
单词 simony
释义 simony|ˈsɪmənɪ|
Forms: 3–6 symonye, -ie, (4 -i), 4–9 symony; 3–7 simonie (4 -ye), 6 simoni, 6– simony.
[a. OF. symonie, simonie (= Sp., Pg., It. simonia), ad. med.L. simonia, f. the name of Simon Magus, in allusion to his offer of money to the Apostles, Acts viii. 18–19.]
1. The act or practice of buying or selling ecclesiastical preferments, benefices, or emoluments; traffic in sacred things. Freq. with initial capital.
a1225Ancr. R. 202 Simonie, Gauel, Oker.c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 435 Wel vnneþe he it fond with-oute symonie. Simonie so is i-cleoped foreward for-to make To bugge liflode of holie churche.1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 5511 Symonye ys, as men telle, When ȝyftys of holy cherche men selle.a1340Hampole Psalter lxxviii. 1 Ill men..come in..till dignytes of halykirke, þorgh maystry and symony.c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 328 Siche curatis..comen not into here benefices bi þe dore,..but symonye, pride and coveitise.c1449Pecock Repr. iii. viii. 321 The fruyt of the chirchis riche endewing is synne of..symonye.1482Monk of Evesham xlvi. (Arb.) 93 He tolde me that for the synne of symony that he dyd..he sofred ful greuys peynys.1534More Comf. agst. Trib. ii. Wks. 1200/2 If he came therto by simony, or some such other euyll mene.1580Lupton Sivqila 11 Then I thinke none is admitted into that function with you, that intrude themselves into it by giftes or Simonie.1616R. C. Times' Whistle (1871) 45 But Simonie is now soe common growne, That 'tis account noe sinne, if kept vnknowne.1664H. More Myst. Iniq. 434 Those Revenues and Preferments which Simony..had made mere Merchandise.1704Nelson Fest. & Fasts x. (1739) 603 The Christian Church..proceeded with great Severity against such as were found guilty of Simony.1766Blackstone Comm. II. 278 By simony, the right of presentation to a living is forfeited, and vested pro hac vice in the crown.1823Lingard Hist. Eng. VI. 223 A pontiff unfit for his station through ignorance, incapable of holding it through simony.1876Freeman Norm. Conq. V. 315 In his ecclesiastical patronage Stephen stands vaguely charged with Simony.
fig.1600W. Watson Decacordon 83 Which foule abuse is nothing else but a meere mentall Simonie, vsurie, sacriledge and most impious hypocrisie.1656Earl of Monmouth tr. Boccalini's Advts. fr. Parnass. i. lxxvii. 103 The prevarications of Advocates, the Symony used of Judges.
attrib.1859Sala Tw. round Clock (1861) 120 If you have a fancy to see Simony sales by auction, and advowsons..knocked down for so many pounds sterling.
b. Personified. Obs.
c1325Poem time Edw. II (Percy) iv, Trewth..dare not come..for ferde, if symonye may meet hym, he wil smyte of his berde.1362Langl. P. Pl. A. ii. 37 Sir Simonye is of-sent to asseale þe Chartres.c1400Mandeville (1839) iii. 19 For now is Symonye Kyng crouned in Holy Chirche.1588Marprel. Epist. (1843) 25, I thinke Simonie be the bishops lacky.a1640J. Day Peregr. Schol. (1881) 72, I haue but a poore vicaridge which one Mr. Symon-Monye, or more familiarlie sym-monie, helpt me to.
2. The money paid in simony. Also transf., a tip (to a verger). Obs. rare.
1598Marston Sco. Villanie ii. v. 196 What though pale Maurus paid huge Symonies For his halfe-dozen gelded vicaries.1706–7Farquhar Beaux' Strat. ii. ii, Then I, Sir, tips me the Verger with half a Crown; he pockets the Simony and Inducts me into the best Pue in the Church.

