
单词 hemal
释义 hæmal, hemal, a. Anat.|ˈhiːməl|
[f. Gr. αἷµ-α blood + -al1.]
Of or belonging to the blood or blood-vascular system; belonging to or situated on or towards that side or region of the body which contains the heart and great blood-vessels: opp. to neural; in the case of the Vertebrata and Tunicata, synonymous with ventral.
hæmal arch, term used by Owen for the inferior arch of a typical vertebra. hæmal cavity, the cavity formed by a series of hæmal arches (constituted by the ribs, costal cartilages, and breast-bone), and containing the heart, great blood-vessels, and respiratory and digestive organs. hæmal spine, the ventral element of a hæmal arch, represented by a segment of the breast-bone; also (quot. 1868) used by Darwin for a hypapophysis, or process on the hæmal side of the body of a vertebra.
1839–47Todd's Cycl. Anat. III. 1011/2 Near the entry of the hæmal canal.1848Owen Homol. Vertebrate Skel. 99 The pleurapophyses defend the hæmal or visceral cavity.1854Skel. & Teeth in Circ. Sc. (c 1865) II. 48/1 The hæmal arch is formed by a pair of bones called ‘pleurapophyses’..by a second pair, called ‘hæmapophyses’..and by a bone, sometimes bifid, called the ‘hæmal spine’.1861J. R. Greene Man. Anim. Kingd., Cœlent. 17 In the Cœlenterata..no distinction between neural and hæmal regions can be noticed.1868Darwin Anim. & Pl. I. iv. 122 In a half-wild rabbit..a hæmal spine was moderately well developed on the under side of the twelfth dorsal vertebra.1878Bell Gegenbaur's Comp. Anat. 217 The close association of the hæmal system and the nerve-tracts.1891A. Clarkson in Brit. Med. Jrnl. II. 183 Hæmal Glands..Certain hitherto undescribed glands which are to be found accompanying the renal artery in some herbivora.

