
单词 world
释义 I. world, n.|wɜːld|
Forms: α. 1 weorold, wuruld, worold, uoruld, wiarald, 1–3 weoruld, woruld, -eld, -old, 2 wurold, 3 we(o)reld, wæruld, Orm. we(o)relld. β. 1– world; 1–3 weorld, 4–6 worlde (2 worlð, 3 wurld, 5 whorlld(e); 2–3 werlð, 3 Orm. werrld, 3–5 werld(e; north. and Sc. 3– warld, 5–6 warlde, varld, (5 warlede). γ. 4–6 wordle, 5 wordel, wordil; north. and Sc. 5–7 wardle, 6 wardill, vardil, wardel, vardel; 3 werdle. δ. 3–6 word, 4–5 worde (6 woaude); 3–5 werd, 4–5 werde; 4 wird; north. 4, 6 ward. ε. 3 worl, 3–5 worle, 5 worlle, orlle, 6 worell; 8 worl', north. and Sc. 5 warle, 8 warl', 9 warl.
[Com. Teut. (wanting in Gothic): OE. weorold, worold, world str. f., rarely m., corresp. to OFris. wrald, ruald, warld (EFris. warld, WFris. wrôd), OS. werold (MLG. werlt, warlt, LG. werld, MDu. werelt, Du. wereld), OHG. weralt (MHG. werelt, werlt, welt, G. welt), ON. veröld (Sw. verld, Da. verden): a formation peculiar to Germanic, f. wer- man, were n.1 + alđ- age (cf. old a., eld n.2), the etymological meaning being, therefore, ‘age’ or ‘life of man’.]
I. Human existence; a period of this.
1. a. Chiefly this world, the world: the earthly state of human existence; this present life.
to (unto, OE. oð) the world's end: as long as human things shall last, to the end of time (with admixture of senses 7, 9). Similarly in phrases such as as long as the or this world lasts, and in this world.
832Charter in Sweet O.E. Texts 447 Ðet he ðas god forðleste oð wiaralde ende.c897ælfred Gregory's Past. C. xviii. 137 [Hi] ne dooð him nan oðer god ðisse weorolde.971Blickl. Hom. 57 We witon þæt ælc wlite..to ende efsteþ & onetteþ þisse weorlde lifes.c1200Vices & Virtues 17 ‘Andswere me’..he wile seggen, ‘hwat hafst ðu swa lange idon on ðare woreld?’c1205Lay. 5028 Þa wifmon Þa þe a ðas weoreld ibær.c1250Kent. Serm. in O.E. Misc. 33 Þet ha yef us swiche werkes to done in þise wordle Þet þo saulen of us mote bien isauued a domes dai.c1250Gen. & Ex. 32 Fader..ðu giue me seli timinge To thaunen ðis werdes biginninge.a1300Cursor M. 91 Quat bote is to sette traueil On thyng..þat es bot fantum o þis warld?c1300Havelok 2335 Was neuere yete ioie more In al þis werd, þan þo was þore.c1374Chaucer Troylus v. 1058 Allas of me vn-to þe worldis ende Schal noþer ben wretyn noþer I-songe No good word.c140026 Pol. Poems i. 123 They han here heuene in this world here.1426Audelay Poems 12 Ale the wyt of this word fallus to foly.c1450Holland Howlat 43 Wa is me, wretche in this warld, wilsome of wane!1451Paston Lett. I. 189 In this werd that now is.1513Life Hen. V (1911) 22 Yearelie to be distributed..twenty pounds in pence to the poore people duringe the Worlde.1570Satir. Poems Reform. x. 36 He sall with vs rest, And we with him, sa lang as warld may lest.1590Shakes. Com. Err. ii. ii. 108 Time himselfe is bald, and therefore to the worlds end, will haue bald followers.15972 Hen. IV, v. iii. 102, I prethee now deliuer them, like a man of this World.1670T. Blount Acad. Eloq. (ed. 4) 230 The Heir of a Knight in the right line shall be an Esquire to the worlds end.1794Paley Evid. ii. ii. §8 A Christian's chief care being to pass quietly through this world to a better.1797Jane Austen Sense & Sens. xliv, ‘As to that,’ said he, ‘I must rub through the world as well as I can.’1856Dickens Christmas Stories (1874) 43 She was too good for this world and for me, and she died six weeks before our marriage-day.
b. With reference to birth or death; esp. to bring into the world, to give birth to (see bring v. 7 c); to come into (or to) the world, to be born (see come v. 4 c); fig. (of a book) to be published; to go or depart out of this world.
Beowulf 60 Ðæm feower bearn forð ᵹerimed in worold wocun.a1000Genesis 2284 Þu scealt, Agar, Abrahame sunu on woruld bringan.a1000Epist. Alex. in Cockayne Narrat. (1861) 31 Ðin modor ᵹewiteð of weorulde þurh scondlicne deað.c1205Lay. 17235 He sæt stille alse þeh he wolde of worlden iwiten.c1250Gen. & Ex. 2389 Ic sal to min sune fare..or ic of werlde chare.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 5116 & þe nyenteþe day of aueryl out of þis worl he wende. [1382], c 1510– [see come v. 4 c].a1400–50Wars Alex. 2653 (Dubl.) Qwen he went of þis warld.c1420Chron. Vilod. 3953 Þaw y shulde now ouȝt of þis worde gone.1579Randolph Let. in Buchanan Wks. (S.T.S.) 56 The last little Treatise..that lately come into the World.c1588Cath. Tractates (S.T.S.) 250 Not doutand bot angels and sanctis depairted out of this wardle may and do pray for us.1607[see bring v. 7 c].1784Burns Addr. Illeg. Child iv, My funny toil is now a' tint, Sin' thou came to the warl asklent.1914‘Ian Hay’ Knt. on Wheels xiii. §3 Having been born into the world with a club foot.
c. without article (with blending of sense 7):
(a) on world, o world, in world, in this life, on earth.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. iv. xxiii. (1890) 332 Eal þæt heo for worulde [v.r. on weorulde] hæfde.c1175Lamb. Hom. 111 Vnclene wif þoleð scome on weorlde & unclene wif bið unwurð on liue.c1205Lay. 22069 Þe king for-bæd heom..þat na mon on worlde swa wod no iwurðe..þat his grið bræke.Ibid. 23475 Þat nuste he neuere on weorlde hu feole þusend þer weoren.c1220Bestiary 120 An wirm is o werlde, wel man it knoweð.c1300Havelok 1349 Hwore so he o worde aren.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 871 Wheþen in worlde he were, Hit semed as he myȝt Be prynce.c1320Sir Tristr. 1270 In warld was non so wiis Of craft þat men knewe.1457Harding Chron. i. in Engl. Hist. Rev. (1912) Oct. 740 This book..Whiche no man hath in worlde bot oonly ye.c1475Partenay 3816 Pray for me All dais while lif in worle here haue ye.
(b) in genitive = temporal, earthly, secular: freq. in world's (worldes) riches, world's wealth, world's win (win n.2 2), and the like. Obs. (in later use Sc.)
Beowulf 2343 Ende ᵹebidan worulde lifes.c1175, etc. [see win n.2 2].c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 51 Þe hie weren wuniende in ierusalem..and hadden þe fulle of wurldes richeisse.c1250Gen. & Ex. 48 Hise wise sune, Ðe was of hin fer ear bi-foren Or ani werldes time boren.a1300Cursor M. 8314 Salamon..sal be a man o pes, And mikel haf o werldes es.Ibid. 12416 To sett iesu to werld lar.1390Gower Conf. I. 362 For coveitise and worldes pride.a1400Morte Arth. 674 Alle my werdez wele.c1400Love Bonavent. Mirr. xxxiii. (1908) 159 Forsakynge all worldes besynesse.1508Dunbar Poems vi. 34 A barell bung ay at my bosum, Of varldis gud I bad na mair.1611J. Davies (Heref.) Of Work of Sylvester 52 S.'s Wks. 816 For whose deare birth, thou didst all ease refuse, Worlds-weal, and (being a Marchant) thy Receits.1606G. Woodcocke Hist. Justine 15 b, When he saw they would not sel their liberty for any worldes good.1781Burns My Nanie, O vi, My riches a's my penny-fee..; But warl's gear ne'er troubles me.1786To Mr. J. Kennedy iv, Now if ye're ane o' warl's folk, Wha rate the wearer by the cloak.a1796Now bank & brae ii, The chield wha boasts o' warld's wealth.1820Blackw. Mag. May 165 Let warld's gear gang.
d. the other world, another world, the next world, a better world, the world to come or to be: the future state, the life after death. Sometimes viewed as the ‘realm’ of departed spirits.
c1000Ags. Gosp. Matt. xii. 32 Ne byð hyt hym forᵹyfen, ne on þisse worulde, ne on þære toweardan [1382 Wyclif, nether in this world, ne in the tother; 1526 Tindale, nether in this worlde, nether in the worlde to come].c1200Ormin 4192 Resstedaȝȝ..tacneþþ all þatt resste & ro Þ att hallȝhe sawless brukenn Inn oþerr werelld.1548–9Bk. Com. Prayer, Nicene Creed, The lyfe of the worlde to come.1581Hamilton in Cath. Tractates (S.T.S.) 73 The horribill tormentis preparit for thame in the varld to cum.1611Beaum. & Fl. Philaster iv. iii, Will there be no slanders, No jealousies in the other world?1715I. Mather Several Serm. title-p., When Godly Men dye, Angels carry their Souls to another and a better World.1738Wesley Hymn, ‘Attend while God's Eternal Son’ v, Far from..Sin, and Earth, and Hell, In the new World thy Grace hath made, May I for ever dwell!1770Goldsm. Des. Vill. 170 He..Allured to brighter worlds, and led the way.a1796Burns Epit. on Friend 7 If there's another world, he lives in bliss.1809Magee Atonement (1816) II. 107 The appellation, ‘mighty dead’,..becomes applicable to all the inhabitants of the invisible world.1816Shelley Mont Blanc 49 Some say that gleams of a remoter world Visit the soul in sleep,—that death is slumber.1846Tennyson Golden Year 56 'Tis like the second world to us that live.1864En. Ard. 899 Who will embrace me in the world-to-be.
e. gen. A state of (present or future) existence.
c1300Beket 77 Heo..ȝeode aboute as a best..As heo were of another wordle.1602Shakes. Ham. iv. v. 134 Both the worlds I giue to negligence, Let come what comes.1807Wordsw. Ode Intim. Immortality 149 Blank misgivings of a Creature Moving about in worlds not realised.1859FitzGerald Omar xxv, All the Saints and Sages who discuss'd Of the Two Worlds so learnedly.
2. The pursuits and interests of this present life; esp., in religious use, the least worthy of these; temporal or mundane affairs. world's = worldly.
a1000Guthlac 399 [370] Ne won he æfter worulde ac he in wuldre ahof modes wynne.a1300Cursor M. 10103 Thrin fas..þis werld, my fleche, þe warlau als.1340Ayenb. 92 Þe more þet [me] lykeþ þe zuetnesse of þe wordle, þe lesse me wylneþ þe zuetnesse of god.c1410Master of Game (MS. Digby 182) Prol. lf. 4, Þe devel, þe worlde, ande the flessh.c1425Cast. Persev. 192 in Macro Plays 83 Who-so spekyth a-ȝeyn þe werd, In a presun he schal be sperd.Ibid. 1009, 107 Þe Werld, þe Flesch, & þe Devyl, are knowe grete lordis.1540Palsgr. Acolastus i. iii. F iv, Bycause he is so sore sette, or to gredy vpon the world, or his thrift.1564J. Martiall Treat. Crosse 17 Christ hath subdued sinne, conquered the worlde, discomfited the deuil.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. May 73 Ah Palinodie, thou art a worldes childe: Who touches Pitch mought needes be defilde.1675Owen Indwelling Sin ii. (1732) 17 Whence is it, that Men follow and pursue the World with so much greediness?1780Cowper Love of the World Reproved 25 Renounce the world—the preacher cries.1784Task ii. 389 Infidelity and love of world.1807Wordsw. Misc. Sonn. i. xxxiii. 1 The world is too much with us.1843J. Martineau Chr. Life xvii. 255 The world..i.e. the opportunities of action with a view to temporal good.1882Seeley Nat. Relig. ii. i. 130 The World is the collective character of those who do not worship.
3. a. The affairs and conditions of life; chiefly in phr., esp. with the verb go (e.g. how the world goes, how events shape themselves; how goes the world with (a person), how are his affairs; as the (or this) world goes, as things are, considering the state of affairs); also to let the world slide, to allow things to take their course, to leave matters alone; to let the world wag (see wag v. 7 c).
Beowulf 1739 Ac him eal worold wendeð on willan.c888ælfred Boeth. xxvi. §1 Ᵹeþenc þu nu..Boetius..hwæðer þin woruld þa eall wære æfter þinum willan.a1000Cædmon's Gen. 318 Hyra woruld wæs ᵹehwyrfed.1362Langl. P. Pl. A. Prol. 19 A Feir feld ful of folk fond I þer bi-twene,..Worchinge and wondringe as þe world askeþ.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 530 & wynter wyndez agayn, as þe worlde askez.c1460–5MS. Trin. Coll. Dubl. D. 4, 18 in Archaeologia XXIX. 341 Trust not..youre foos, For þei be double in wirking, as þe worlde gos.1478Paston Lett. III. 232 William Paston..paid to the parson..xxiiijli... It is yerly worth, as the world goth now, xli.1481Cely Papers (Camden) 81 Howr father..thynkes the whorllde qwhessy..and therfor he whowlde that ze gepart not yowrselfe to hofton to Bregys.a1529–[see wag v. 7 c].1540Palsgr. Acolastus iv. iv. T iij, What is the matter, or howe gothe the worlde with hym?1564W. Bullein Dial. agst. Pest. (1888) 26 Now let vs go..and see how the worlde goeth with Master Antonius.1570Foxe A. & M. (ed. 2) 1848/1 What a Gospeller [he]..was in King Edwardes tyme, which now turning with the world, sheweth him self such a bytter Persecuter..in Queene Maries time.1596,1611[see slide v. 5 b].1602Shakes. Ham. ii. ii. 178 To be honest as this world goes, is to bee one man pick'd out of two thousand.Ibid. iii. ii. 285 Some must watch, while some must sleepe; So runnes the world away.a1677Barrow Serm. Wks. 1686 III. 74 However the world goes, we may yet make a tolerable shift.1713Pope Let. to Addison Wks. 1737 VI. 32 And give me leave to tell you, that (as the world goes) this is no small assurance I repose in you.1855Dickens etc. Househ. Words Christmas No. 23/1 How's the world used you since this morning?1862H. Kingsley Ravenshoe xviii, The world is out of joint.1886Baring-Gould Crt. Royal iv, What was the world coming to, when the police poked their noses into his shop?
b. State of human affairs, state of things; hence, season or time as marked by the state of affairs. Obs.
