaped like a larva.1891C. L. Morgan Anim. Life 223 The females of certain beetles..are described by Professor Riley as larviform.
1884Stand. Nat. Hist. (1888) II. 428 When ready to change into the *larvigerous pupæ they [the maggots of the bot-fly] dislodge themselves.
1815Kirby & Sp. Entomol. I. 103 So Aristotle employs it, when he says that all insects produce a Scolex, or are *larviparous.1826Ibid. III. 65 Larviparous, coming forth from the matrix in the state of larvæ.1858Lewes Sea-side Stud. 285 The viviparous or larviparous generation effects a multiplication of the plant-lice adequate to keep pace with the rapid growth and increase of the vegetable kingdom in spring and summer.

Add: ˈlarviciding vbl. n., the action or practice of treating with larvicides.
1945Public Health Rep. (U.S.) LX. 1274 Methods of control, such as *larviciding and drainage, are usually not applicable because of the high per capita cost.1976Kingston (Ontario) Whig-Standard 6 Apr. 6/2 The department of the environment estimates that larviciding costs annually $23 an acre (including start-up, training and license expenses).
ˈlarviposition n. Ent., the deposition of a larva (rather than an egg) by a female insect.
1913Rep. R. Soc. Sleeping Sickness Comm. XIV. 11 There is an inverse relation between relative humidity and rate of *larviposition.1956Ann. Trop. Med. & Parasitol. L. 66 Larviposition occurred while the female was resting on the soil surface.1989Jrnl. Heredity LXXX. 73/2 Flies from the F50 generation were reared from larviposition to adult eclosion at 15°C.
larˈvivorous a., feeding on larvae.
1889Cent. Dict., *Larvivorous.1915Trans. Soc. Trop. Med. & Hygiene VIII. 78 Willcocks, of Cairo, was the first to draw attention to the larvivorous habits of these useful insects.1971P. C. C. Garnham Progress in Parasitol. vii. 124 Desultory attention has been paid to biological control of mosquitoes, which started many years ago with the use of larvivorous fish.

