
单词 purgatory
释义 I. purgatory, n.|ˈpɜːgətərɪ|
Forms: α. 3–7 purgatorie, 4–5 -tori, 5–6 -torye, 4– purgatory; (also 4 purcatorie, 4–6 -ory, 6 pourgatory). β. 4 purgatore, 4–6 -toire, 5 -tor.
[ad. med.L. purgātōri-um (in St. Bernard c 1130, in sense ‘a means of cleansing’), absol. use of neuter of purgātōri-us adj. cleansing, purifying, f. purgāre to cleanse, purge. Perh. immed. a. AF. purgatorie (Godef. Compl.) = OF. purgatoire, whence the β forms.]
1. a. A condition or place of spiritual purging and purification; spec. in Roman Catholic belief, a state ‘in which souls who depart this life in the grace of God suffer for a time, because they still need to be cleansed from venial sins, or have still to pay the temporal punishment due to mortal sins, the guilt and the eternal punishment of which have been remitted’ (Cath. Dict.).
a1225Ancr. R. 126 Anhonged, oðer ine purgatorie, oðer iðe pine of helle.a1300[see fire A. 1 c].1340Ayenb. 73 Purgatorie þe ssel seawy hou god clenzeþ veniel zenne.1362Langl. P. Pl. A. xi. 248, I shal punisshen in purcatory or in þe put of helle Eche man for his misdede.1390Gower Conf. I. 207 The man which lith in purgatoire.c1425Wyntoun Chron. v. xiv. 5510 Morys..askyt in his prayere Þat he sulde noucht de befor Þat her he tholit his purgator.1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 22876 Prayer abreggeth purgatory.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 207 Aboue this lowest hell there is another hell called purgatory.1534in Lett. Suppress. Monasteries (Camden) 36 He wold prove purcatory by a certayne vers in the Saulter.1562Articles of Religion xxii, The Romish doctrine concerning purgatory..is a fond thing vainly inuented.1626Burton Anat. Mel. iii. iv. i. iii. (ed. 2) 522 Purgatory, Limbus Patrum, Infantum, and all that subterranean Geography.1661Blount Glossogr. (ed. 2) s.v., The Council of Trent, Sect. 15. defines, that there is a Purgatory, and that the souls detained there, are benefitted by the prayers of the faithful.1768Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) II. 352 The doctrine of a purgatory seems innocent in itself, or, rather, salubrious..: it is only the absurd notion..of praying or buying souls out of purgatory, that renders it a heresy repugnant to reason, to religion, and to common sense.1853Faber All for Jesus 357 That the name of Purgatory was first authoritatively given to the Intermediate State in 1284 by Innocent IV.1885Catholic Dict. (ed. 3) 702/2 All the souls in Purgatory have died in the love of God, and are certain to enter heaven.1898A. G. Mortimer Cath. Faith & Practice II. 352 The comparison of the differences between the Eastern and Western doctrines of Purgatory..strongly inclines one to the Western view.
b. Saint Patrick's Purgatory:
A name given to a cavern on an island in Lough Derg, Co. Donegal, where, according to legend, Christ appeared to St. Patrick and showed him a deep pit wherein whoever spent a day and a night could behold the torments of hell and the joys of heaven.
c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 199/2 Seint paterik..makede ane put in Irlonde, Þat seint patrike purgatorie is icleoped ȝeot.1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) V. 305 The thrydde thynge of the Purgatory of Seynte Patrikke is ascribede to Seynte Patricke the secunde.1703Irish Act 2 Anne c. 6 §26 Whereas, the Superstitions of Popery are greatly increased and upheld by the pretended Sanctity..of a place called St. Patrick's Purgatory in the County of Donegall [etc.].1855Milman Lat. Chr. xiv. ii. 430 The Purgatory of St. Patrick, the Purgatory of Owen Miles,..were among the most popular and widespread legends of the ages preceding Dante.
2. fig.
a. Any condition, place, or thing having the characteristics ascribed to purgatory; a place or state of temporary suffering, expiation, etc.
c1386Chaucer Wife's Prol. 489 By god in erthe I was his purgatorie For which I hope his soule be in glorie.1490Caxton How to Die (1491) 7 The Infyrmyte tofore the deth is lyke as a purgatore.1500–20Dunbar Poems xxv. 2 We that ar heir in hevins glory [at Court], To ȝow that ar in purgatory [at Stirling in distress].1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. i. vii. 19 Those who first called England the Purgatory of servants, sure did us much wrong.1725T. Thomas in Portland Papers VI. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) 98 Half way to North Allerton is a very bad piece of road which goes by the name of Purgatory.1756Foote Eng. fr. Paris i. Wks. 1799 I. 105 And you really think Paris a kind of purgatory.1807W. Irving in Life & Lett. (1864) I. 186 We have toiled through the purgatory of an election.1880‘Ouida’ Moths II. 199 The paradise of other women was her purgatory.
b. That which purges from sin; an expiation.
1563–4Becon Jewel of Joy Pref., We knew not Christ's most precious blood to be a sufficient purgatory for all our sins.1639N. N. tr. Du Bosq's Compl. Woman I. G j, Women are so late ere they fall to devotion, and take it ordinarily but as a Purgatory of the offences of their youth.