1456Paston Lett. I. 402 And as for the iiijxx li. to be sette on Olivere is taile, I can not see it wole be, for there is noo suche worlde to bringe it abowte.1479Cely Papers (Camden) 19 Here ys but strange warlede..the sekenese raynyd sore at London.1484Ibid. 152 What world wee schall hawe wt Flaunders I can nott say, I feyr me they wyll breke wt us.1503in Lett. Rich. III & Hen. VII (Rolls) I. 232 Good yt is that we see to our owne surtie..wat world so euer shall hapen to fall here after.1513More Rich. III Wks. 70 If the worlde woold haue gone as I would haue wished, king Henryes sonne had had the crown.Ibid., What nede in that grene world y⊇ protector had of y⊇ duke.c1523― in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. I. 295 They do but seke delayes till they may se how the world is.1530Palsgr. 559/2 Let the place be well fumygate..it is a daungerous worlde [Fr. temps] nowe a dayes.a1548Hall Chron., Edw. IV, 195 b, Til he might spye a tyme conuenient, & a world after hys awn appetite.c1555Harpsfield Divorce Hen. VIII (Camden) 178 Others which foretold this dolorous doleful wretched world that followed upon this divorce.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, ii. iii. 94 This is no world To play with Mammets.1614Chapman Odyssey xi. 602 But take close shore disguisde, nor let her know, For tis no world to trust a woman now.
c. (One's) condition in life, (good) fortune. Obs.
1390Gower Conf. I. 16 Bot every clerk his herte leith To kepe his world in special.Ibid. 84, I not in what degree Thou schalt thi goode world achieve.Ibid. III. 170 Whan that he weneth best achieve His goode world.
4. a. Secular (or lay) life and interests, as distinguished from religious (or clerical); also (by association with III, as in b and d below), secular (or lay) people. of the world, world's: secular; see also man of the world a.
a1030Rule St. Benet (Logeman) 109 Oððe æfter gode oððe æfter wurulde he sy.c1200[see man of the world a].a1225Ancr. R. 24 Hwon þe preostes of ðe worlde singeð hore messen.c1290Beket 244 in S. Eng. Leg. 113 Þo þis holi Man was i-torned fram þe office of holi churche To a gret office of þe world.a1300Cursor M. 27172 Werlds man, or clerc, or closterer.1340Ayenb. 49 Þe enlefte [sin of adultery] is of man of þe wordle to wyfman of religioun.c1400Rule St. Benet (prose) 37 Bot bettir chepe sal ye selle þan þe men of þe werld dose.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 1 That is to say, some chose to go by the worlde and some by religion.1533Gau Richt Vay (S.T.S.) 25 The oder varkis qvhilk ar techit in al the buikis of the wardel.1610Holland Camden's Brit. i. 521 Hee taking a loathing to the world..retired into that hospitall..where with poore people hee lived to God.1671Ravenscroft Mamamouchi ii. i. (1675) 24 I'l threaten to flee beyond Sea to a Nunnery, and for ever seclude my self from the World.a1700in Cath. Rec. Soc. Publ. IX. 337 In the 20th of her age, forsaking y⊇ world she desired nothing more, then to dedicate herselfe to God, in a Religious estate.1717Pope Eloisa 208 How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot.1808Scott Marm. ii. iii, The Abbess..early took the veil and hood, Ere upon life she cast a look, Or knew the world that she forsook.1845M. Pattison Ess. (1889) I. 12 A book which is not only esteemed in the Church, but has had the honour..of commanding the respect of the world.1888‘Bernard’ Fr. World to Cloister ii. 12 Having resigned the situation I held in the world.
b. In the Society of Friends applied to those outside their own body.
1648G. Fox Jrnl. (1852) I. 70 The Lord commanded me to go abroad into the world.c1680in Sussex Archaeol. Coll. (1912) LV. 81 The Other Months Named after ye Manner of ye world.1698–9Story & Gill in S. B. Weeks Southern Quakers (1896) 67 The displeasure of God..against mixed marriages between them [sc. Quakers] and the world.a1713T. Ellwood Hist. Life (1714) 340 Thomas Dell and Edward Moor [were discharged] by other People of the World, paying their Fines and Fees for them.1837H. Martineau Soc. Amer. II. 57 They are receiving a perpetual accession to their numbers from among the ‘world's people’.1867Dixon New Amer. II. x. 93 Some of these [Quaker] ladies..have husbands (as the world would call them).
c. to go to the world, to be (a man, woman) of the world: to be married.
1565J. Calfhill Answ. Martiall 109 b, Ye say when a man wyl marry, then be goeth to the world.1579Tomson Calvin's Serm. Tim. 230/2 This man is of the worlde, that is to say, he is maried: This man is of the Churche, that is to say, Spirituall.1599Shakes. Much Ado ii. i. 331 Good Lord for alliance: thus goes euery one to the world but I.1600A.Y.L. v. iii. 5, I do desire it [marriage] with all my heart: and I hope it is no dishonest desire, to desire to be a woman of y⊇ world?1601All's Well i. iii. 20 But if I may haue your Ladiships good will to goe to the world, Isbell the woman and we will doe as we may.
d. In biblical and religious use: Those who are concerned only with the interests and pleasures of this life or with temporal or mundane things; the worldly and irreligious.
1362Langl. P. Pl. A. i. 37 Leef not þi licam, for lyȝere him techeþ, Þat is þe Wikkede word þe to bi-traye.1382Wyclif John xv. 19 But I chees ȝou fro the world, therfore the world hatith ȝou.1540–7Coverdale Fruitf. Less. (1593) E 1 b, The world, that is to say, fleshly men and children of the world, receiue not this spirite.1738Wesley Ps. iv. vi, The World with fruitless Pain Seek Happiness below.
a. An age or (long) period of time in earthly or human existence or history; pl. ages. Obs.
Phrases. by long worlds: ages ago. in or to worlds long: for ages. worlds of years: ages, centuries. the world(s) to come: future ages, posterity.
c1175Lamb. Hom. 81 Þis bitacneð þe world þet wes from biginnegge [etc.].. In þisse worlde nas na laȝe ne na larþeu.c1205Lay. 23425 A þere ilke worlde [c 1275 worle] Þa þis wes iwurðen wes Francene lond Gualle ihaten.a1300Cursor M. 1491 Þe formast werld adam be-gan, Þar-of lameth þe last man.Ibid. 15128 Suilc a man was neuer yeitt Sin ani werldes ware.1390Gower Conf. III. 176 These olde worldes with the newe Who that wol take in evidence, Ther mai he se [etc.].c1400tr. Secr. Secr., Gov. Lordsh. 113 Þe olde philosophers vsyd it by longe werldes.c1440Pallad. on Husb. xi. 162 Who wol do puruyaunce in worldis longe, The palmes forto sette he must ha mynde.Ibid. 482 Tyl worldis longe This drynkis wole abide and ay be stronge.1450–1530Myrr. Our Ladye ii. 115 All thys worlde ys departed in to thre tymes. The fyrst tyme was when men lyued after the lawe of nature [etc.].1549Ridley in Potts Liber Cantabr. (1855) 245 note, A dangerouse example to the worlde to cum.1567Gude & Godlie B. (S.T.S.) 44 He that all warldis was beforne, Come downe of Marie to be borne.1574Hellowes Gueuara's Fam. Ep. (1577) 18 For that in the worldes to come, it might be known who was the author therof.1587Golding De Mornay vii. (1592) 87 The Heauen goeth about continually, and in so many worlds and ages as haue beene, we perceiue no alteration at all.1593Bilson Perpet. Govt. Ch. 5 This was the blessing due to the elder Brother in the first world.1596Harington Metam. Ajax D 7, Tarquinius..prouident in peace, & in that young world, a notable polititian.a1600Hooker Serm., Habak. ii. 4 Wks. 1874 III. 640 Adam and all the fathers before Christ, till Christ's coming, were for so many worlds together detained.1603Knolles Hist. Turks (1621) 2 Forgetfull of all other things in their ancient country, after so many worlds of yeeres.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. iii. ii. 180 True swaines in loue, shall in the world to come Approue their truths by Troylus.1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 202 [200] From all which 'tis as clear, that we meant in the dayes of yore by the word World, time, ages [etc.].
b. A period or age of human history characterized by certain conditions or indicated by the character of those living in it. Obs. exc. as coloured by 16 a.
15301600 Golden world [see golden a. 7].1630R. Johnson's Kingd. & Commw. 160 It was used in that good old world, when men wiped their nose on their sleeve (as the French man sayes).1781Blair in Sc. Transl. & Paraphr. (1793) 12 All old things now are past away, and a new world begun.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. iii. I. 401 These were men whose minds had been trained in a world which had passed away.1886E. B. Bax Relig. Socialism 166 In Shakespeare's ‘historical plays’ the characters live and speak in the world of the sixteenth century.
6. In various phrases translating eccl. Latin in secula seculorum, in seculum seculi = for ever and ever, for all time, through eternity.
a. from world into world(s, in world of world(s, in to (the) world(s of world(s, through all worlds, world always.
c888ælfred Boeth. xxi, Þa nu sculon standan to worulde.c1110ælfred's Boeth. Epil., Si þe lof & wylder nu & a a a to worulde buton æᵹhwilcum ende.c1175Lamb. Hom. 25 Þe lauerd..wuniende and rixlende on worulde a buten ende.c1230Hali Meid. (1922) 39 Ah schal ifinden him ai swettere & sauurure, fram worlde in-to worlde.a1300E.E. Psalter lx. 9 Swa salme saie sal I þe same In werld of werld vnto þi name.1382Wyclif Isa. xxxiv. 10 Desolat shal [his land] be in to worldus of worldis.a1400Prymer (1891) 34 As hit was in the bygynnynge and now and euere: in the worldes of worldles amen.c1400Rule St. Benet (verse) 331 Sche sal..loue god euer of al his lone And wirchip him werld alwais.c1420Prymer (1895) 16 Glorie be to þee, lord,..in euerlastynge worldis.Ibid. 74 He ordeynede þo þingis into þe world, & in to þe world of world [L. in aeternum, et in saeculum saeculi].1434Misyn Mending of Life 131 To qwhome be wyrschip & ioy..in warld of warldys. Amen.1551Recorde Cast. Knowl. (1556) i. 4 Thorough worlde of worldes: whiche signifieth for euer.1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. xv. xii. 411 Eternall God, which liuest and reignest euer one God through all worlds, Amen. [1842Tennyson Gardener's Dau. 205, I heard his deep ‘I will,’ Breathed, like the covenant of a God, to hold From thence thro' all the worlds.]
b. world without (ME. abuten or buten) end; later used hyperbolically: Endlessly, eternally. Hence as adj. phr. = perpetual, everlasting, eternal; and as subst. phr. eternal existence, endlessness, eternity.
a1225Ancr. R. 182 Þeo þet hefden ofearned þe pinen of helle world a buten ende.c1305St. Swithin 109 in E.E.P. (1863) 46 Þat vuel..ne schal no leng ileste, Ac þu worst þerof hol and sound, wordle wiþouten ende.c1460Towneley Myst. ii. 465, I must nedis weynd, And to the dwill be thrall warld withoutten end.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 94/1 Many benefetes ben gyuen to thonour of our lord Jhū crist whiche is blessed world wythouten ende. Amen.1548–9Bk. Com. Prayer, Matins, As it was in the begynning, is now, and euer shalbe, world without ende.1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. ii. 799 A time me thinkes too short, To make a world-without-end bargaine in.1649Milton Eikon. xxi. Wks. 1851 III. 484 This man..thinks by talking world without end, to make good his integrity.1753in Life Ld. Hardwicke (1847) II. 499 Ld Chesterfield writes Worlds without End.1881Morris Mackail's W.M. (1899) II. 34 This world-without-end-for-everlasting hole of a London.1888Advance (Chicago) 20 Dec. 831 A city pastor, with a world-without-end of things to be done.1896A. E. Housman Shropsh. Lad xiv, My heart and soul and senses, World without end, are drowned.1905F. Young Sands of Pleasure i. v, Small wonder if the embodiment of the world-without-end should prove no encourager of man's happiness!
II. The earth or a region of it; the universe or a part of it.
7. a. The earth and all created things upon it; the terraqueous globe and its inhabitants. (See also 21 a, 22 a.)
citizen of the world: see citizen 2 c. universal world: see universal a. 8. wide world: see wide a. 1 b.
c888ælfred Boeth. xxxiii. §5 Þeah þu þa ealle ᵹesceafta ane naman ᵹenemnede, elle þu nemdest togedere & hete woruld.c893Oros. i. vi. §1 On þæs Ambictiones tide wurdon swa mycele wæterflod ᵹeond ealle world.a900Cynewulf Crist 659 Se þas world ᵹescop, godes gæst-sunu.c1175Lamb. Hom. 19 We habbeð ihereden þurh wise witega hu he erest astalde þeos woreld al for ure neode.c1200Ormin 15460 Godd shop all þe werrld off nohht.c1205Lay. 7206 He [Julius Cæsar] þohte to bi-winnen..al middel-eærdes lond and halde þat worlde in his hond.c1250Gen. & Ex. 901 Wiste no man of werlðe ðo, Quat kinde he was kumen fro.a1300Cursor M. 346 Bot he þat mad al thing o noght To-geder he al þis werld wroght.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 222 Noe sones..departed al þys werd..in þre parties.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. i. 4 Ich wente forth in þe worlde wonders to hure.a1400–50Wars Alex. 1502 He mon ride þus & regne ouire all þe ronde werde.c1400Maundev. (1839) 180 Men myghte go be Schippe alle aboute the World, and aboven and benethen.14..Childh. Jesus 111 in Horstm. Altengl. Leg. (1878) 113 Jhesu, þat alle þys orlle hath wrowt.1539Bible (Great) Psalms lxxxix. 12 Thou hast layed the foundacion of the rounde worlde, and all that therin is.1555Eden Decades 214 b, The vyage made by the Spanyardes rounde abowte the worlde.1598Sylvester Du Bartas ii. ii. i. Ark 60 The World's-re-colonizing Boat [viz. Noah's ark].1602Shakes. Ham. iii. ii. 168 And thirtie dozen Moones..About the World haue times twelue thirties beene.1653H. Cogan tr. Pinto's Trav. viii. 25 The Bisquayn Ship..wherein Magellan compassed the World.1667Milton P.L. xii. 646 The World was all before them, where to choose Thir place of rest, and Providence thir guide.1784Cowper Task i. 372 Its own revolvency upholds the world.1877Encycl. Brit. VII. 390/1 (Drake) This voyage round the world, the first accomplished by an Englishman, was thus performed in two years and about ten months.
b. transf. and fig.
1556in T. Sharp Cov. Myst. (1825) 73 Paid to Crowe for makyng of iij worldys..ijs.1593Shakes. Lucr. 408 Her breasts like Iuory globes circled with blew, A paire of maiden worlds vnconquered.1597Lover's Compl. 7, I..Ere long espied a fickle maid full pale..Storming her world with sorrows, wind and raine.1746Francis tr. Hor. Epist. i. xix. 29 Through open Worlds of Rhime I dar'd to tread In Paths unknown.1873Browning Red Cotton Night-Cap Country 706 See, the sun splits on yonder bauble world Of silvered glass.
c. In phr. with go round, orig. referring to the rotation of the earth, but used chiefly fig. with implication of other senses (e.g. 1 a, 3).
1782Burns A Toast 4 Their fame it shall last while the world goes round.1788J. Hurdis Village Curate (1797) 21 Tis drink, And only drink, that makes the world go round.1882W. S. Gilbert Iolanthe ii, It's Love that makes the world go round!
d. the world's end: the farthest limit of the earth. Chiefly used hyperbolically.
Used as the proper name of out-of-the-way localities or houses, esp. formerly, of certain inns kept for illicit purposes (cf. quot. 1695).
