
单词 acidophil
释义 acidophil, -phile, a. and n.|æˈsɪdəfɪl, -faɪl|
[f. acid n. + -o- + -phile.]
A. adj. Having an affinity for acids, staining readily with an acid dye. (Cf. oxyphil a.)
B. n. A cell or histological element readily stained by an acid dye. Hence aˌcidoˈphilic, aciˈdophilous adjs.
1900Dorland Med. Dict. 21/1 Acidophil 1. Easily stained by acid dyes. 2. An element or substance that is readily stained with acid dyes. Acidophilic, Acidophilous, readily stained with acid dyes.1927Henderson & Gillespie Text-bk. Psychiatry ix. 217 Dunlap was unable to demonstrate the occurrence of acidophile staining in the nuclei of nerve cells in any of his cases.1932Fuller & Conard tr. Braun-Blanquet's Plant Sociol. xiii. 311 This concentration [of the soil solution] causes a speedy weeding out of the acidophilous species which are found in the first stages on raw siliceous soils and sands.1951G. Bourne Cytol. & Cell Physiol. (ed. 2) ix. 400 Acidophil intranuclear inclusions resembling those produced by viruses have been reported in cells under such conditions that there is no reason to assume any relationship with a virus infection.1958Immunology I. 13 No carbohydrate-containing substance was demonstrable in the acidophils.