3. A purgation, a cleaning out. Obs. rare—1.
1596Nashe Saffron Walden Wks. (Grosart) III. 75 The fire of Alchumie hath wrought such a purgation or purgatory in a great number of mens purses in England, that it hath clean fir'd them out of al they haue.
4. U.S.
a. A cavern (cf. sense 1 b).
b. A deep narrow gorge or ravine, with vertical or steep sides; also, a brook flowing through such a gorge. Usually as a place-name.
1766M. Cutler in Life, etc. (1888) I. 12 Hunted in Purgatory with Mr. Dean and Mr. Penniman [for botanical specimens] this afternoon, but found nothing.1787Morse Amer. Gazetteer, Sutton, a township in Worcester co., Massachusetts... The cavern, commonly called Purgatory, is a natural curiosity.1888J. D. Whitney Names & Places 160 Along the coast of New England, and in the interior, narrow ravines with nearly perpendicular walls are called ‘purgatories’.1902A. Matthews Purgatory River 1 note, There are in New England several small brooks to which the name of Purgatory is given, either because they drain swamps, or flow through or near rock chasms which are called Purgatories.
c. A swamp, esp. one difficult to cross. Also attrib. local U.S.
1831J. M. Peck Guide for Emigrants iii. 308 In the low prairies near the Wabash, are swamps, called by the people purgatories, which are almost impassable in the wet season.1834Gaz. Illinois iii. 172 The eastern part, towards the Wabash, contains some wet land and purgatory swamps.
5. A hole under a fire-place, covered with a grating through which the ashes may fall; also, the grating which covers it. local.
1841C. H. Hartshorne Salopia Antiqua 537 Purgatory, the pit grate of a kitchen fire place; by falling through which the ashes become purer.1866Mrs. H. Wood Elster's Folly iii, The ‘purgatory’ in Mr. Jabez Gum's kitchen consisted of a hole, two feet square, under the hearth, covered with a grating, through which the ashes and the small cinders fell.1874Mast. Greylands xxiii, Sister Ann, in taking one of the irons from between the bars of the grate, let it fall with a crash upon the purgatory.1897R. M. Gilchrist Peakland Faggot ii. 20 Et's onpossible, wi' them purgatories on th' harstone, to keep ashes fro' flyin.
6. attrib. and Comb., as purgatory fire, purgatory legend, purgatory pain, purgatory-raker, purgatory suffering, etc.; purgatory hammer, popular name of stone axes found in prehistoric graves in Ireland; purgatory hole (local) = sense 5.
c1375Lay Folks Mass Bk. (MS. B.) 472 Til alle in purgatory pyne, þis messe be mede & medicyne.c1425St. Mary of Oignies i. xii. in Anglia VIII. 148/18 She gat graunt..at she shulde passe to paradys wiþ-outen purgatory peyne.1553Becon Reliques of Rome Wks. (1563) 198 Where thys place of Purgatorye is: none of oure purgatorye rakers or proctoures thereof is able to declare.1596Nashe Lenten Stuffe Wks. (Grosart) V. 247 The great yeare of Iubile in Edward the thirds time..three hundred thousand people romed to Rome for purgatorie pils and paternal veniall benedictions.1692Bp. of Ely Answ. Touchstone 27 Purgatory-fire; which..they have kindled already, and would have us believe Souls are now frying therein.1851D. Wilson Preh. Ann. Scot. vi. 135 The stone hammer..popularly known in Scotland almost till the close of last century [as] the Purgatory Hammer.1865Tylor Early Hist. Man. viii. 224 Purgatory Hammers, for the dead to knock with at the gates.1895[T. Pinnock] T. Brown's Black Country Ann. (E.D.D.), What bad luck to drap yer weddin ring in the purgatory hole.
Hence ˈpurgatory v. trans. nonce-wd., to put into purgatory or a situation of pain.
1860O. W. Holmes Elsie V. xxi, Blanche Creamer..was purgatoried between the two old Doctors.
II. purgatory, a.|ˈpɜːgətərɪ|
[ad. post-cl. L. purgātōri-us, f. purgātōr-em cleanser: see purgator and -ory2.]
Having the quality of cleansing or purifying; = purgative a.; of or pertaining to purgation. purgatory prison = purgatory n.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xviii. 390 Thei shul be clensed clereliche & wasshen of her synnes In my prisoun purgatorie.c1450tr. De Imitatione i. xxiv. 33 Þi sorowe is satisfactory and purgatory.1579W. Wilkinson Confut. Familye of Loue B iv, Clensing whiche he calleth Purgatorie.1675R. Burthogge Causa Dei 21 Plutarch..tells us, that Infernal Punishments are Purgatory and Medicinal.1790Burke Fr. Rev. Wks. V. 339 Every man who has served in an assembly is ineligible for two years after... This purgatory interval is not unfavourable to a faithless representative.a1834Coleridge Aids Refl. (1854) 256 note, Remorse is no Purgatory Angel.