1599Shakes. Much Ado ii. i. 272 Will your Grace command mee any seruice to the worlds end? I will goe on the slightest arrand now to the Antypodes.1628tr. Matthieu's Powerfull Favorite 13 Is it for this (say they) that they haue sent him to the worlds end.1695Congreve Love for L. ii. ix, Poor innocent! you don't know that there's a place call'd the World's End?1727Boyer Dict. Royal II. s.v. World, He lives at the World's end (or a great way off).1863W. C. Baldwin Afr. Hunting vi. 216 We saw..the fresh footprints of a Kaffir, and resolved to follow that to the world's end.
attrib.1839Bailey Festus 90 Now we stand On the world's-end-land!
e. In generalized sense, usually qualified by a.
1676Dryden Aurengz. iii. 33 Too truly Tamerlain's Successors they, Each thinks a World too little for his sway.1713Derham Phys.-Theol. ii. i. (1720) 39 This [spherical figure] must be allowed to be the most commodious, apt Figure for a World on many Accounts.1748Richardson Clarissa (1768) VIII. 190 They have great force upon me..or one world would not have held Mr. Lovelace and me thus long.1784Cowper Task iv. 89 'Tis pleasant through the loop-holes of retreat To peep at such a world.1865Swinburne Chastelard v. ii. 189 Life is not worth a world That you should weep to take it.
f. pl. Used hyperbolically for: ‘a great quantity’; often advb. ‘a great deal’, ‘infinitely’ (cf. 19 b). (a) pl. not (..) for worlds: not for all the wealth in the world, not on any account.
a1586Sidney Arcadia iii. (1912) 517 Like two contrarie tides, either of which are able to carry worldes of shippes, and men upon them.1590Shakes. Mids. N. ii. i. 223 Nor doth this wood lacke worlds of company.1621J. Taylor (Water P.) Unnat. Father Wks. 1630 i. 142 Through worlds of Deaths I'l breake to fly to him. [1831James Phil. Augustus xix, I would not part with this for worlds of ore.] Ibid. xxiv, Nor would he do one act for worlds, that could..cast a shade over the fame and honour of one ―.1872F. Locker Lond. Lyrics (ed. 5) 178 I'd give worlds to borrow Her yellow rose with russet leaves.1874W. S. Gilbert Sweethearts ii, I'm sure I wouldn't stand in his way for worlds.1891Farrar Darkn. & Dawn x, She seemed to be separated by whole worlds of difference from such ladies as his own mother.1892‘G. Travers’ Mona Maclean vi, I was worlds too shy.1900H. S. Holland Old & New 33 They look to you worlds apart.
(b) sing., in negative context, e.g. not for the world, all the world, half the world.
1588Shakes. L.L.L. ii. i. 99 Prin. He'll be forsworne. Nau. Not for the world faire Madam, by my will.1604Oth. iv. iii. 68 Would'st thou do such a deed for al the world?1605P. Erondelle Fr. Gard. N 6 b, I would not faile in it for any thing in the world.1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 32 Not for all the world, purposing any hurt vnto him.1664in Trans. Cumbld. & Westmld. Antiq. Soc. (N.S.) 178 A thing I would not have been guilty of for halfe the world.1665Boyle Occas. Refl. iv. i. 6 He would not for all the World return again.1731–8Swift Pol. Conversat. 43, I wou'dn't be as sick as she's proud, for all the World.1784Cowper Task iii. 807 He..Can dig, beg, rot,..but could not for a world Fish up his dirty and dependent bread, [etc.].1797Jane Austen Sense & Sens. xxxviii, But I am sure I would not do such a thing for all the world.1822Scott Nigel viii, Not for the world..will I be a spy on my kind godfather's secrets.1847Buckstone Flowers of Forest iii. vii, No, no—not for the wide wide world.1881M. E. Braddon Asph. I. iii. 62 Daphne, usually loquacious, felt as if she could not have spoken for the world.
g. broke to the world: see broke ppl. a. 3; (it's a) small world: see small a. 3 b; (on) top of the world: see top n.1 16.
8. a. With qualification: Any part of the universe considered as an entity, as middle world (the earth), lower world or nether world (Hades or hell, less freq. the earth), underworld 1.
c1200,c1822[see middle world].1607Shakes. Timon i. i. 44 This beneath world.1609–[see underworld 1].1720[see nether a. 6].1784Cowper Task vi. 729 The groans of nature in this nether world, Which Heav'n has heard for ages.1786Burns Nature's Law ii, This lower world I you resign.179.To Mr. Renton, Though 'twere a trip to yon blue warl' [i.e. hell].1814Cary Dante, Parad. xvii. 22, I..With Virgil..visited the nether world of woe.
b. A planet or other heavenly body, esp. one viewed as inhabited.
1713Addison Cato v. i, But thou shalt flourish..Unhurt amidst..The Wrecks of Matter, and the Crush of Worlds.1732Pope Ess. Man i. 254 Being on Being wreck'd, and world on world.1781Cowper Retirem. 81 The sun, a world whence other worlds drink light.1870R. A. Proctor (title) Other Worlds than Ours.1872Black Adv. Phaeton xxxi. 419 Overhead the great worlds became more visible in the deep vault of blue.
9. The material universe as an ordered system; the system of created things; ‘heaven and earth’; the cosmos. Also (rarely) a system of heavenly bodies. Also fig. In early use chiefly in the greater world or more world, the macrocosm, and the less world or little world, the microcosm, man. Now rare.
c1200Ormin 17597 Mycrocossmos, þatt nemmnedd iss Affterr Ennglisshe spæche Þe little werelld.a1300Cursor M. 552 For þis resun þat ȝee haue hard, Man es clepid þe lesse werld.1340–70Alex. & Dind. 645 Ȝe liknen a lud to a litil wordle.1390Gower Conf. II. 71 A soubtil man,..Which thurgh magique and sorcerie Couthe al the world of tricherie.1450–1530Myrr. our Ladye ii. 181 No meruayle thoughe god had more delyte in the thow lesse worlde that were yet to be made, then of thys more worlde.1481Caxton Myrr. i. xvi. 50 This clerenesse..enuyronneth al aboute the worlde the foure elementis whiche god created.1519Interl. Four Elem. A vj b, The yerth as a poynt or center is sytuate In the myddes of the worlde.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 1 Lyke as the great worlde was made perfecte in vij dayes, so y⊇ lesse worlde, that is man, is made..perfecte by grace in these vij spirituall dayes.1551Recorde Cast. Knowl. i. (1556) 4 The worlde is an apte frame of heauen and earthe, and all other naturall thinges contained in them.1605Shakes. Lear iii. i. 10 (Qo. 1) In his little world of man.1633Herbert Temple, Man viii, Man is one world, and hath Another to attend him.c1645Howell Lett. ii. l. (1890) 444 Surely the Astronomers had reason to term this Sphere..a thing of no dimension at all, being compar'd to the whole World.1690Locke Hum. Und. ii. xxiv. §1 The great collective Idea of all Bodies whatsoever signified by the name World.1709Shaftesbury Moralists iii. i. 182 Thy Works apparent to us, the System of the bigger World!1728Chambers Cycl. s.v. University, The four Faculties are supposed to make the World or Universe of Study.1755B. Martin Mag. Arts & Sci. 8 The Philosophers of the present Age teach us, that the Universe..is replenished with Systems or Worlds of different Bodies.1882T. Fowler Shaftesbury & Hutcheson 106 We may infer that Shaftesbury conceived the relation of God to the World as that of soul to the body. Nature is..the vesture of God, and God the soul of the Universe.
10. The sphere within which one's interests are bound up or one's activities find scope; (one's) sphere of action or thought; the ‘realm’ within which one moves or lives.
In the earliest instances with allusion to the microcosm of man (see 9).
a1586Sidney Apol. Poetry (Arb.) 31 How it [sc. virtue] extendeth it selfe out of the limits of a mans own little world, to the gouernment of families.a1642Suckling Poems (1648) 11 In each mans heart that doth begin To love, there's ever fram'd within A little world.1642H. More Song of Soul iii. ii. xv, She dwells in her own self, there doth reside, Is her own world, and more or lesse doth pen Her self.1807Wordsw. Personal Talk 23 Children are blest and powerful; their world lies More justly balanced; partly at their feet, And part far from them.1837Disraeli Venetia ii. ii, With no aspirations beyond the little world in which she moved.1837H. Martineau Soc. Amer. III. 28 The atmosphere of insolence in which he dwells;..the taint of contempt which infects all the intercourses of his world.1853T. T. Lynch Self-Improvem. iii. 53 A man's world is not of the senses simply, but of the spirit too.1898‘H. S. Merriman’ Roden's Corner xvi. 168 [His] world was a narrow one, consisting as it did of himself and his bank-book.
11. A section or part of the earth at large, as a place of inhabitation or settlement; a country or region.
New World, a continent or country discovered or colonized at a comparatively late period, esp. the continents of America (the Western Hemisphere) as distinguished from the Old World, or the continents of the Eastern Hemisphere, esp. Europe and Asia, as being known before the discovery of America.
1555Eden Decades title-p., The Decades of the Newe Worlde or West India.1581G. Pettie tr. Guazzo's Civ. Conv. Ep. Ded. A iij b, Some of them..seeke new Countries and new worlds to shew their valiancie in.1589Hakluyt Princ. Navig. (title-p.), The English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America.a1593Marlowe & Nashe Dido i. i, Of Troy am I,..driuen by warre from forth my natiue world.1593Shakes. Rich. II, ii. i. 45 This little world, This precious stone, set in the siluer sea.1600Hakluyt Voy. III. title-p., Voyages..to all parts of the Newfound world of America, or the West Indies.1601Holland Pliny vi. i. I. 115 From the one side to the other [of the Bosphorus]..men out of these two worlds may parly one to another with audible voice.1627May Lucan iii. E 2 b, Tanais..doth diuide Europe from Asia, giuing to each side The name of seuerall worlds.1638Brome Antipodes i. vi, No Isle nor Angle in that Neather world, But I have made discovery of.1698Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 183 This World produces two Harvests.1709Pope Ess. Crit. 711 Thence Arts o'er all the northern world advance.1741Watts Improv. Mind i. (1801) 16 Alexander the Great..when he had conquered what was called the Eastern World..wept for want of more worlds to conquer.1812Rogers Voy. Columbus ii. 39 From world to world their steady course they keep.1842Tennyson Ulysses 57 Come, my friends, 'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.1859Cornwallis (title) A Panorama of the New World [Australia].1861M. Pattison Ess. (1889) I. 46 Before the New World poured in so many objects hitherto unknown to Europe.1888Bryce Amer. Commw. I. 29 note, The influence which American freedom would exert upon the Old World.
12. A division of created things; esp. each of three primary divisions of natural objects (the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms).
organic world, the animal and vegetable kingdoms; inorganic world, the material world outside these.
1695Woodward Nat. Hist. Earth i. (1723) 3 Nor..did I neglect..whatever either the Vegetable or Animal World afforded.1727–46Thomson Summer 112 The vegetable world is also thine, Parent of Seasons!1861Buckle Civiliz. (1873) II. viii. 530 In the inorganic world, the magnificent discoveries of Newton were contumeliously rejected.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) III. 70 As in the animal or vegetable world.
13. a. A group or system of things or beings associated by common characteristics (denoted by a qualifying word or phrase), or considered as constituting a unity.
1673T. Blount (title) A World of Errors discovered in the New World of Words.1685G. Sinclair (title) Satans Invisible World discovered.1690Locke Hum. Und. iv. iii. §27 (1695) 319 The whole intellectual World; a greater certainly, and more beautiful World, than the material.1701Norris Ideal World i. vi. 389 Truth is where the Divine Ideas are,..in the Intelligible World, that world of true light and glory.1704Ibid. ii. iii. 253 Intellectual world means the world of spirits, whereas by intelligible world we mean the world of Ideas.1781Cowper Retirem. 536 Then, all the world of waters sleeps again.1807Wordsw. Personal Talk 33 Dreams, books, are each a world.1821Lamb Elia i. Witches, Dear little T. H...finds all this world of fear [i.e. night fears]..in his own ‘thick-coming fancies’.1842Dickens Amer. Notes xvi, We carried in the steerage nearly a hundred passengers: a little world of poverty.1851[see visible a. 1].a1862Buckle Misc. Wks. (1872) I. 213 The external world is governed by acts, the internal world by opinions.1874Mivart Contemp. Evol. (1876) 199 The mingling of the hyperphysical world of rationality with the irrational creation.1893W. S. Furneaux (title) The Outdoor World; or, Young Collector's Handbook.
b. world of words: a dictionary. Obs.
1598Florio (title) A Worlde of Wordes, Or Most copious, and exact Dictionarie in Italian and English.1611Cotgr., Vocabulaire, a Vocabularie, Dictionarie, world of words.1696Phillips (title) The Moderne World of Words, or A Vniversall English Dictionary,..Novus Orbis Verborum.
III. The inhabitants of the earth, or a section of them.
14. a. The human race; the whole of mankind; human society. (See also 21 b, 22 b.)
Sometimes passing into 15.
a900Cynewulf Crist 1424 Hwæt! ic þæt for worulde ᵹeþolade.c1200Ormin 17496 Swa lufede þe Laferrd Godd þe werelld, tatt he sennde Hiss aȝhenn Sune..to wurrþenn mann onn erþe.c1205Lay. 9072 Jesu Crist..alre worulde wunne.c1275XI Pains of Hell 128 in O.E. Misc. 214 Þe sun of god, Þat aȝayn boȝt þe word.1390Gower Conf. I. 1 So that it myhte in such a wyse, Whan we ben dede..Beleve to the worldes eere.c1400Pety Job 596 in 26 Pol. Poems 140 And so shall I see my sauyour Deme the worlde.1535in Lett. Suppr. Monast. (Camden) 31, I suppose it wolbe hard for you to purge your selfe before God or the worle.1567Jewel Def. Apol. vi. vi. § 2. 620 They make Decrees expressely againste Goddes Woorde, and that not..couertly, but openly, and in the face of the worlde.1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacræ ii. i. §2 It being impossible that persons employed by a God of truth should make it their design to impose upon the world.1714Derham Astro-Theol. (1769) 27 The condition, state and order of the world inhabiting the earth.1733Pope Ess. Man iii. 307 In Faith and Hope the world will disagree, But all Mankind's concern is Charity.1842Tennyson Locksley Hall 128 In the Parliament of man, the Federation of the world.1842Walking to Mail 69 You know That these two parties still divide the world—Of those that want, and those that have.1866Liddon Bampton Lect. vi. (1875) 337 The whole world was redeemed by Christ.
b. world's, worlde(s shame, shame of the world: universal or public disgrace. Obs.
Replacing the OE. compound woruldscamu (ME. weorldscome): see 25 a.
1390Gower Conf. I. 353 He schal with worldes schame Himself and ek his love schame.1483–4Act 1 Rich. III, c. 4 Persones of noo substaunce ne havur, not dredyng God nor worldez shame.1594Shakes. Rich. III, iv. iv. 27 Worlds shame.1611Chapman May Day iv, Has not one of them [sc. disguises] kept you safe from the shame of the world?1731–8Swift Pol. Conversat. 32 Fie, fie, Miss! for Shame of the World, and Speech of good People.1882Pusey Par. & Cath. Serm. xii. 164 One decided act of blind, obedient faith, ready..to bear what might bring the world's shame.
c. against the world: in opposition to or in the face of all mankind; hence, against all opposition, in preference to everything else. (See also 21 b.)
1601Shakes. Jul. C. iii. ii. 124 But yesterday, the word of Casar might Haue stood against the World.1690W. Walker Idiomat. Anglo-Lat. 531, I am for the woods against the World, i.e. before any thing.1859Tennyson Guinevere 114 There will I..hold thee with my life against the world.
15. The body of living persons in general; society at large, ‘people’, the public; often with reference to its judgement or opinion.
