
单词 sympathomimetic
释义 ˌsympathomiˈmetic, a. (and n.) Pharm.
[f. sympatho- + mimetic a. (and n.).]
Producing physiological effects characteristic of the sympathetic nervous system (as raised blood pressure and rate and depth of breathing, decreased secretion and tone of smooth muscle) by promoting stimulation of sympathetic nerves. Also as n., a substance which does this. Also symˌpathicomiˈmetic a. (and n.), in the same sense.
1910Barger & Dale in Jrnl. Physiol. XLI. 21 A term at once wider and more descriptive than ‘adrenine-like’ seems needed to indicate the type of action common to these bases. We propose to call it ‘sympathomimetic’, a term which indicates the relation of the action to innervation by the sympathetic system.1949Koestler Insight & Outlook xx. 281 In contrast to the sympathomimetic hormones, the vagus substance is rapidly destroyed.1956Nature 7 Jan. 44/2 The presence of sympathomimetic activity in adrenergic nerve tissue has been demonstrated.1958Dis. of Chest XXXIII. 18 (heading) Depressed response to intravenous sympathicomimetic agents in humans during acidosis.1964W. G. Smith Allergy & Tissue Metabolism ix. 91 Sympathomimetic amines and theophylline are believed to work by a bronchodilator action.1966Acta Physiol. Scand. LXVII. 482 Peripherally they are generally classified as indirectly acting sympathomimetics, i.e. they depend on an intact sympathetic nervous system for their activity.1970Passmore & Robson Compan. Med. Stud. II. ix. 6/1 Many of the substances most useful in asthma, e.g. sympathomimetic drugs.., act not as specific agents but by producing an opposing, and often overriding, effect on the bronchi.1973Brit. Jrnl. Hosp. Med. IX. 21/1 Inhalation challenge using agents producing a type I skin response often induce immediate airways obstruction with asthma, reversible by sympathomimetics.1983Amer. Rev. Respiratory Dis. CXXVII. 413 Airway resistance..and lung volume were assessed before and after inhalation of a β2-sympathicomimetic.

