
单词 heretic
释义 heretic, n. (a.)|ˈhɛrɪtɪk|
Forms: 4 eretik(e, 4–6 heretyk(e, 4–7 -ike, 6–7 heretique, -icke, 6–8 -ick, 7– heretic; also 5 heretyc, eretyke, 5–6 herretyk, herytik(e, heretyck(e, erytyke, 6 eret-, erytycke, heretyque, herytyke, -ycke, hæretik, -ick(e, 7 -ique.
[a. F. hérétique (14th c.) ad. eccl. L. hæretic-us, a. Gr. αἱρετικός able to choose, f. αἱρέ-εσθαι to choose; subseq. in eccl. writers (after ἅρεσις) heretical, heretic. OF. had the popularly formed herege, also herite (see erege, erite). To French derivation is due the position of the stress, as differing from words immed. from Gr. or L. such as aˈscetic, theoˈretic: cf. ˈcatholic.]
1. One who maintains theological or religious opinions at variance with the ‘catholic’ or orthodox doctrine of the Christian Church, or, by extension, that of any church or religious system, considered as orthodox. Also transf. with reference to non-Christian religions.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 320 Þe kyng said & did crie, þe pape was heretike.a1340Hampole Psalter x. 1 Heretikes & fals breþer.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xvi. 73 If I be ane heretyc..þan es all heresy þat here es writen.1556Chron. Gr. Friars (Camden) 11 Thys yere was..an erytyke brentte in Smythfelde for eryse.1563Winȝet Four Scoir Thre Quest. Wks. 1888 I. 71 Gif ȝe heirfor haldis ws Catholikis to be hæretikis.1611Bible Transl. Pref. 8 Heretikes they call vs by the same right that they call themselues Catholikes, both being wrong.1638Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 251 The Persian Religion at this day varies not from the Turks in any particle of the Alcoran; and yet they account one the other Hereticks.1725Watts Logic i. iv. §8 When a papist uses the word heretics, he generally means the protestants.a1856H. Miller Test. Rocks ix. (1857) 357 Every form of faith has its heretics.1874Green Short Hist. vii. §8. 430 The League rejected Henry's claims as those of a heretic.
2. By extension, One who maintains opinions upon any subject at variance with those generally received or considered authoritative.
1599Shakes. Much Ado i. i. 236 Thou wast euer an obstinate heretique in the despight of Beautie.c1620A. Hume Brit. Tongue i. vii §8 My antagonist..began that I was becum an heretik, and the doctour spering how, ansuered that I denyed quho to be spelled with a w, but with qu.
3. Comb., as heretic-burning, heretic-hunting, heretic-taker.
1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1861) VII. i. 47 Pashur was..the chief heretic-taker.1895J. J. Raven Hist. Suffolk 163 Gardiner and Bonner..were heretic-hunting and heretic-burning.
B. attrib. or adj. = heretical. rare.
1382Wyclif Titus iii. 10 Schonye thou a man heretyk [1388 eretik] aftir oon and the secunde coreccioun.1606Proc. agst. Late Traitors 2 That our said Sovereigne Lord the King..and whole Commonaltie of the realme of England..were heretique.1682Dryden Relig. Laici Pref. Wks. (Globe) 189 That they may be dispensed with in their obedience to an heretic prince.1839Morn. Herald. in Spirit Metrop. Conserv. Press (1840) II. 391 He must consider it heretic and sinful to ‘search the Scriptures’.1860Motley Netherl. x. II. 63 To deprive the heretic Queen..both of throne and life.
Hence hereticly (-ykely) adv., as a heretic.
1538Wriothesley Chron. (1875) I. 90 Foure persons of the Anabaptistes heretykely bare fagottes the same daye at Paules Crosse.