1603Shakes. Meas. for M. i. ii. 120 Fellow, why do'st thou show me thus to th' world? Beare me to prison.1616R. Cocks Diary (Hakl. Soc.) I. 127 Yet let both hym and the world judg of me yf I dealt frendly with hym.1693Humours Town 29 To make the World think he has been at a good Meal.1738Pope Epil. Sat. i. 147 In golden Chains the willing World she [sc. Virtue] draws.1762Churchill Night 351 You must be wrong, the World is in the right.1784Cowper Task vi. 681 He..call'd the world to worship on the banks Of Avon, fam'd in song.1828Ld. Ellenborough Diary (1881) I. 201 There are all sorts of stories of the Lord High Admiral, and the world says he is mad.1833–5Newman Hist. Sk. Ser. iii. x. (1873) 191 It is harder to resist the world's smiles than the world's frowns.1858Mrs. Craik Woman's Th. ix. 230 How often do we hear the phrases,—‘What will the world say?’1859Tennyson Elaine 936 The world, the world, All ear and eye.1893Bookman June 85/1 From the world's point of view his unpopularity was richly deserved.
16. Usually with qualification: A particular division, section, or generation of the earth's inhabitants or human society.
a. with reference to the place or time of their existence.
1382Wyclif 2 Pet. ii. 5 If God..sparide not to the first world, but kepte Noe [Tindale the olde worlde but saved Noe].1601,1704Western world [see western a. 4].1615G. Sandys Trav. 76 The old world, as is thought, was ignorant of this sport.c1670A. Wood Life (O.H.S.) I. 317 The world of England was perfectly mad.1781Cowper Charity 40 While Cook is lov'd for savage lives he sav'd, See Cortez odious for a world enslav'd.1822Shelley Calderon's Magico Prodigioso i. 126 The wisdom Of the old world masked with the names of Gods.1890Wrightson Sancta Respubl. Rom. 4 Theodosius left the Roman world in peace.1922G. M. Trevelyan Brit. Hist. 19th Cent. v. 91 To prevent the domination and exploitation of the European world by France.
b. with reference to their interests or pursuits.
1601Shakes. All's Well iv. iv. 2 One of the greatest in the Christian world Shall be my suretie.1658R. Baillie in Durham's Comm. Rev. (1660) To Rdr. B 1 b, The matter of it..cannot but be very welcom and acceptable to the world of Believers.1710Steele Tatler No. 195 ⁋1 The Learned World are very much offended at many of my Ratiocinations.1779Sheridan Critic i. i, A gentleman well known in the theatrical world.1796Nelson 25 Nov. in Nicolas Disp. (1845) II. 305 The part allotted to me..ended, as our world here, say, much to my credit.1779Mirror No. 38 The female world.1798C. Smith Yng. Philos. III. 74 Satiated as I am, and as I suppose two thirds of the reading world have been with sonnets.1807T. Thomson Chem. (ed. 3) II. 470 A fact now well known to the chemical world.1810Sporting Mag. XXXV. 304 An extraordinary circumstance is stated to have taken place in the musical world.1854Poultry Chron. II. 219 Two noblemen, whose names are as eminent in the poultry world as in rank.1870Huxley Lay Serm. iii. 48 The serene resting-place for worn human nature—the world of art.1882Sala Amer. Revis. viii. (1885) 160 The whole world of ruffiandom.1886Ruskin Præterita II. 5 He brought us news from the mathematical and grammatical world.1897M. Kingsley W. Africa 441 An old marine engineer..who loves them [his engines] as living things,..defending them..against the aspersions of the silly, uninformed outside world.
17. a. Human society considered in relation to its activities, difficulties, temptations, and the like; hence, contextually, the ways, practices, or customs of the people among whom one lives; the occupations and interests of society at large.
to begin the world: to begin to take an active part in the affairs of life; to start one's career.
1449Paston Lett. Suppl. (1901) 21 He seythe that he shall dwelle with his wyffes fader..and he will no forther medill in the werde.1556in Feuillerat Revels Q. Mary (1914) 215 These two will attempt the worlde to seke theyr fortune.1570Foxe A. & M. (ed. 2) 2237/2 A stocke of money to begin the world withall.1598Shakes. Merry W. ii. ii. 136 Olde folkes you know, haue discretion, as they say, and know the world.1704M. Henry Church in House 55 You are beginning the World (as you call it).1712Steele Spect. No. 491 ⁋2 However he had so much of the World, that he had a great share of the Language which usually prevails upon the weaker Part of that Sex.1732Berkeley Alciphr. i. §1 That great Whirlpool of Business, Faction, and Pleasure, which is called the World.1753–4Richardson Grandison II. xvi. 124 He will be still kinder to them, when they are old enough to be put into the world.1796(title) Address to a Young Lady on her entrance into the world.1839Newman Par. Serm. IV. xii. 212 By the world, I mean all that meets a man in intercourse with his fellow men.1853Dickens Bleak Ho. xiii, The world is before you; and it is most probable that as you enter it, so it will receive you.1882W. Ballantine Exper. I. ix. 115 He was a perfect child in the world's ways.1882Besant All Sorts xxxii. (1898) 227 Two thousand pounds; that's a large sum to hand over... Upon my word,..you will have to begin the world again.1899Jesse L. Williams Stolen Story etc. 186 Hamilton J. Knox had been one of the great men of his day..when in college. He was in the World now.
b. with reference to social status or worldly fortune.
Phrr. to get up in the world, to go down in the world; to be beforehand or behindhand in (or with) the world: to be in prosperous or indigent circumstances.
1687Miége Gt. Fr. Dict. ii. s.v. World, To be before hand in the World, être à son aise... To be behind hand in the World, faire mal ses Affaires.1777Thicknesse Journ. France (1789) I. 10 My landlord, Monsieur Dessein, who was behind-hand with the world ten years ago, is now become one of the richest men in Calais.1784Cowper Tiroc. 672 Low in the world, because he scorns its arts.1791J. Woodforde Diary 20 Mar. (1927) III. 257 John Greaves, my Carpenter..married about 2 Years or more ago, to a Servant Maid of Mrs. Lombe's..and lived very happy together and daily getting up in the World.1837J. S. Mill Let. 6 Aug. in Works (1963) XII. 346 To alter their style of living and go (as the vulgar phrase is) down in the world.1838Dickens O. Twist xxxix, Indications of the good gentleman's having gone down in the world of late.1840Marryat Poor Jack xxviii, His family is getting up in the world.1883D. C. Murray Hearts xiv. (1885) 112, I am getting on a little in the world, and am in the way to earn a little money.1889[see come v. 60 e].
18. High or fashionable society. More explicitly the world of fashion, the fashionable world; also the polite world, the great world, occas. the very first world. (See also 21 c.)
half-world (= demi-monde): see half- II. n.
1673Dryden Marr. à la Mode i. i, He talks too like a man that knew the world To have been long a Peasant.1711Addison Spect. No. 15 ⁋7 She..fancies herself out of the World, when she is not in the Ring, the Play-House, or the Drawing-Room.1713Swift Cadenus & Vanessa 430 To know the world! a modern phrase For visits, ombre, balls, and plays.1726Lady M. W. Montagu Let. to C'tess Mar Wks. 1837 II. 185, I leave the great world to girls that know no better.1750Chesterfield Let. to Son 11 June, The court is called the world here, as well as at Paris; and nothing more is meant, by saying that a man knows the world, than that he knows courts.1763Brit. Mag. Jan. 14/2 The polite world.1786Burns Twa Dogs 158 To mak a tour, an' tak a whirl, To learn bon ton an' see the worl'.1791Boswell Johnson 24 Apr. 1779 (1904) II. 292 Mr. Beauclerk..told us a number of short stories in a lively elegant manner, and with that air of the world which has I know not what impressive effect.1791C. Smith Celestina (ed. 2) I. 32 His solicitude to maintain his importance as a man of taste in the fashionable world.1796Marchmont IV. 280, I saw enough of the lives of people of the very first world.1853Dickens Bleak Ho. ii, It is but a glimpse of the world of fashion that we want.1889‘J. S. Winter’ Mrs. Bob ix. (1891) 109, I must tell you that the Parish set comprised ‘the world’ of the ancient city.
IV. Idiomatic uses and phrases: see also above.
19. a world.
a. A vast quantity, an ‘infinity’; in early use, esp. a vast expanse (of land or water). a world of years, world of time (obs. or dial.): a vast extent of time, an age, an eternity. (Sometimes more emphatically a whole world of.)
c1440Pallad. on Husb. vii. 28 The playner part of ffraunce a craft hath fonde To repe in litel space a world of londe.1423Jas. I Kingis Q. lxxxii, Standing there I sawe A warld of folk.1579–80North Plutarch, Nicias (1595) 589 A world of trumpets, howboyes, and such marine musicke.1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. ii. 353 A world of torments though I should endure.1589Warner Alb. Eng., æneidos 151 My Father..deliuered mee with a world of Treasure to Polymnestor.1590Spenser F.Q. i. i. 39 He, making speedy way through spersed ayre, And through the world of waters wide and deepe.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, iii. i. 94 For there will be a World of Water shed, Vpon the parting of your Wiues and you.1598Chapman Blinde Beg. Alexandria D 3 b, What a worlde of tyme Is it for me to lie as in a sounde, Without my life.1601Holland Pliny xiv. i. I. 404 Yet continued it hath a world of yeares uncorrupt.1620Quarles Pentel. N 4, Seruing a world of yeeres.1632Lithgow Trav. i. 16, I beheld a world of old Bookes.1662Evelyn Sculptura, Acc. Signor Favi c 6, He had made provision of sundry huge Volumes,..besides a world more which he had sent away.1703Earl of Orrery As you find it ii. ii. 22, I have a World of Business to do this Afternoon.1779G. Keate Sketches fr. Nat. (ed. 2) II. 78 A ship that hath traversed the globe, and cut her passage through a world of waters.1791F. Burney Jrnl. Sept. (1972) I. 57 The Water has done me a World of good—I drink it at morning & Noon regularly.1804Scott 19 Mar. in Lockhart I. xii. 412, I had a world of things to say to you.1812Rogers Voy. Columbus v. 2 A world of waves, a sea without a shore.1849Robertson Serm. Ser. i. v. (1866) 79 A whole world of passions.1854A. E. Baker Northampt. Gloss. s.v., It'll take a world of time to do it.1897S. Crane Third Violet iv. 22 These long walks in the clear mountain air are doing you a world of good.
b. Used advb.: Infinitely, vastly. (Cf. worlds, 7 f.) arch.
1600Shakes. A.Y.L. ii. vii. 160 His youthfull hose well sau'd, a world too wide, For his shrunke shanke.1879‘Hesba Stretton’ Needle's Eye xxxiv, Her smile..had a world more tenderness in it.1887Pall Mall Gaz. 22 June 5/2 The Venus Anadyomene is a fine thing, but the Statue of Liberty is a world finer.
c. it is a world: it is a great thing, it is a marvel. Similarly it is a world and wonder, wonder a world. Obs. or dial.
c1440Generydes 2205 Euerychone on other ferly they sette..and trewly for to speke It was a world to here the sperys breke.1519Interl. 4 Elem. C v b, It is a worlde to se her whyrle Daunsynge in a rounde.a1562G. Cavendish Wolsey (1825) I. 145 It is not a world to consider the desire of wilful princes, when they fully be bent..to fulfil their voluptuous appetites.1596Shakes. Tam. Shr. ii. i. 313. 1600 Holland Livy iii. xxvi. 105 A world and wonder it is to hear them speak.1620Bp. Andrewes 96 Serm., Holy Ghost xiii. (1629) 738 But it were a world to rake up old errors.1666Dugdale Orig. Jurid. 152/1 The Prince so served will tender meats,..as it seemed wonder a world to observe the provision.1881Leic. Gloss. s.v., It's a woo'ld to see that theer little un order the big uns to the roight abaout!
20. the world (see also above senses).
a. in the world: on earth, in existence; (a) as an intensive phrase after a superlative or all, no, not a, everything, nothing, etc. Also occas. in (a) world; OE. on worulde.
a1070Laws Ethelred, Be griðe §25 On hwam mæᵹ huru æfre æniᵹ man on worolde swyðor God wurðian ðonne on cyrcan?1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 181 Þe veireste men in þe world þer inne [sc. in England] beþ ibore.1375Barbour Bruce i. 240 Mar to prys Than all the gold in warld that is.a1400–50Wars Alex. 5131 Thretti goblettis of gold, þe grattest in þe worde.c1489Caxton Sonnes of Aymon ix. 224 He began to make the gretest sorow in the worlde.c1500Melusine v. 27 He had nat mow say one only word for all the gold in the world.1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. i. 74 And I had but one penny in the world, thou shouldst haue it.a1589R. Lane in Hakluyt's Voy. 739 The Riuer of Choanoak, and all the other sounds,..shewe no currant in the world in calme weather.1606Shakes. Ant. & Cl. ii. vii. 3 The least winde i' th' world wil blow them downe.1606Tr. & Cr. i. ii. 41 Cre. Hectors a gallant man. Man. As may be in the world Lady.1694Atterbury Serm. (Isa. lx. 22) (1726) I. 110 The Gospel of Christ, at its Earliest appearance, had all the Probabilities in the World against its Success.1711Steele Spect. No. 142 ⁋7 It is the hardest thing in the World to be in Love, and yet attend Business.1716Wodrow Corr. (1843) II. 123 They would have given all they had in a world to have been off.1790Mrs. Wheeler Westmld. Dial. (1821) 21 Thats aw spite, nowt ith ward else.1826Disraeli Viv. Grey iii. viii, Here is everybody in the world that I wish to see, except yourself.1833Dickens Sk. Boz, Mr. Minns, He was..the most retiring man in the world.1890‘R. Boldrewood’ Col. Reformer xxvi, Hartley enjoyed his dinner..as if he had not a debt in the world.
(b) intensifying an interrogative.
1530Palsgr. 467/2 He wyste nat in the worlde what to do.1595Shakes. John v. iv. 26 What in the world should make me now deceiue..?1600J. Pory tr. Leo's Africa i. 11 He knew not what in the world to doe.1614Day Dyall Ep. Ded. 2 b, Hee.. could not tell where in the world he had laid it.1835Dickens Sk. Boz, Private Theatres, And if they don't know how to do this sort of thing, who in the world does?1865Mrs. Whitney Gayworthys xxvi, How in the world did you persuade the captain?
b. of the world [cf. F. du monde]: = in the world (20 a). Obs.
13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 238 Al studied þat þer stod, & stalked hym nerre, Wyth al þe wonder of þe worlde, what he worch schulde.1476Stonor Papers (Camden) II. 7 Yff ye wold be a good etter off your mete..ye shuld make me the gladdest man off the world.c1477Caxton Jason 69 Wherfore they began to crye and demene the gretteste sorow of the worlde.1589Puttenham Engl. Poesie iii. xxiv. (Arb.) 300 The most gentle and affable Prince of the world.1611Shakes. Wint. T. v. iii. 72 No setled Sences of the World can match The pleasure of that madnesse.1620Shelton Quix. iii. ix. 203 He began the most sadd and dolefull lamentation of the world.
c. of (all) the world: out of the whole world, above all others in the world. Obs. or arch.
1760–72H. Brooke Fool of Qual. (1809) II. 150 The man of the world, excepting yourself.., for whom I have the dearest respect.Ibid. III. 3 You are the man of the world whom I would have chosen.1781Cowper Hope 427 The book of all the world that charm'd me most Was—well-a-day, the title page was lost!
d. all to the world: in every respect; = 21 e.
