
单词 putrification
释义 putrifiˈcation Obs.
[n. of action f. L. type *putrificāre, f. *putrific-us, f. L. putri-s rotten: substituted for the actual L. putrefacĕre to make to rot: see putrefy.]
= putrefaction.
1548R. Crowley Confut. Shaxton D vij b, Seynge..that the putrification muste nedes be in a bodye, and that the qualities be no bodyes.1608Willet Hexapla Exod. 245 The manna..kept without any putrification vntill the sabbath.1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus i. 16 (1619) 321 Like the graues full of putrification and rottennes.

