
单词 puerperal
释义 puerperal, a.|pjuːˈɜːpərəl|
[f. L. puerper-us parturient, bringing forth children (f. puer a child + -par-us bringing forth) + -al1. So F. puerpéral (1835 in Dict. Acad.).]
Of, pertaining to, accompanying, or ensuing upon parturition. puerperal fever, puerperal sepsis, etc., sepsis of the genital tract following parturition, or the fever associated with this.
1768T. Denman (title) Essays on the Puerperal Fever, and on Puerperal Convulsions.1791Cowper Iliad xvi. 225 Ilithya, arbitress Of pangs puerperal.1814J. Armstrong Facts Rel. Fever called Puerperal p. vii, Under the common term puerperal fever are comprehended, in the following work, both the ordinary peritoneal inflammation, and the low malignant fever, of lying-in women, and these are considered as modifications of the same disease.1874Bucknill & Tuke Psych. Med. (ed. 3) 350 The term Puerperal Insanity, Mania, or Madness, is by different writers employed in a restricted or a comprehensive use.1876W. S. Playfair Sci. & Pract. Midwifery II. v. v. 302 There is no subject in the whole range of obstetrics which has caused so much discussion and difference of opinion as that to which this chapter is devoted. Under the name of ‘Puerperal Fever’, the disease we have to consider has given rise to endless controversy.Ibid., If this view be correct, the term ‘puerperal fever’, conveying the idea of a fever such as typhus or typhoid, must be acknowledged to be in itself misleading, and one that should be discarded.1935A. C. Beck Obstetr. Pract. xxxvi. 583 Puerperal infection is a wound infection in the birth passages. It often is referred to as puerperal fever, childbed fever, puerperal sepsis, or puerperal septicemia.1955Sci. News Let. 11 June 373/1 Puerperal sepsis, which is better known as childbed fever.1974Greenhill & Friedman Biol. Princ. & Mod. Pract. Obstetr. lxx. 730/1 The term puerperal infection includes all the inflammatory processes which arise from bacterial invasion of the genital organs during labour or the puerperium. Other terms for this condition are puerperal sepsis, puerperal septicemia, puerperal fever and childbed fever.1977J. Donnison Midwives & Med. Men v. 93 The deadly ‘childbed’ or ‘puerperal’ fever..regularly closed wards and contributed to maternal death rates as high as 28 per 1,000.
Hence puˈerperally adv. (in Cent. Dict.).

