
单词 koine
释义 koine|ˈkɔɪniː|
[Gr. κοινή, fem. sing. of κοινός common, ordinary.]
a. Originally the common literary dialect of the Greeks (ἡ κοινὴ διάλεκτος) from the close of classical Attic to the Byzantine era. Now extended to include any language or dialect in regular use over a wide area in which different languages or dialects are, or were, in use locally.
[1886Encycl. Brit. XXI. 653/1 As might be expected, this κοινή, like the κοινή of the Greeks, has a comparatively limited vocabulary.]1913D. B. Durham Vocab. Menander 8 The year 600 a.d. is a convenient date at which to divide the Koine from the Greek of the middle ages.1926Germanic Rev. I. iv. 297 Assuming that all our dialects had given way to a High German koiné, we should still recognize the characteristic distinctions of the former dialects.1927A. H. McNeile Introd. New Testament 278 Such [constructions] as were rapidly making their way into the Koine Greek.1933Amer. Speech VIII. Oct. 5/1 The American koiné in eliminating the extreme variations in English dialects nevertheless absorbed enough of their peculiarities to make it a highly varied unity.1956A. Toynbee Historian's Approach to Relig. xix. 270 In the first century of the Christian Era the dissemination of the books of the New Testament in the Attic koinê—the ‘standard Greek’ of the day—ensured their finding readers as far afield..as Britain..and India.1958D. Whitelock Changing Currents Anglo-Saxon Stud. 6 The general use of the West Saxon literary koine in the tenth and eleventh centuries.1964S. M. Ervin-Tripp in J. A. Fishman Readings Sociol. of Lang. (1968) 197 Superposed varieties [of speech] include many types, from occupational argots to koines used for trade and regional communication, such as Melanesian Pidgin and Swahili.1965Times Lit. Suppl. 22 Apr. 317/2 A ‘disc-jockey’ found himself saying ‘take time out’, in accordance with the conventional mid-Atlantic koine these people have to use.1966K. H. Albrow in C. E. Bazell In Memory of J. R. Firth 2 F. Roberts is in the habit of speaking standard Welsh with a Northern accent as his Welsh koine except at home.
b. A set of cultural or other attributes common to various groups. Also attrib.
1924A. J. B. Wace in Cambr. Anc. Hist. II. xvi. 466 During the last two centuries, at least, of the Mycenaean dominion in Greece and the Aegean, there was a cultural koiné, and it is at least likely that there was a linguistic koiné as well.1939J. D. S. Pendlebury Archaeol. Crete vi. 358 Crete had entered the Hellenistic koine and its individuality is nearly lost.1962Economist 28 Apr. 340/3 The Mauretanian and Numidian kingdoms..were centres of an Afro-European ‘koine’.

