
单词 guarish
释义 ˈguarish, v. Obs.
Also 5 garissh, -ysshe, guarisshe, -yshe, -ysse, gwerysshe. See also warish.
[f. OF. g(u)ariss-, pres. stem of g(u)arir, modF. guérir = OSp., OPg. guarir:—OTeut. *warjan in Goth. warjan, OHG. giweren-, biwerjan to protect, defend.]
1. trans. To cure, heal. (Frequent in Caxton.)
1474Caxton Chesse iii. v. (1860) H j b, Alle thys maner of peple..that haue the charge for to make hoole and guarisshe alle maner of maladyes and Infirmytees.1483G. de la Tour F vij b, That it wold plese hym to hele and gwerysshe her.1590Spenser F.Q. iii. v. 41 Daily she dressed him, and did the best, His grievous hurt to guarish, that she might.1596Ibid. iv. iii. 29 All his wounds, and all his bruses guarisht.
2. intr. for pass. To recover. Const. of.
1489Caxton Faytes of A. iii. xxi. 219 We putte caas that he beynge in prison shulde gwarisshe of his sicknesse.