1749Fielding Tom Jones viii. viii, There the Bastard was bred up,..all to the World like any Gentleman.
e. to think the world of: to have the highest possible opinion of or regard for.
[1852Mrs. Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin II. xxxiv. 206 He had a cousin come to New Orleans, who was his particular friend,—he thought all the world of him.]1892‘Mark Twain’ Amer. Claimant iii. 24 They..think the world of Mulberry.1894‘L. Keith’ 'Lisbeth xvii, She thinks the world of 'Lisbeth.1905F. Young Sands of Pleasure ii. i, She was kept by a Russian Prince, who thought the world of her.
f. See man of the world. Similarly woman of the world, a woman who is experienced in the ways of life or the conventions of society.
1780F. Burney Diary Apr. (1904) I. vii. 328 She is an easy, chatty, sensible woman of the world.1822M. Edgeworth Let. 10 Apr. (1971) 393 Lady Clare is a painted—made up—vulgar thorough going woman of the world.1837H. Martineau Soc. Amer. III. 132 Girls..boldly staring at all that is going on, and serving themselves, like little women of the world.1844Kinglake Eothen viii, Presently (though with all the skill of a woman of the world) she shuffled away the subject.
21. all the world.
a. The whole of the inhabited globe; the entire earth (or universe).
c1175Lamb. Hom. 35 Me were leofere þenne al world [etc.].1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 705 Þei al þe world wer min & al þe richesse iwis.Ibid. 7551 Þer nas prince in al þe world of so noble fame.c1300Havelok 1290 It [sc. the hill] was so hey, þat y wel mouthe Al þe werd se, als me þouthe.1382Wyclif Mark viii. 36 What profiteth it a man, if he wynne al the world, and do peyringe to his soule?a1400–50Wars Alex. 18 Þat was þe athill Alexsandire..Þat aȝte euyn as his awyn all the werd ouire.1420in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. iii. I. 70 Aboue all erthely Princeps thorw all the word Christene and Hethene.c1450Hymns Virgin (1867) 122 Alle the worlle schalle to-dryve.1567Gude & Godlie B. (S.T.S.) 4 Go zour way into all the warld, and preiche the Euangell.1600Shakes. A.Y.L. ii. vii. 139 All the world's a stage, And all the men and women, meerely Players.1713Derham Phys.-Theol. ii. v. (1720) 48 Every where all the World over.1784Cowper Task i. 698 Such London is, by taste and wealth proclaim'd The fairest capital of all the world.1830Tennyson Sea-Fairies 41 Who can light on as happy a shore All the world o'er?1833New-Year's Eve 24 In the early early morning..Before the red cock crows..When..all the world is still.
b. Everybody in existence; in narrower sense, everybody in the community, the public. against all the world: in opposition to or competition with everybody. (= F. tout le monde.)
all the world and his wife: see wife n. 2 b.
a1300Cursor M. 14495 All þe werld mon wit him rijs.1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 2386 Þou mayst nat excuse þe with rous [v.r. ros], And sey, ‘al þe worlde so dous’.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xxii. 219 For antecrist and hise shal al þe worlde greue.1426Audelay Poems 2 That al the werd schal have wyttying.1523Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) I. 33 Theire insaciable apetite..ys so manyfest and notorys to all the word.1588in Border Papers (1894) I. 307 The Kinge..will mayntaine it [sc. religion] to the uttermoste of his power against all the worlde.1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV, iv. v. 225 Which I, with more, then with a Common paine, 'Gainst all the World, will rightfully maintaine.1617Moryson Itin. ii. 157, I will faithfully serve her against all the World.1660Jer. Taylor Ductor Dubit. iii. iv. rule 13. 284 The Rogation fast (all the world knows) was instituted by Mammercus Bishop of Vienna.1768Goldsm. Good-n. Man i. i, All the world loves him.1841Thackeray Gt. Hoggarty Diam. xii, A man has no business to place them on paper for all the world to read.1854Tennyson Charge Light Brigade iii, Charging an army, while All the world wonder'd.1879McCarthy Donna Q. I. 60 A woman can be handsome without all the world running after her.
c. Everybody in fashionable society; everybody of account.
1813Sk. Char. (ed. 2) I. 39 Oh, all the world's here, the season was never so full.1860Trollope Castle Richmond xxvii, All the world—her world and his world—would think it better that they should part.1877Echo 31 July 1/4 The London Season when ‘everybody’ goes out of town—all the world, indeed.
d. Everything in existence: often in intensive emotional use = All that is of value or account to a person, something supremely precious.
Cf. quot. 1382 in a above.
1595Shakes. John iii. iv. 104 My life, my ioy, my food, my all the world.1704Pope Autumn 88, I may.. Forsake mankind, and all the world—but love!1797Jane Austen Sense & Sens. xlvi, You, my mother, and Margaret must henceforth be all the world to me.1853Mrs. Gaskell Ruth iv, Happiest of all, there was the consciousness of his love, who was all the world to her.
e. for all the world: in regard to, or taking into consideration, everything in the world; hence, in every respect, exactly (like, etc.). Also occas. for all this world, in all the world. (See also 7 f (b).)
c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 16063 For al þe werd, so ferde he, On lyue wolde he non let be.c1374Chaucer Troylus iii. 1244 For alle þis world in swich present gladnesse Was Troilus and hath his lady swete.c1386L.G.W. Prol. 218 For al the world ryght as the dayseye I-corounede is with white leuys lite.1513Douglas æneis iii. vii. 40 Sic ene had he, and sic fair handis tway, For all the warld, sic mouth and face, perfay.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, iii. ii. 93 For all the World, As thou art to this houre, was Richard then.1596Merch. V. v. i. 149 A paltry Ring..whose Poesie was For all the world like Cutlers Poetry Vpon a knife.1601Holland Pliny xi. xliv. I. 349 Thumbs and great toes they have moreover, with joints like (in all the world) to a man.1609Dekker Gull's Horn-bk. iii. 15 Two narrow paire of staires, that for all the world haue crooked windings like those that lead to the top of Powles steeple.1621Bp. R. Montagu Diatribæ 339 Iust, for all the world, as the Pharises are taxed by our Sauiour.1775Sheridan Duenna ii. iii, As to her singing..she has a shrill, cracked pipe, that sounds for all the world like a child's trumpet.1809Malkin Gil Blas iv. v. ⁋3 She..dressed herself up in such a costume, as to look for all the world as if her sex were of a piece with her appearance.1893Stevenson Catriona 3 This city..was for all the world like a rabbit warren.
22. the whole world.
a. = 21 a.
1534Tindale Luke ix. 25 What avauntageth it a man, to wynne the whole worlde, yf he loose him sylfe?1557Bible (Geneva) 1 John v. 19 We knowe..that the whole worlde lyeth in wyckednes.c1570Misogonus iii. iii. 72 (Bond) As any is ith whole woaude.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 4 The vther parte..sa is situat, as frome the hail warlde it war diuidet.1625N. Carpenter Geogr. Delin. ii. i. 7 Man..had left him notwithstanding for his lot the whole world besides.1759Sterne Tr. Shandy i. x, It being just so long since he left his parish, and the whole world at the same time behind him.1856C. M. Yonge Daisy Chain ii. viii, Ethel [was] full of glee and wonder, for once beyond Whitford, the whole world was new to her.
b. = 21 b.
1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 62, I had the whole worlde against me with all their force and myght.1569J. Rogers Glasse Godly Love in Tell-trothes N. Yr.'s Gift etc. (1876) 188 The amendment of all the whole world.1570Buchanan Admonit. Wks. (S.T.S.) 22 Ȝe haif obleist ȝour selffis befoir ye haill warld to continew in yatilk vertew of justice.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. iii. iii. 175 One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.1773Foote Bankrupt ii. Wks. 1799 II. 112 The whole world concur in giving him sense.1918Nation (N.Y.) 7 Feb. 135/1 The whole world is beggaring itself by war.
23. this world.
a. out of this world: (i) superlatively good, fine beyond description; beautiful, delightful, wonderful. Also as adv. and attrib. phrases. colloq. and slang (orig. U.S. Jazz).
1928R. Fisher Walls of Jericho 303 Out (of) this world, beyond mortal experience or belief.1931Inter-State Tattler 17 Dec. 12 Alberta Hunter..warbles out of this world.1935Swing Music July 114/2 Benny's clarinet playing here is out-of-this-world for beauty of tone.1946Sat. Rev. Lit. (U.S.) 19 Oct. 25/3 Petarded on his own cliché And violently hurled, Should be the Joe whose one bon mot Is ‘It's out of this world!’1952G. Wilson Julien Ware 36 A slender, graceful, out-of-this-world bridge Claud{ddd}had been.1957J. Braine Room at Top vi. 51 You've got a lovely part. Out of this world.1972J. Rossiter Rope for General Dietz v. 61 She gave me the skinned fruit... With Cointreau poured on, mine tasted out of this world.
(ii) In neutral or derogatory contexts: unworldly; quite remarkable; also incredibly bad or repulsive.
1941B. Schulberg What makes Sammy Run? vii. 149 The gallery was in a funny little bungalow with an easy⁓going, out-of-this-world atmosphere.1951‘A. Garve’ Murder in Moscow ii. 32 They hate our guts, and the way they behave is out of this world.1958Oxford Mail 27 Aug. 6/1 The worst part of a woman's magazine..is the fiction. Stories about quite impossible people in out-of-this-world situations.1963P. Willmott Evolution of Community viii. 92 The L.C.C.'s wallpapers..are very antiquated, out of this world.
b. the (personal or other proper name, pl.) of this world: people (countries, etc.) considered to represent the type specified; people, etc., like (n. sing.). colloq. Freq. somewhat derog.
1960J. Stroud Shorn Lamb iv. 44 He's settling... We're quite used to the Egberts of this world.1969M. Pugh Last Place Left xiv. 106 The Pardoes of this world would always brownnose to the landed gentry.1972Observer 20 Feb. 11/3 There is a limit on how far the Libyas of this world can bid up the price of oil.
V. attrib. and Comb.
24. a. Simple attrib. = ‘of, pertaining to, or relating to the world’ (in various senses), as world-age, world-architect, world area, world battle, world-construction, world craft, world cruise, world day, world egg, world-end (attrib.), world era, world events, world field, world formation, world-formula, world government, world hero, world-image, world level, world love, world-model, world nausea, world noise, world ocean, world-outlook, world philosopher, world première, world principle, world record, world riddle, world sadness, world sect, world sorrow, world stratum, world-structure, world stuff, world-system, world-theory, world tour, world wilderness, world-will, world wisdom, world wreckage, world wright; in certain cases with reference to early cosmogonies, as world-egg, world mill, world mother, world oak, world tortoise, world tree.
Some of these are translated from or modelled on G. compounds, as weltalter world-age, weltgeräusch world-noise, weltschmerz, weltsorge, world-sadness, world-sorrow.
(Not clearly distinguishable from some of the examples in sense 25 b.)
1908Ch. Times 5 June 761/4 Our Lord's teaching..was that the end of the present *world-age was at hand.
1877E. Caird Philos. Kant ii. xviii. 635 The idea..of a *world-architect, who is limited by the character of the material he uses.
1911Zwemer Unocc. Mission Fields Pref. p. vii, The entire *world-area has not yet been wholly covered by the tracks of the explorer.
1871R. B. Vaughan S. Thomas of Aquin II. 295 He was a world-saint, for he had a *world-battle to fight and win.
1906W. R. Inge Truth & Falsehood in Relig. 115 Science has no commission to produce an ideal *world-construction on a materialistic basis.
1840Strickland Lives Queens Eng. I. 87 William Rufus..had an abundant share of *world-craft, and well knew how to adapt himself to his father's humour.
1933*World cruise [see cruise n. 1 a].1977A. C. H. Smith Jericho Gun iv. 54 Let's take a world cruise.
1851Mrs. Browning Casa Guidi Wind. ii. 758 The earliest *world-day light that ever flowed.
1848Bailey Festus (ed. 3) 108 The azure serpent..that sloughs its years And lays its *world-eggs in thy brightness.1874Sayce Compar. Philol. iii. 99 The primeval world-egg of Egyptian philosophy, out of which all things have been generated.
1896Kipling Seven Seas p. vii, I was born in her gate... Where the *world-end steamers wait.
1858J. Martineau Stud. Christ. 139 The end of the great *world-era of the Lord.
1940J. Pedersen Israel II. iv. 559 Like Isaiah he [sc. Jeremiah]..undertakes to interpret *world-events.
1840S. Wilberforce Sp. Missions (1874) 72 How great a thing..it is to be entrusted with sowing the *world-field with the seed of man.
1884Century Mag. XXVII. 916 A part of the *world-formation.
1888J. Royce Let. 21 May in R. B. Perry Thought & Char. W. James (1935) I. 800, I have largely straightened out the big metaphysical tangle about continuity, freedom, and the *world-formula.1907W. James Pragmatism ii. 50 The whole function of philosophy ought to be to find out what definite difference it will make to you and me, at definite instants of our life, if this world-formula or that world-formula be the true one.
1915N. L. McClung In Times like These ix. 153 The problems of discovery have been solved; the problems of colonization are being solved. and when the war is over the problem of *world government will be solved.1958B. W. Aldiss Non-Stop iv. v. 241 The ship is in an orbit round Earth and there it must stay. That was the edict of the World Government.1981Washington Post 18 Mar. 1 He would never be part of an organization that advocated world government.
1844Marg. Fuller Wom. 19th C. (1862) 27 To implore these ‘*world-heroes’..to beware of cant above all things.
1936Discovery May 162/1 The Determinists have created for themselves an intellectual structure which represents a *world-image or rather a physical world-image.
1891H. Crosby Conform. World 10 Many an honest..Christian has unguardedly gone down to the *world-level.
1637Rutherford Let. to Lady Robertland 4 Jan. (1671) 205 Pride, & self love, & Idol-love, & *world-love.
1889R. B. Anderson tr. Rydberg's Teut. Mythol. 118 That the *world-mill has a möndull, the mill-handle, which sweeps the uttermost rim of the earth.
1949G. J. Whitrow Structure of Universe v. 75 In order to obtain some picture of the universe as a whole, we must construct a *world-model which will reproduce satisfactorily the properties of this observable (limited region of space and time).
190219th Cent. Dec. 991 The *World-Mother looked down through the ascending incense, as through the veil of centuries.
1876Geo. Eliot Dan. Der. xxiv, She had a *world-nausea upon her.
1916S. A. Brooke in Life & Lett. (1917) II. 663 You are in the roar and hustle of *world-noises and affairs which make history.
1904Folk-Lore Sept. 295 The *world-oak or cloud-oak of Central and Southern Europe.
1877J. E. Carpenter tr. Tiele's Outlines Hist. Relig. 181 A sea-voyage over the *world-ocean.
1915(serial title) *World outlook.1929New Statesman 31 Aug. 628/1 All poetic genius has always fumbled instinctively for a world-outlook in which everything has significance at all times.1976tr. Shih Min in Yenan Seeds & Other Stories 75 Remould your world-outlook and steel yourself into a self-aware revolutionary.
1853Thackeray Eng. Hum. iv. 160 Mat was a *world-philosopher of no small genius.
1934Webster, *World première.1948Daily Ardmoreite (Ardmore, Okla.) 7 July 1/5 ‘Return of the Bad Man’ will open a three day engagement in Ardmore just one day after its world premier.1981Ld. Harewood Tongs & Bones ix. 150 He..put on several important world premières of British operas.
