
单词 sibred
释义 ˈsibred Obs. exc. dial.
Forms: α. 1 sibreden, 5 -redin, sybredyn(e; 4–5 sib(be)radyn. β. 3–5 sibrede, 4–5 sybrede (5 cybrede, sybreed), 6 sybrade; 4 sibred, 5–6 syb(b)red, 6 sybberid, 7 sibbered; 7 sibrit, 9 dial. sibberet(s), sib(b)ret(s), -rit(s), etc. γ. Sc. 5 sibrend, sibrent.
[See sib a. and -red, and cf. gossipred.]
1. Relationship, kinship, consanguinity.
α1127O.E. Chron. an. 1127, Þe ilce Willelm hæfde æror numen ðes eorles dohter of Angeow to wife, oc hi wæron siððan to-tweamde for sibreden.a1400Morte Arth. 691 For the sybredyne of me, fore-sake noghte this offyce.c1400Destr. Troy 10326 Þurgh sibradyn first, Thou was aliet to þat lynage.1483Cath. Angl. 338/2 A Sybredyn, consanguinitas.
β1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 10108 Þulke ȝer þe king him let vor sibrede to dele.a1300Cursor M. 12674 Iesu broþer cald was he For sibred, wirschip, and bunte.1390Gower Conf. III. 284 Every man it scholde drede, And nameliche in his Sibrede.c1425Eng. Conq. Ireland 42 All other,..that sybrede or other frendshypp hadden to hym,..weren I-dryue out of englond.c1470Harding Chron. cxxix, But for sibrede & consanguinitee They were departed by papall iudgement.
transf.1575Laneham Lett. (1871) 4 Ioyning these too togither, with the nighness allso of the woords, and sybred of the toongs.
γc1425Wyntoun Cron. ii. i. 75 Til sibrent [v.r. sibrend] haffande na knawlage And but al reuerens of maryage.
2. E. Angl. dial. The banns of marriage.
Prob. from the mention, in the banns, of ‘sibred’ as an impediment to the marriage.
c1440Promp. Parv. 455/1 Sybrede,..banna.c1440Jacob's Well 21 Alle, þat..don swyche weddynges be solemnysed, & wyth-oute syb-redes, in cherchys, in chapellys, or in oratoriis.1513Will of Poly (Somerset Ho.), If she bee maried as sone as hir sybbred bee asked.1674Ray S. & E.C. Words 76 Sibberidge, or Sibbered; the Banes of Matrimony, Suff.1823E. Moor Suffolk Words 348 Sibrit, banns of matrimony.1860A. Strickland Old Friends 214 After their sibright was out-asked.1884J. S. Orton Beeston Ghost 4 T'will be a precious long awhile afore the paarson axes my sibbret.

