
单词 shrunk
释义 shrunk, ppl. a.|ʃrʌŋk|
[pa. pple. of shrink v.]
1. Contracted or reduced in size; drawn together into a smaller compass; reduced in power, means, or the like. Also with together, up, away.
a. in predicative use.
1530Palsgr. 705/2 My leather purse is shronke.1540Acolastus ii. i. H ij, My bely or panche is all wasted quyte vp or shronke to gether.1592Kyd Murther I. Brewen Wks. (1901) 291 Vomiting till his intrailes were all shrunke and broken.1607Shakes. Timon iii. ii. 68 Timon is shrunke indeede.1663Stapylton Slighted Maid Prol., Men are shrunk in Brain as well as Stature.1675Evelyn Terra (1676) 68 Sedums..when to all appearance shrunk and shrivel'd up.1823Scott Quentin D. xxviii, My dominions..are somewhat shrunk in compass.1827Chron. Canongate iii, The wood paneling was shrunk and warped.1845Budd Dis. Liver 245 The brain..is generally somewhat shrunk.
b. in attributive use. Now somewhat rare.
1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. iv. i. 104 In this borrowed likenesse of shrunke death Thou shalt continue two and forty houres.1593Lucr. 1455 Her blew bloud chang'd to blacke in euerie vaine, Wanting the spring, that those shrunke pipes had fed.1600A.Y.L. ii. vii. 161 His shrunke shanke.1609B. Jonson Masque Wks. (1616) 955 As low as lies Old shrunk-vp Chaos.1631Massinger Believe as You List iv. iv, To stretch my shruncke up sinnewes at an ore.1675H. Woolley Gentlew. Comp. 185 The withered or shrunk Barberries.1784Cowper Task i. 392 The flaccid, shrunk, And wither'd muscle.1835Court Mag. VI. 71/2 She was of shrunk growth, if not positively deformed.1849Cupples Green Hand xv. (1856) 149 Till his shrunk face was as quiet on the pillow as if he'd been really at home the first night after a voyage.1907G. F. S. Elliot Rom. Plant Life xv. 196 The ‘shrunk’ or folded condition of the leaflets.
2. Of cloth: That has been subjected to the process of ‘shrinking’.
1895Stores Price List, White Flannels...Cream Tennis, Twill (Shrunk).
3. Fitted on by the process of shrinking.
1908Westm. Gaz. 18 Aug. 4/2 Eight cylinders, arranged V-fashion, with shrunk-on brass water-jackets.