1854Geo. Eliot tr. L. Feuerbach's Essence of Christianity x. 101 Individual subjectivity..is regarded as the highest essence—the omnipotent *world-principle.1912W. Temple in Foundations v. §iii. 243 A World-principle, the Logos of the Stoics.
1909G. B. Shaw Pen Portraits & Reviews (1931) 236 In his stories of mystery and imagination Poe created a *world-record for the English language.1976Daily Tel. 20 July 1/5 Cornelia Ender won 100m women's freestyle gold model in world record 55.65 secs.
1909Hibbert Jrnl. July 723 Science..knows that the pretence of solving the ‘*world-riddle’ by her means alone is a mere echo of youthful enthusiasm.
1901Chamb. Encycl. VIII. s.v. Pessimism, The same ‘*world-sadness’ (Weltschmerz)..colours..the poetry of Omar Khayyam, Leopardi, Heine, and Byron.
1853T. Parker Theism, Atheism Introd. p. xlviii, All the *world-sects, as well as all the Christian sects.
1868Geo. Eliot Spanish Gypsy ii. 173 Silva had thought To melt hard bitter grief by fellowship With the *world-sorrow trembling in his ear In Pablo's voice.1896Sunday Mag. Nov. 729 The World-Sorrow.
1868M. Collins Sweet Anne Page I. 185 That *world-stratum called society.
1920A. S. Eddington Space, Time & Gravit. ix. 150 The *world-structure is not of a kind which can be traced in an exact way by mesh-systems, and in any large region the mesh-system drawn must be considered arbitrary.
1886Winchell Geol. Talks 213 The background of the heavens is phosphorescent with the glow of these distant fields of *world-stuff.
1874G. H. Lewes Problems I. 85 Our parochial system will sometimes be favourably contrasted with the results of their *world-system.1977P. Johnson Enemies of Society ii. 12 We have characterized its [sc. Freedom's] development into the Roman world-system as essentially a liberal economic process, presided over by a night-watchman state.
1834J. S. Mill in Monthly Repos. VIII. 657 They are probably as sincere as they are capable of being, in any creed, or *world-theory, or abstract principle.1960W. V. Quine Word & Object i. 24 The saving consideration is that we continue to take seriously our own..aggregate science, our own particular world-theory or loose total fabric of quasi-theories, whatever it may be.
1958J. Pope-Hennessy in P. Quennell Lonely Business (1981) iii. 210 Maps of his *world-tours on the walls.1971‘G. Black’ Tome for Pirates v. 84 A very slow world tour from which he returned with reluctance.
1858Carlyle Fredk. Gt. i. iv. I. 46 Scepticism, which is there beginning at the very top of the *world-tree.1872Hardwick Trad. Lanc. 177 The great world-tree, Yogdrasil.
1848Bailey Festus (ed. 3) 108 The scape goat of this dark *world-wilderness.
1891G. B. Shaw Quintessence of Ibsenism iv. 70 The *world-will shall answer for Julian's soul.1892J. Royce Spirit Mod. Philos. 239 We ourselves are embodiments of the world⁓will.
1742Young Nt. Th. viii. 1410 *World-wisdom much has done, and more may do.1899Watts-Dunton Aylwin ii. iv, The narrow world-wisdom of this Welsh aunt.
1837Carlyle Fr. Rev. I. vii. x, The Cimmerian *World-wreckage.
a1721Prior Cromwell & Porter Wks. 1907 ii. 267 Your System-Makers and *World-wrights.
b. Objective, as world-beater, world-betterer, world-builder, world-changer, world-controller, world-creator, world-destroyer, world-encircler, world-girdler, world-improver, world-lover, world-maker, world-monger, world-saver, world-sharer, world-stormer, world-teacher, world-watcher, world-wielder, world-worker; world-building, world-conquering, world-embracing, world-fearing, world-forgetting, world-making; world-adorning, world-alarming, world-beating, world-bettering, world-changing, world-cheering, world-creating, world-commanding, world-compassing, world-compelling, world-contemning, world-covering, world-despising, world-destroying, world-devouring, world-embracing, world-encircling, world-enfolding, world-forgetting, world-girdling, world-knowing, world-lifting, world-mothering, world-producing, world-rejoicing, world-renouncing, world-reviving, world-revolving, world-scorning, world-shaking, world-shattering, world-shogging, world-subduing, world-supporting, world-surrounding, world-swallowing, world-tossing, world-transforming, world-troubling, world-wasting, world-wielding, world-winning adjs.; world-despise vb.c. Instrumental, as world-adored, world-besotted, world-despised, world-entangled, world-forgotten, world-fretted, world-jewelled, world-read, world-ridden, world-studded, world-used, world wearied, world-worn adjs.; world-deep, world-great, world-high, world-like, world-long, world-old adjs.; see also world-wide.
d. In other adverbial uses: (a) ‘from or to the world’, ‘in, about, or over the world’, ‘to the end of the world’, as world-abiding, world-abstracted, world-bound, world-lost, world-minded (so world-mindedness) adjs.; world-dweller, world-famed, world-famous [cf. G. weltberühmt] adjs., world-flight, world-lasting, world roving, world-wandering adjs.; (b) ‘over the whole world’, ‘to all the world’, as world-famed, world-familiar, world-famous, world-known, world-noted, world-renowned, world-spread adjs.; (c) ‘of or in regard to the world’, as world- rich, world-seely, world-sick, world-tired, world-wearied, world-weary (hence world-weariness); (d) with pl. in sense 7 e, as worlds-high adj.
1876F. Harrison Choice of Bks. (1886) 52 The world-wide and *world-abiding masterpieces.
1898Trans. Yorks. Dial. Soc. i. 7 A *world-abstracted monk in his solitary cell.
1852Bailey Festus (ed. 5) 554 King, conqueror, and master, *world-adored!
1598Sylvester Du Bartas ii. i. i. Eden 231 Thy wondrous *World-adorning Fruit.
a1699J. Beaumont Psyche xvi. xci, The *World-alarming Trumpets.
1893Outing (U.S.) XXII. 103/1 The master of Palo Alto believed that the filly would prove to be a *world-beater.
1928Sunday Express 24 June 20/4 The way he flashed the passing shot wide of Higgs..was *world-beating stuff.1977Daily Mail 24 Sept. 15/1 The BBC..never became the really ‘world-beating station that I would like it to have been’.
1932W. B. Yeats Words for Music 15 Imitate him if you dare, *World-besotted traveller; he Served human liberty.
1875W. Cory Lett. & Jrnls. (1897) 376 One should..try to be an improver, a ‘*world-betterer’ (Cambridge slang of my time).1896Tollemache Jowett 118 That ardent world-betterer T. H. Green.
1877Bailey Festus (ed. 10) 148 Great deeds, great thoughts, great schemes, *world-bettering.
1797T. Park Sonn. 9 My *world-bound bark must course an hardier way.1884J. Parker Apost. Life II. 264 He saw us world-bound.
1884J. Tait Mind in Matter (1892) 158 Imaginary *world-builders, like Mr. Spencer, lay their foundations in shallows.
1920A. S. Eddington Space, Time & Gravit. x. 160 It might seem that this kind of fantastic *world-building can have little to do with practical problems.
1891W. James Let. 30 Jan. (1920) I. 305 Verily you are the stuff of which *world-changers are made!
1876Geo. Eliot Dan. Der. l, The *world-changing battle of Sadowa.
1603Chettle Eng. Mourn.-Garm., Sheph. Spring Song F 4 The Sun, which now doth gild the skie, With his light-giuing and *world-cheering eie.
1603J. Davies (Heref.) Extasie Wks. (Grosart) I. 90/1 A Ladie..Cladd like a *World-commanding Potentate.
1861Max Müller Sci. Lang. Ser. i. vi. (1864) 236 Their *world-compassing migrations.
1901Daily Chron. 27 Dec. 5/4 Wartburg, whence Luther's song entered upon its *world-conquering career.
1603J. Davies (Heref.) Sonn. Ld. Kinlosse Wks. (Grosart) I. 98/2 Thy *World-contemning Thoughts.1823Scott Quentin D. viii, How now!..our world contemning daughter—Are you robed for a hunting-party, or for the convent, this morning? Speak.
c1648–50R. Brathwait Barnabees Jrnl. i. (1818) 33 Joviall, jocund, jolly bowlers, As they were the *world controulers.
1826W. Elliott Nun 80 There lies a *world-corrupted friend.
1854Geo. Eliot tr. Feuerbach's Essence Chr. xxii. 218 The *world-creating activity in itself negatives every determinate activity.1877Caird Philos. Kant ii. xviii. 635 The idea of a *world-creator, for whom the means can have no existence apart from the end.
c1843Carlyle Hist. Sk. (1898) 299 The grand interior tide-stream and *world-deep tendency.1857Hawthorne Engl. Note-bks. (1870) II. 272 Their world-wide, though not world-deep, experience.
1692Evelyn Let. to Pepys Aug. P's Diary (1889) IX. 365, I have been philosophizing and *world-despising in the solitudes of this place.
1847Helps Friends in C. I. vi. 91 How often has fiction made us sympathize..with the *world-despised.
1603J. Davies (Heref.) Extasie Wks. (Grosart) I. 90/1, I tooke her for some *World-despising Dame.
1858Gen. P. Thompson Audi Alt. xliv. I. 171 The tyrants and *world-destroyers of antiquity.
1909G. K. Chesterton Orthodoxy (ed. 2) iv. 92 We count on the ordinary course of things... We risk the remote possibility of a miracle as we do that of a poisoned pancake or a *world-destroying comet.
1598Sylvester Du Bartas ii. i. ii. Ark 449 These stormy Seas' deep *World-devouring waves.1938Dylan Thomas Let. 1 June (1966) 199 A world-devouring ghost creature bit out the horror of tomorrow from a gentleman's loins.
1900Daily News 17 Jan. 5/1 The *world disturbing turmoil [in the days of the Reign of Terror].
c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. xlix. i, *World-dwellers all.
1807J. Barlow Columbiad iv. 155 The *world-embracing scope That prompts his genius and expands his hope.1848R. I. Wilberforce Doctr. Incarnation ii. (1852) 18 The world-embracing benefits of his [Abraham's] seed.
1827Keble Chr. Y., 5th Sund. in Lent xii, The *world-encircling sun.
1928W. B. Yeats tr. Sophocles' King Oedipus 6 For all is *world-enfolding sea.
1609J. Davies (Heref.) Holy Rood Wks. (Grosart) I. 8/2 Ye heau'ns weepe out your *world-enlight'ning eies.
1812Crabbe Tales xix. 202 *World-entangled men!
1858*World-famed [see seven-cubit s.v. seven a. and n. C. 2].1866Trevelyan in Macm. Mag. Mar. 411 The world famed Straits of Salamis.
1837Carlyle Fr. Rev. I. iv. iv. 176 A cunningly devised Beheading Machine, which shall become famous and *world-famous.1873Symonds Grk. Poets xi. 373 One who made the insignificant place of his origin world-famous.
1841Helps Ess., Dom. Rule (1842) 58 Ridicule..tends to make a poor and *world-fearing character.
1895K. Grahame Golden Age 54 Rosa looked far away in a visionary, *world-forgetting sort of way.
1861Westm. Rev. LXXVI. 281 Such a *world-forgotten village as Raveloe.1941I. L. Idriess Great Boomerang iv. 29 This man's dream was to become a peaceful and world-forgotten patriarch.
1813L. Hunt in Examiner 15 Feb. 104/1 The charm that stillness has for a *world-fretted ear.
1892Outing (U.S.) Mar. 447/1 They probably learned enough about it to make them treat the next *world-girdler with high respect.
1934A. Woollcott While Rome Burns 93 Twenty such *world-girdling tales.1978H. Wouk War & Remembrance xxi. 209 All the members of a world-girdling alliance were attacking us.
1837Carlyle Fr. Rev. I. i. ii, And so..did this of Royalty..grow mysteriously,..till it also had grown *world-great.
1853T. T. Lynch Self-Improvem. 25 ‘Young men and others’ as self-improvers are to become *world-improvers.
1839Bailey Festus 243 Night comes, *world-jewelled.
1833T. Hook Parson's Dau. i. vii, The..well-turned insinuations of his *world-knowing mother.
1845Bailey Festus (ed. 2) 172 *World-known for strangest powers.
1851G. Brimley Ess. 105 No marble of which *world-lasting statue..may be hewn.
1894Kipling Seven Seas (1896) 45 O' that *warld-liftin' joy no after-fall could vex.
1839Bailey Festus 274 It hath starlike beauty, And *worldlike might.
1842Manning Serm. i. (1848) 18 Then shall..the *world-long growth and gathering of this awful mystery be accomplished.
1854J. G. Whittier in Nat. Era 17 Aug. 130/4 New-born, the *world-lost anchorite A man became!1941T. Wolfe Hills Beyond iii. 235 He abandoned finally the world-lost fastnesses of Zebulon for the more urban settlement of Libya Hill.
1633Earl of Manchester Al Mondo (1636) 87 The *world-lover ends his hope and happinesse, when he dyes.
1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 138, I can't find in my heart to deny that skill to a *World-maker, that I must needs give to a Watch-maker.1871R. B. Vaughan S. Thomas of Aquin II. 678 Plato..who admitted a world-maker, and a Providence.
a1776Hume Dialogues conc. Nat. Relig. (1779) v. 61 A slow, but continued improvement carried on during infinite ages in the art of *world⁓making.1884Century Mag. XXVII. 914 World-making as practiced by the Astronomers.
1945G. Murphy Human Nature & Enduring Peace xvi. 241 What we mean by *world-minded education. We mean education for intelligent world citizenship.1979Amer. Speech 1976 LI. 79 Germans have traditionally been world-minded, receptive to foreign influences.
1926Religious Education Apr. 190 Character is not a cause of world-mindedness, it is a result of *world-mindedness and many other attributes.1960A. Bjerstedt in Jrnl. Conflict Resolution IV. 185 (title) Ego-involved world-mindedness.
1682Peden Lord's Trumpet (1739) 7 O..*World-monger that thou art, hath not Christ answered thee in that 6th of Matthew 33 Verse?
1883G. M. Hopkins Poems (1967) 93 Wild air, *world-mothering air, Nestling me everywhere.
1615T. Adams Blacke Devill 48 Monstrous and *world-noted wickednesse.1858M. C. Clarke (title) World-noted Women.
1727–46Thomson Summer 1747 The *world-producing Essence, who alone Possesses being.
1912Hardy Jude p. x, An influential article..printed in a *world-read journal.
a1644Quarles Sol. Recant. xi. 20 Every one Takes pleasure in the *world-rejoycing Sunne.
1910W. Montgomery tr. A. Schweitzer's Quest Hist. Jesus xvi. 247 Inexhaustible reserves of *world-renouncing, world-contemning sayings.1964C. S. Lewis Discarded Image iii. 47 A world-renouncing, ascetic, and mystical character then marked the most eminent Pagans.
1831Carlyle in Foreign Q. Rev. Oct. 372 The wild, deep, and now *world-renowned, Legend of Faust, belongs to a somewhat later date.1854tr. Hettner's Athens & Peloponnese 1 The world-renowned islands of ægina and Salamis.
1728–46Thomson Spring 51 Thou *world-reviving sun.
1727–46Summer 32 With what an awful *world-revolving power Were first the unwieldy planets launched along The illimitable void!
1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xvii. 16 Þese *worlde⁓riche men.
1848Eliza Cook Dreamer xxvii, The dense *world-ridden brain.
