
单词 church-service
释义 church-service
1. Service of the church; a religious life. Obs.
c1340Cursor M. 10606 (Trin.) Þei had..ȝyuen hir to þe chirche seruise.
2. The public worship of a church; now spec. (in England) the order of Common Prayer of the Church of England.
a1555Bradford Wks. 394 Company not with them, specially in their church-service.1587Golding De Mornay xvii. 269 It appeareth..by the books of Cerimonies of all nations, all whose Churchseruices are nothing but sacrifices.Ibid. xx. 314 That it direct us and al our Churchseruices vnto the true God.1670H. Stubbe Censure, etc. 16 Part of the Church Service, now imposed on the Communicants to hold.1883J. W. Sherer At Home & in India 38 Church service was held..in the parade-ground.
3. pop. A service-book; esp. a book containing, in addition to the Book of Common Prayer, the proper lessons, metrical version of the psalms, etc.
1859Sala Tw. round Clock (1861) 178 Nine church services, richly bound.

