
单词 bedding
释义 bedding, vbl. n.|ˈbɛdɪŋ|
[f. bed + -ing1.]
I. Connected with bed n.
1. a. A collective name for the articles which compose a bed, esp. the mattress, feather-bed, or other article lain upon, and the bed-clothes.
a1000Lamb. Psalter vi. 7 (Bosw.), Mid minum tearum mine beddinge ic beþwea.a1000Ags. Gloss. in Wr.-Wülcker Voc. 187 Mataxa, uel corductum, uel stramentum, stræl, uel bedding.1303R. Brunne Handl. S. 3432 Ȝyf þou delyte þe yn ryche beddyng.1388Wyclif 2 Sam. xvii. 28 Brouȝten to hym beddyngis and tapitis.1486Act 3 Hen. VII, ix, Things that be good..for Houshold..Brass, Pewter, Bedding.1566Wills & Inv. N.C. (1835) 254 All bedding as fether-bedds, mattrasses wth all that pertenithe thervnto.1610B. Jonson Alch. v. i, He hath sold my hangings, and my beddings!1700Dryden Pal. & Arc. ii. 159 Bedding and clothes I will this night provide.1815Encycl. Brit. III. 503/2 In the Highlands heath..is very generally used as bedding.1861F. Nightingale Nursing 50 Whenever you can, hang up the whole of the bedding to air for a few hours.
b. A supply of bed-clothes for one bed.
1620R. Seton in Rep. Eglinton Papers No. 128 (1885) 45 Your lordship most also send tuo bedding of clothes.1724Ramsay Tea-t. Misc. (ed. 9) I. 28 With an auld bedden o' claiths Was left me by my mither.
c. Anything used to sleep on or in; sleeping accommodation. arch. or Obs.
1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xvii. 74 He goþ to a cold beddyng.1463Mann. & Househ. Exp. 225 He schalle have mete, and drynke, and beddynge.a1550Peblis to Play xiv, Gilbert in ane guttar glayde; He gat na better beddin.1596Spenser State Irel. (1809) I. 161 The ground..which useth to be his bedding.1675Hobbes Odyss. (1677) 31 So rude or poor, As not good bedding for a friend t' afford.
d. Litter for horses and cattle.
1697Dryden Virg. Georg. iii. 465 Spread with Straw, the bedding of thy Fold.1840J. Stewart Stable Econ. 137 Some people give the horse no bedding, or almost none.
2. A bottom layer or foundation, in or on which anything rests, or may be firmly fixed.
1611Markham Countr. Content. ii. ii. (1688) 161 Straws which do belong to the bedding of the [malt-] kiln.1677Evelyn Mem. (1857) II. 119 The bedding being soft mud it is safe for shipping.1787Best Angling Gloss., Bedding. the body of an artificial-fly.1881Ev. Man his own Mechanic iii. §1696 A bedding of putty must be carefully laid round that part..against which the glass is to be placed.
3. Building. The upper and lower surfaces of stones when worked for building. See bed 12 b.
1401Contr. Durham Dorm. in Gloss. Gothic Archit. (1845) I. 52 Et erit le beddyng cujuslibet achiler ponendi in isto opere longitudinis unius pedis de assyse.
4. Arrangement of rocks, etc. in beds or layers; stratification or any similar structure.
1860Tyndall Glac. i. §11. 75 Walls, across which the lines of annual bedding were drawn.1862Ansted Channel Isl. ii. x. 264 Veins..at right angles to the apparent cleavage or bedding.1878Lawrence tr. Cotta's Rocks Class. 97 The word ‘Bedding’ is used..in speaking of all rocks, whether stratified or not. It is taken as the equivalent of the German ‘Lagerung.’1878Huxley Physiogr. 238 Running along the planes of stratification or bedding.
II. Connected with bed v.
5. A putting to bed; esp. of a bride.
1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie i. xxvi. (1811) 41 Epithalamies..ballades at the bedding of the bride.1622Massinger, etc. Old Law v. i, Case up thy maidenhead: no priest, no bedding.1822Scott Nigel xxxvii, A circumstantial description of the wedding, bedding, and throwing the stocking.
6. The process of planting flowers in beds; also called bedding out.
1862Cott. Gardener 3 June 182 The week has been taken up chiefly with bedding.1885Garden 4 June 521 There has been no time for bedding out.
III. attrib. and comb., as bedding ballad, bedding-plant, bedding-out plant; also bedding fault Geol., a fault parallel to a bedding-plane; bedding-ground U.S. = bed-ground; bedding-moulding = bed-moulding; bedding-plane = bed-plane (bed n. 19); bedding-plate = bed-plate (bed n. 19); bedding-roll, a roll of bedding (sense 1); bedding-stone (see quot.).
1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie (Arb.) 68 Epithalamie or *bedding ballad of the ancient times.
1909Cent. Dict. Suppl., *Bedding fault.1961J. Challinor Dict. Geol. 21/1 Bedding-fault, the result of bedding-plane slip.
1884W. Shepherd Prairie Exper. 199 For the *bedding-ground a bare open spot..away from damp.1920J. M. Hunter Trail Drivers of Texas 215 It looked like a ‘round up’ when turning them off of the bedding ground.
1664Evelyn Freart's Archit. 136 Modilions..supply the part of the *bedding-moulding as our Workmen style the Ovolo in this place.
1865Cornh. Mag. May 587 To put down some *bedding-out plants.
1897Q. Jrnl. Geol. Soc. Index I–L 33/2 *Bedding-planes comp. w. cleavage-planes in N. Wales.1908Daily Chron. 15 Dec. 1/5 Originally..horizontal, the bedding plane now dips gently to the south.1920L. V. Pirsson Physical Geol. (ed. 2) 271 The two layers will be separated by a distinct juncture plane..; this is stratification, and the juncture plane is called a bedding plane.
1856Gard. Chron. 55 Many of the *bedding-plants were either dead or in a dying state.
1879Man. Artill. Exerc. 255 The racer is secured to the *bedding-plate by steel bolts with wrought-iron nuts.
1901Kipling Kim vii. 179 His new bullock-trunk..and *bedding-roll lay in the empty sleeping-room.1963Times 5 Mar. 12/7 His bedding-roll in one hand.
1823P. Nicholson Pract. Build. 384 *Bedding Stone.—A straight piece of marble used to try the rubbed side of a brick.
1862Ansted Channel Isl. iv. xxi. 495 The scarlet *bedding varieties often live for many years in the open ground.