1757Dyer Fleece i. 460 Inferior theirs to man's *world-roving frame.
1952B. Wolfe Limbo iv. 214 A ‘messianic complex’, an urge to be a ‘*world-saver’.
1606Sir G. Goosecappe ii. i. in Old Pl. (1884) III. 29, I That have studied with *world-skorning thoughts The way of Heaven.
c1205Lay. 11043 Þa comen to-somne *weorld-seli men.
1598Sylvester Du Bartas ii. ii. i. Ark 444 *World-shaking Father.1884J. Parker Apost. Life II. 5 Christianity..was a world-shaking faith.1893Harper's Mag. Dec. 36/1 The..tragic and world-shaking events which are associated with the history of the..Parliament of Great Britain.
1606Shakes. Ant. & Cl. ii. vii. 76 These three *World-sharers, these Competitors Are in thy vessell.
1974M. Tippett Moving into Aquarius ii. 155 During those years there have been huge and *world-shattering events in which I have been inevitably caught up.
1611Cotgr., Croule-vniuers, *World-shogging, all-shaking.
1884R. F. Burton Bk. Sword Introd. p. xiii, Their recklessness of all consequences soared *worlds-high above the various egotistic systems.
1836Newman in Lyra Apost. (1849) 239 *World-sick, to turn within and image there Some idol dream.
1886W. J. Tucker E. Europe 233 Your *world-spread language.
1878R. B. Smith Carthage 271 The man who, like one of the *world-stormers of more modern times..could carry everything before him.
1852Bailey Festus (ed. 5) 12 The ætherial web, *world-studded, of the skies.
1851G. Brimley Ess. 105 Iron, of which *world-subduing machines may be wrought.
1876Geo. Eliot Dan. Der. lii, A *world-supporting elephant.
1817Shelley To Constantia Singing in Posthumous Poems (1824) 144 Whilst, like the *world-surrounding air, thy song Flows on.1820Shelley Prometh. Unb. i. 661 World-surrounding aether.
1885R. L. & F. Stevenson Dynamiter 166 At one *world-swallowing stride, the heart of the tornado reached the clearing.
1887Haweis Lt. Ages viii. 211 The Jew never was to have an Empire. He was the *world-teacher not the world-ruler.
1608Sylvester Du Bartas ii. iv. iv. Decay 657 *World-tossing Tempest!
1935W. B. Yeats Full Moon in March 68 What sacred drama through her body heaved When *world-transforming Charlemagne was conceived?
1895Poems 259 And shook at Invar Amargin The hearts of the *world-troubling seamen.
1860Trollope Castle Richmond xxvi, That dry, time-worn *world-used London lawyer.
1612Drayton Poly-olb. x. 292 Those poore *world-wandring men.1820Shelley Prometh. Unb. i. 325 Jove's world-wandering herald, Mercury.
1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. v. iii. 112 This *world-wearied flesh.1838Lytton Alice ii. vi, It was..this singular purity of heart which made to the world-wearied man the chief charm in Evelyn Cameron.
1858Faber Spir. Confer. (1870) 142 *World-weariness is a blessed thing in its way.
1768Murphy Zenobia i. i. 16 This sad *world-weary spirit.1876Swinburne Erechtheus 1140 Night that lulls world-weary day.
1881G. M. Hopkins in Note-Bks. & Papers (1937) 346 Satan..is the κοσµοκράτωρ, the *worldwielder.1887Poems (1967) 70 And the azurous hung hills are his world-wielding shoulder.
1822Byron Werner iv. i. 410 A *world-winning battle.
1843Carlyle Past & Pr. iii. vi. (1872) 146 Giant Labour, truest emblem there is of God the *World-Worker.
1826A. A. Watts Richmond-Hill ix, The *world-worn man may here repair.1842Manning Serm. xxi. (1848) I. 310 The wearied and world-worn spirit.
25. Passing into adj.:
a. in comb. derived from OE. compounds of woruld, in which this is equivalent to ‘of or pertaining to this world, earthly, mundane’, as woruldǽht, -god, -þing, -wela worldly possessions or wealth, woruldcyning an earthly king, woruldscamu public disgrace (cf. 14 b above), woruldwynn earthly joy.
c1175Lamb. Hom. 143 Þer scal beon worldwunne wiðuten pouerte.c1200Ormin 7513, & uss birrþ weorelldþingess lusst Forrbuȝhenn & forrwerrpenn.Ibid. 12079 Off þatt hemm weorelldahhtess spedd Aȝȝ waxeþþ mare & mare.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 29 Gef þu hauest woreld wele þu miht þarof wurðliche fare.c1205Lay. 7345 Freoliche we hit haldeð wið alle weoruld kingen.Ibid. 8323, & æfter muchel weorld-scome wurð-scipe wurhten.12..Moral Ode 365 (Egerton MS.) Ne scal þer beo sced ne scrud ne woruld wele none.c1250Prov. Alfred 382 in O.E. Misc. 124 Alle world-ayhte schulle bi-cumen to nouhte.c1275Lay. 28131 Nolleþ hii hit bi-gynne for none worle-þinge.a1300Cursor M. 13281 Petre and andreu..wit a word þai left þair scipps tuin, For þat was al þair werld win [Gött. worldis win].14..MS. Sloane 2593 xlii. 25 in Herrig's Archiv (1902) CIX. 60 If þu welde þi wordel goodes [etc.].Ibid. 81 Þis wordel good xuld incres.
b. With the meaning ‘of or pertaining to the whole world, embracing the whole world, world-wide, universal’.
Orig. translating or modelled on G. compounds, as welthandel world-commerce, weltkrieg world-war, weltmacht world-power, weltreich world-empire.
(Not clearly distinguishable from some of the examples in sense 24 a.)
1833J. S. Mill in Monthly Repos. VII. 510 The most stirring scenes of that mighty world-drama, under his pen turn flat, cold, and spiritless.1839Bailey Festus 53 [Immortality] That is the great world question.1848Ibid. (ed. 3) 172 Pride and World-Ambition.1843Carlyle Past & Pr. ii. ii, The World-Dramaturgist has written: Exeunt.1850Blackie æschylus II. 6 That primeval age of gigantic ‘world-strife’ (if we may be allowed to Anglicize a German compound).1852Tennyson Ode Wellington 42 The great World-victor's victor will be seen no more.Ibid. 133 In that world-earthquake, Waterloo!1856Grote Greece ii. xciv. XII. 367 Alexander, had he lived, would..have multiplied..the communications..between the various parts of his world-empire.1858Carlyle Fredk. Gt. i. i. I. 20 The huge world-conflagration.Ibid. v. vi. 594 The Second Act..of this foolish World-Drama of the Double-Marriage opens.1860Pusey Min. Proph. 553 Alexander's policy was essentially different from that of the world-monarchs before him.1864Daniel ii. 78 When He took away their world-rule, He left them in being as nations.1864Bryce Holy Rom. Emp. vii. (1866) 99 The two great ideas which expiring antiquity bequeathed to the ages that followed were those of a World-Monarchy and a World-Religion.1879G. H. Lewes Stud. Psychol. ix. 162 The World-process has been assigned to a Soul of the World.1887Contemp. Rev. May 699 With the world price of wheat so closely approximating to the cost of production.1890W. Morris News from Nowhere xv. 129 They had gradually created..a most elaborate system of buying and selling, which has been called The world-market.1894A. J. Balfour Found. Belief (1895) 3 Looking at the World-problems which..we are compelled to face.1898G. B. Shaw Perfect Wagnerite 14 He is trusting to another great world-force, the Lie.1898Q. Rev. July 264 In any serious world-struggle we should be certain to have each other's sympathy.1899Daily Tel. 21 Aug. 6/7 We have had thrust upon us a drama played upon a world-stage.1904W. James Ess. Radical Empiricism (1912) i. 8 Experience, at this rate, would be much like a paint of which the world pictures were made.1904Westm. Gaz. 14 Nov. 4/2 The great British World-Empire.1905Ibid. 21 Sept. 3/2 The great world-commerce, upon which the very existence of England will depend.1906Ibid. 26 Sept. 5/2 A world-parliament of the Universities.1910A. G. Spink National Game 309 (heading) World champions.1914G. Frankau Poet. Wks. (1923) I. 185 Battlers for world-peace, slaves of Honour's lamp.1920B. Russell Pract. & Theory Bolshevism ix. 109 The following passages [from article by Lenin] seemed to me illuminating:—The present world-situation in politics places on the order of the day the dictatorship of the proletariat.1921J. C. Maxwell Garnett (title) Education and world citizenship.1921D. H. Lawrence Sea & Sardinia v. 163 Will the last waves of enlightenment and world-unity break over them [sc. the Sardinians] and wash away the stocking-caps?1923Fantasia of Unconscious 15 No more little Excelsiors crying world-brotherhood.1927A. Cecil Brit. Foreign Secretaries vii. 353 Aberdeen would have felt all the talk about German world-domination too journalistically sensational to be politically probable.1929J. Buchan Courts of Morning 14 America{ddd}could not take a big hand in world affairs... She had too much to do at home.1930J. H. Randall (title) A world community.1932A. G. Herbert tr. Nygren's Agape & Eros I. vi. 146 For Plotinus the whole world process is summed up in the double conception of the out-going of all things from the One..and the return of all things to the One.1936Mind XLV. 460 It was left to the Stoics to elaborate the conception of the world-state and of the world-citizen.1936World-culture [see culture n. 5 d].1937‘G. Orwell’ Road to Wigan Pier xii. 247 It is quite easy to imagine a world-society, economically collectivist.1940World opinion [see appease v. 2 c].1943E. M. W. Tillyard (title) The Elizabethan world picture.1945Auden For Time Being 89 Instead of Country Fair, there is World Market.1946J. S. Huxley Unesco i. 17 The task of unifying the world mind.1948L. Spitzer Linguistics & Literary History 220 This is also the main idea of Claudel's Spanish Catholic world-drama Le soulier de satin.1954‘M. Cost’ Invitation from Minerva 218 The world-press.. was hourly dominated by bulletins of their plight.1959New Yorker 24 Oct. 185/1 Joyce..gave her..world rights to publish and sell ‘Ulysses’.1962Listener 22 Mar. 498/1 Goethe, it will be remembered, spoke of Weltkultur... The great Russian component of world culture is as individual as our own or the French.1966S. Beer Decision & Control xv. 391 As usual, the study begins with a..world situation.1967P. D. James Unnatural Causes i. xv. 116 He was completely unconcerned with world affairs.1974I. Wallerstein (title) The modern world system and the origins of the European world-economy in the 16th century.1977P. Johnson Enemies of Society v. 61 Britain expanded this initial overseas foothold by the Navigation Acts..which..constituted the beginning of an English-controlled world market.1981Listener 2 July 3/1 American columnists..are querying whether Reagan is not hazarding world peace.1981N. Tucker Child & Book iv. 108 In Enid Blyton's work, this excessively simple world picture is carried to extremes.1983Times 14 May 8/3 The power of world opinion is a vital adjunct to non-violence.
26. Special comb.: world-all [tr. G. weltall], the world considered as a unit; the universe; world-auxiliary, a language (esp. an invented one) which may be used as a standard means of communication between speakers from different language communities throughout the world; cf. auxiliary language s.v. auxiliary a. 2 a; World Bank, an international banking organization established to control the distribution of economic aid between member nations, spec.: (a) the Bank for International Settlements, established through the League of Nations at Basle in 1930 (obs.); (b) the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, affiliated to the United Nations and operational since 1946; world-class a., applied to persons or things regarded as outstanding throughout the world; World Court, the International Court of Justice (formerly, the Permanent Court of International Justice, 1921–45), established in 1946 as the principal judicial arm of the United Nations; World Cup, in Assoc. Football, a quadrennial competition amongst national teams for the Jules Rimet trophy, first contested in 1930; also transf. in other sports; world-divided a., (a) separated from the rest of the world; (b) ‘worlds’ apart or asunder; world English = Standard English s.v. standard a. 3 e; world fair = world's fair, sense 27 a below; world ground, the reality, or principle, that underlies the world; World Health Organization, an international body established in 1948 to promote co-operation between nations to improve health conditions (abbrev. W.H.O.: see W 3); world-history [G. weltgeschichte], history embracing the events of the whole world; hence world-historic, world-historical adjs.; world-language, (a) a language universally read and spoken by educated people; (b) a language for international use; world-life, life in the world, earthly life; world-line Physics and Philos. [tr. G. weltlinie (H. Minkowski, as for world-point)], the succession of points in space-time that are occupied by a particle; world-literature [cf. G. weltliteratur], (a) a body of work drawn from many nations and recognized as literature throughout the world; (b) (the sum of) the literature of the world; world-old [G. weltalt], as old as the world; world-order, an organized state of existence in this or another world; world-point Physics and Philos. [tr. G. weltpunkt (H. Minkowski in H. A. Lorentz et al. Das Relativitätsprinzip (1913) 57)], a point in space-time; a particular point in space at a particular instant of time; world-policy, -politics [G. weltpolitik], a policy or politics based upon considerations affecting the world as a whole; hence world-politician, world-political a.; world-ranking a., that ranks among the best in the world; world-revolution, a world-wide revolution in the social order or in any sphere of activity; world-ruler, a ruler of the (known) world; World Series, a series of games contested annually as a play-off between the champions of the two major baseball leagues in the U.S.; also transf.; World Service, a B.B.C. radio service with a strong content of news and current affairs, broadcast principally for English-speaking listeners overseas (formerly called the Overseas Service); world-soul [G. weltgeist, weltseele], the animating principle which informs the physical world; world-spirit, (a) the spirit of the world in its mundane aspects and activities; (b) = world-soul; world-state, (a) a state comprising the whole world; (b) a state possessing world-power; world-thane Hist. [OE. woruldþeᵹn], a secular ‘thane’; world-view [G. weltanschauung], contemplation of the world, view of life; so world-viewer; world-wise a., wise in the things of the world, worldly-wise; world-worm, a low creature of earth; world-year (see quot.).
1847J. D. Morell Hist. Philos. (ed. 2) I. ii. 369 Fichte founded a subjective idealism in which the me was the *world-all.1925R. M. Ogden tr. Koffka's Growth of Mind 347 For a child there is as yet no single world-all.
1927E. S. Pankhurst Delphos v. 49 The *world-auxiliary, used by everyone as a second language, will obviate the need for any other language save the native one.
1930Business Week 28 May 9/2 French shares for the *World Bank were offered publicly this week.1943N.Y. Times 5 Apr. 6/3 Senator Elmer Thomas said..that the establishment of a world bank founded on a standard international coin was inevitable.1944St. Louis (Missouri) Post-Dispatch 23 July 6a/3 (heading) Russia agrees to boost quota in World Bank.1973‘D. Jordan’ Nile Green xi. 47 The statistical boys..had worked out all the flaws in the World Bank report.
1950Sport 22–28 Sept. 14/2 Such is the magnetism of *world class heavyweight boxers!1973Daily Express 11 May 22/1 Keegan, looking every inch a world-class player..scored with a spectacular header.1973Guardian 22 Oct. 21/4 The timescale of astronomers is human and to those in world class research..too short to waste much time on bumbledom.1979Beautiful British Columbia Winter 40 A total of more than $100 million is expected to be spent at Whistler..to make the area competitive with world-class resorts in the United States and Europe.
1927New Republic 21 Sept. 110/2 Our reservations to the resolution adhering to the *World Court were received with an apathy which was next door to hostility.1946N.Y. Times 7 Feb. 8/2 (heading) 15 Judges elected for World Court.1984Times 10 Apr. 1/6 The Reagan Administration said yesterday it believed the World Court in The Hague did not have jurisdiction.
