
单词 derision
释义 derision|dɪˈrɪʒən|
Also 5 dyrision, 6 diresioun.
[a. F. dérision (13th c.), ad. L. dērīsiōn-em, n. of action from dērīdēre to deride.]
1. The action of deriding or laughing to scorn; ridicule, mockery.
a1400Cov. Myst. (Shaks. Soc.) 191 Of thi wurdys I have skorne and derysone.c1470Henry Wallace viii. 646 It were but derysioun To croun him king but woice off the parlyment.1484Caxton Curiall 4 That sholde be a grete lesynge and worthy of derysion.1590Shakes. Mids. N. iii. ii. 123 Scorne and derision neuer comes in teares.1601? Marston Pasquil & Kath. ii. 244 Scourg'd with the whip of sharpe derision.1624N. De Lawne Du Moulin's Logick 70 Sometimes names are given by contraries, and by way of derision. As, when a dwarfe is called a Goliah.1777Watson Philip II (1793) III. xix. 16 She had regarded it rather as an object of derision than alarm.1852Conybeare & H. St. Paul (1862) I. iv. 118 The people of Antioch were notorious for inventing names of derision.
b. with pl. An instance of this, a deriding.
1535Coverdale Jer. xx. 10 For why I herde so many derisions and blasphemies.1844Mrs. Browning Lady Geraldine's Courtship xci, Out of reach of her derisions.
c. Phrases. in, by, for, to derision.
c1477Caxton Jason 17 And thus saide to him by derision.1494Fabyan Chron. vi. cxcviii. 205 In dyrision and despyte of the Danys.1514Barclay Cyt. & Uplondyshm. (Percy Soc.) 25 Than do they laughe us unto derysyon.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 205 His tytle for derysyon wryten and set ouer his heed.1549Compl. Scot. xx. 169 He vald laucht and scorn vs be grit derisione.1655–60Stanley Hist. Philos. (1701) 77/1 Scarce able to write, which when upon any occasion he did, it was to derision.1747Wesley Char. Methodist 11 Those who are in Derision so called.1847De Quincey Sp. Mil. Nun vii. (1853) 14 In derision of the gay colours.
d. to hold or have in derision: to treat with scorn and mockery. to be in derision: to be subjected to mocking ridicule, to be a laughing-stock; so to bring into derision.
(With hold, have the action is prominent, with be the condition of the derided.)
1494Fabyan Chron. vi. clviii. 147 Bernulphus..hadde this Egbert in derysyon.1527R. Thorne in Hakluyt Voy. (1589) 258 Among wise men it should be had in derision.1535Coverdale Job xxx. 1 Now they that are..yonger then I, haue me in derision.a1571Throgmorton Let. to Cecil in Froude Hist. Eng. (1881) VI. xxxix. 439 We begin to be in derision already for the bruit only.1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus ii. 8 He was in daily derision, euery one mocked him.1770Burke Pres. Discont. (R.), British policy is brought into derision.
2. concr. An object of ridicule; a laughing-stock.
1539Bible (Great) Ps. lxxix. 4 We are become..a very scorne and derysyon to them that are rounde aboute vs.1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus ii. 8 His word was a reproach and derision to the profane.1746Hervey Medit. (1818) 270 The venerable patriarch is the derision of scoundrels.