1950B. Wright Captain of England xvii. 154 For the first time in my experience the words ‘*World Cup’ began to come into the discussions footballers have when they meet, and as the four British home associations had re-entered F.I.F.A., it was only to be expected that they would..enter this competition.1954Times 8 Nov. 10/1 (heading) Rugby League results..World Cup.1967Times 9 Nov. 16/4 (heading) World Cup golf.1978R. Westall Devil on Road xx. 185 An action-replay of a World Cup goal on telly.
a1618Sylvester Sonn. Wks. (Grosart) II. 321 Our little *World-divided Ile.1743Francis tr. Hor., Odes iii. v. 3 Since world-divided Britain owns his sway.1899Folk-Lore Mar. 75 Races world-divided in their range and their social conceptions.
1927K. Malone in Amer. Speech II. 323/2 He..warns against a slavish conformity to the dictionary, i.e., to the prescriptions of standard English, or *world-English, as some people call it.1980English World-Wide I. i. 80 The categories or types of AVE..can be seen as existing across a scale having ‘World English’ (‘book English’, ‘standard English’, ‘teachers' preferred English’, &c.), at one end, and a national variety most distinct from it at the other.
1899C. Stumpf Let. 8 Sept. in R. B. Perry Thought & Char. W. James (1935) II. 193 The tumult of a *world fair—even the thought of it makes me nervous!1978P. Boardman Worlds of Patrick Geddes vi. 179 A brief..account of the city [sc. Paris]..from pre-Roman times up to the greatest of world fairs.
1898W. James in Psychol. Rev. July 424 The world is evidently more complex than we are accustomed to think it, the ‘absolute *world-ground’, in particular, being farther off (as Mr. F. C. S. Schiller has well pointed out) than it is the wont either of the usual empiricisms or of the usual idealisms to think it.1948Scot. Jrnl. Theol. I. 121 The most that science, working with its concepts of causation on a different level, can offer is a world-ground, or mind-energy at work in the world.
1946N.Y. Times 28 June 9/1 The vanquished nations..with their large health problems, have acute need of the *World Health Organization that the United Nations is creating.1977New Scientist 7 Apr. 3/2 All the more horrendous, then, are the statistics which the World Health Organisation has published to publicise World Health Day, which falls today (7 April).
1876Geo. Eliot Dan. Der. lxiii, In this romantic *world-historic position of his.
1854C. C. J. Bunsen Outl. Philos. Universal Hist. I. 64 Both these researches, the philosophical and the *world-historical, will be reserved for the second volume of our sketch.1879Geo. Eliot Theo. Such xiv. 255 Something truly Roman and world-historical.
1837Carlyle Fr. Rev. I. i. ii, Of these ages *World-History can take no notice.1902Fortn. Rev. Dec. 1006 A philosophy of history and civilisation..which holds its ground as the basis both of World-history and Christian theology.
1867W. D. Whitney Lang. & Study Lang. xii. 469 If we expect..that our tongue become one day a *world-language, understood and employed on every continent.., then it is our bounden duty [etc.].1889Athenæum 24 Aug. 256/3 The two classical and four great modern ‘world-languages’.1899Daily News 3 July, A German Professor has proposed English as a World-language.
c1000Ags. Ps. (Th.) ciii. 33 [civ. 35] Þæt hio ne wunian on *world-life.c1200Ormin 2980 All þiss weorelld⁓lif iss full Off sinness þeossterrnesse.c1205Lay. 32075 Þu uindest ænne pape..he þe scal scriuen of þine weorld-lifen.1848Bailey Festus (ed. 3) 324 With the world thy part is now... Now behoves to live The worldlife of the future.
1916Monthly Notices R. Astron. Soc. LXXVI. 700 The points of space occupied by a given material point at successive times form in the four-dimensional time-space a continuity of one dimension, which is called the *world-line of the point.1946Mind LV. 146 The intersection of the world-lines AM and TM.1962Listener 27 Dec. 1095/3 According to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity it seems that objects which appear to be responding to the pull of gravity..are simply following the shortest available world-line through the space-time continuum.1976Nature 1–8 Jan. 30/2 The collapsing star is represented by some of its (time-like) worldlines including the worldline of its centre.
1831Carlyle in Edin. Rev. CV. 179 Instead of isolated, mutually repulsive National Literatures, a *World Literature may one day be looked for?1908P. E. More Shelburne Essays V. 140 Longfellow brought from Germany the ideal of a world literature which should absorb the best of all lands.1949Wellek & Warren Theory of Lit. v. 41 The term ‘world literature’, a translation of Goethe's Weltliteratur, is perhaps needlessly grandiose.1963English Studies XLIV. 148 He has noted the widespread occurrence of the bond-story of The Merchant of Venice in world-literature.
1840T. Gordon tr. W. Menzel's Ger. Lit. I. 265 The *world-old Oriental idea of the mystic unity of those contrasts which..are all united in God.1862Stanley Jew. Ch. (1877) I. i. 7 No modern traveller..has left a written account of this world-old place.1875Lowell Wordsw. Prose Wks. 1890 IV. 357 The world-old question of matter and form.
1846Trench Mirac. Introd. (1862) 72 There is a nobler *world-order than that in which we live and move.1894H. Drummond Ascent of Man 38 The Struggle for the Life of Others..[is] engrained in the world-order as profoundly as the Struggle for Life.
1923Perret & Jeffery tr. H. Minkowski in Lorentz's Princ. Relativity v. 76 A point of space at a point of time, that is, a system of values x, y, z, t, I will call a *world-point. The multiplicity of all thinkable x, y, z, t systems of values we will christen the world.1930L. Silberstein Size of Universe i. 1 The event thus localized in space..and in time is called a worldpoint.1967R. A. George tr. Carnap's Logical Structure of World iv. 194 The points of n-dimensional, real-number space, we call world points.1975R. Adler et al. Introd. Gen. Relativity (ed. 2) iv. 122 An event is a point in four-space: a world-point.
1896Daily News 10 Mar. 6/5 The Minister again declared that Germany did not think of inaugurating a ‘*world-policy’.1905Westm. Gaz. 24 Mar. 2/1 A world-policy alliance with Japan.
1936*World-political [see anti-Comintern s.v. anti-1 3 a].1958S. Spender Engaged in Writing vii. 133 He was the first world-political, international, intellectual man.
1905Daily Chron. 27 May 3/2 Our Future is on the Sea? Critical Inquiries and Deductions by a German *World Politician.
1858Carlyle Fredk. Gt. v. iv. I. 571 Papa [King George I.] and Husband [the King of Prussia] being so blessedly united in their *World-Politics.1905Daily Chron. 24 June 4/3 The considerable measure of success which the Kaiser's intervention in Morocco has attained is an instructive lesson in the solidarity of world-politics.
1970Daily Tel. 19 Aug. 10/4 Here in Britain we have two *world-ranking centres of radio astronomy.
1832Carlyle Remin. (1881) I. 60 The great *world-revolutions send in their disturbing billows to the remotest creek.1911G. Elliot Smith Anc. Egyptians i. 6 The great world-revolution inaugurated by the advent of the Age of Metals.
1874W. P. Mackay Grace & Truth 160 We protest against the awful power that the *world-rulers used in former days.1881N.T. (R.V.) Eph. vi. 12 Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but..against the world-rulers [κοσµοκράτορας] of this darkness.1918The Crime II. 423 The bombastic..vision of the future as it appears to the German World-ruler.
1913Collier's 4 Oct. 5/1 In this next impending *world-series carnival between Giants and Athletics we have had the hunch [etc.].1951Time 12 Mar. 59 For Norwegians..the Holmenkollen is the World Series, and stars such as Hoel and Björnstad are Norway's Di Maggios and Musials.1973M. Woodhouse Blue Bone iii. 20 ‘We could have played half the World Series by now.’.. ‘Yes, we take three days to play a game of cricket.’
1966B.B.C. Handbk. 83 The *World Service addresses itself to those who understand English, wherever they happen to be—listeners throughout the Commonwealth and English-speaking people in other countries.1981Times 22 Jan. 8/7 The embassy press officer..was waiting for news from the World Service of the BBC.
1848Bailey Festus (ed. 3) 202, I am the *world-soul, nature's spirit am I.1856R. A. Vaughan Mystics I. iii. 27 The philosophers who believe themselves organs of the world-soul.
1846G. H. Lewes Biogr. Hist. Philos. IV. 212 The *World-Spirit (Weltgeist) has at last succeeded in freeing himself from all incumbrances.1850Robertson Serm. Ser. iii. xxi, The world-spirit can rebuke as sharply as the Spirit which was in John.1909W. R. Inge Faith viii. 129 This World-Spirit was once incarnated in a human life.
1890Costelloe Ch. Cath. (1892) 25 She prophesies of a *World-State, and laughs at the little fences statesmen draw upon the map.1902Daily Chron. 1 Nov. 3/1 However desirable may be the lot of a small State among small States, the conditions are changed in a world of world-States.
1614Selden Titles Hon. 225 Ealdormen, Holdes, Hetgerefas, Messethegnes, and *Werldthegnes.1839Keightley Hist. Eng. I. 83 The mass-thane or clergyman stood on a par with the world-thane or gentleman.
1858J. Martineau Stud. Christ. 321 The deep penetration of his [sc. Paul's] mistaken *world-view.1906D. S. Cairns Christ. in Mod. World v. 233 Christianity, alike in its Central Gospel, and in its World-view, must come to terms with Hellenism.
1862Gen. P. Thompson in Bradford Advertiser 20 Dec. 6/1 More instances will occur to the thoughtful *world-viewer.
c1205Lay. 13721 Þa *weorldewis mon þa oðere children biwusten.1845Bailey Festus (ed. 2) 240 Was he world-wise?1862Lytton Str. Story lxvii. II. 192 Silently thinking, I walked by the side of the world-wise woman.
1617Fletcher Mad Lover ii. i, Away thou *World-worm, Thou win a matchless Beauty?1826E. Irving Babylon II. 429 Rear your children to be men, not to be world-worms; to be saints, not to be drudges.
1860Chamb. Encycl. I. 76/1 These Ages were regarded as the divisions of the great *world-year, which would be completed when the stars and planets had preformed a revolution round the heavens.
27. In the possessive.
a. In senses corresponding to those at 25 and 26, as world's championship, world's record, world's Series; world's fair orig. U.S., an international exposition of arts, science, industry, and agriculture.
1888Spaulding's Base-Ball Guide 47 In 1887 the world's championship series had become an established supplementary series of contests.1910A. G. Spink National Game 312 The world's championship.
1850New-England Farmer II. 413 The State Board of Agriculture are making up a collection of samples of Indian corn for the World's Fair.1908E. Terry Story of my Life xii. 280, I had loved the Chicago of the Lake with the white buildings of the World's Fair shining on it.1982J. S. Borthwick Case of Hook-Billed Kites iv. 193 Like those rides at world's fairs..where you sit in a little car that draws you through different habitats.
1893Outing (U.S.) XXII. 154/2 He has..held the world's record in the pole vault for distance.1905Sporting Life 7 Oct. 3/1 Jack Sheridan and Hank O'Day have been appointed to umpire the world's series.1925F. Scott Fitzgerald Great Gatsby iv. 88 He's the man who fixed the World's Series back in 1919.1965F. O. Du Pre U.S. Air Force Biogr. Dict. 58/1 He won the Schneider Cup Race—the World's Series of seaplane racing—in 1925, with an average speed of 232 mph.
b. In hyperbolical phr. the world's worst (..), the very worst or most incompetent. colloq.
1921T. Wolfe Let. 13 Nov. (1956) 22 ‘The Woman of Bronze’, the world's worst play.1929J. B. Priestley Good Companions ii. i. 248 She was easily the world's worst as a pianist.1933L. Einstein in O. W. Holmes Holmes-Einstein Lett. (1964) 352, I hasten to add that they are the world's most famous bridge players and she the world's worst!1954R. P. Bissell High Water i. 11 He shaved every other day and of all the Second Mates in the company they could have dumped on me he was the world's worst.1962C. Draper Mad Major iv. 88, I am probably the world's worst dancer.
c. In colloq. phr. one of the world's workers, an industrious person. Freq. in neg. contexts.
1933[see pull v. 25 f].1964D. Gray Devil wore Scarlet x. 91 ‘Mr. Weston isn't one of the world's workers, exactly,’ said Mary.1976G. Moffat Short Time to Live ii. 20 Jackson..is not one of the world's workers, as you must have noticed.

Add:[II.] [7.] a. to go (get, etc.) back to the world (U.S. Mil. slang.): to return to the territorial United States after active service overseas.
1971Current Slang (Univ. S. Dakota) VI. 5 Get back to the world,..to be discharged and sent home.1979Tucson (Arizona) Citizen 28 Apr. (Weekender Mag.) 3/1 He was due to rotate back to ‘the world’, as it was known, in only a few weeks.1987D. A. Dye Platoon iv. 40 You'll kill boo-coo gooks before you go on back to the World.
[V.] [26.] world music, traditional local or ethnic music, esp. from the developing world, or (usu. with cap. initials) a style of commercial pop music incorporating elements of such folk traditions.
[1977Washington Post 20 Nov. f4/1, I..realized that all we were taught about music being either Western or primitive was a shocking form of colonialism, and that we desperately needed to start thinking in terms of world music.]1982N.Y. Times 23 June c23/3 Mr. Berendt is co-producing a ‘Jazz and *World Music’ program that will take place in Avery Fisher Hall at 7 P.M. Saturday.1989Daily Tel. (Colour Suppl.) 4 Feb. p. ii/3 Since the late 1950s, there has been a periodic fascination in the West with music from far-flung parts... In 1987, 11 small independent British record companies agreed to employ the term ‘world music’ to describe the genre, united only by a common feeling that their diverse forms of global music were under-publicised.1991One 55 (U.K. ed.) b. 6/2 The one ‘world music’ Brits do have admiration for is Bhangra and Asian pop, since it reminds them of late night delights in Indian restaurants.

to be in a world of one's own and variants: to be absorbed in oneself and inattentive to one's surroundings or situation; to be divorced from reality.
[1668M. Cavendish Descr. New World Pref., I must be content to live a Melancholly Life in my own World.]1705R. Steele Tender Husband i. i. 7 You must understand, the young Lady by being kept from the World, has made a World of her own—She has spent all her solitude in Reading Romances.1773R. Graves Spiritual Quixote I. ii. vii. 71 He threw himself at length upon the turf; and was soon got into a world of his own, snoring most profoundly.1805W. Godwin Fleetwood II. xiii. 180 He lived however, toward the close of his life, in a world of his own, and saw nothing as it really was.1851N. Hawthorne Seven Gables v. 86 These..people were odd humorists, in a world of their own,—a world of vivid brilliancy.1931E. Bliss Saraband i. 11 She's always dreaming. I think she lives in a world of her own.1992T. Davies Modest Pageant 177 God help him. He's in a world of his own.
II. world, v. Obs. rare.
[f. prec.]
trans. a. To furnish with a world of people; to people. Also intr. with it. b. To bring (a child) into the world.
1589Warner Alb. Eng. vi. xxxi. 140 Zamois, when Troy must perish, shall send downe her Floods a Fleete, And world it where our Father rulde... But long time hence,..that World shall world an Ile.1628Feltham Resolves ii. [i.] lix. 170 Like Lightening, it can strike the childe in the wombe, and kill it ere 'tis worlded.

