
单词 disagree
释义 I. disagree, v.|dɪsəˈgriː|
[ad. F. désagréer (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), f. des- (dis- 4) + agréer to agree. See also disgree.]
1. intr. To differ, to be unlike; not to agree, correspond, accord, or harmonize. Const. with, to, from.
1494Fabyan Chron. iv. lxvi. 45 That sayinge disagreeth to the wrytynge of Eutropius.1579Lyly Euphues (Arb.) 191 [He] sorroweth to see thy behaviour so far to disagree from thy birth.1637Gillespie Eng. Pop. Cerem. iv. iii. 8 Those things we call morally good, which agree to right reason: those morally evill, which disagree from right reason.1655Stanley Hist. Philos. iii. (1701) 86/1 Which [account] disagrees not with the other.1685Stillingfl. Orig. Brit. i. 4 A Tradition..disagreeing to the Scripture.1725Watts Logic ii. iv. §2 We have neither a very clear Conception in our selves of the two Ideas contained in the Words, nor how they agree or disagree.1874A. B. Davidson Hebr. Gram. §48 The other numerals are nouns, and disagree in gender with the words which they enumerate.1884tr. Lotze's Logic iv. 235 Particular circumstances which agree or disagree with given facts.
2. To differ in opinion; to dissent.
1559in Strype Ann. Ref. I. App. xi. 35 If any..disagreed from his forefathers, he is..to be judged suspected.1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacr. i. i. §20 Those who disagree from that former Computation, place it yet lower.1732Pope Ep. Bathurst 1 Who shall decide when Doctors disagree?1874Morley Compromise (1886) 181 The sincere beliefs and conscientiously performed rites of those..from whose religion he disagrees.1883Froude Short. Stud. IV. ii. ii. 187 He could not place himself in the position of persons who disagreed with him.1891Spectator 13 June 823/1 Men who hoped against hope that the jury would disagree.
3. To refuse to accord or agree (to any proposal, etc.); to dissent. Const. to, with; from. Indirect passive, to be disagreed to.
1495Act 11 Hen. VII, c. 36 Preamb., If the..Duke..disagree to the seid acte.1574tr. Littleton's Tenures 52 a, If the parcener..hathe yssue and dyeth, the issue maye disagree to the particion.1589Warner Alb. Eng. vi. xxx. (1612) 155 Mine is to loue, but hers to disagree.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) IV. 495 In such cases the grantee may, by deed only, disagree, and disclaim the estate.1825T. Jefferson Autobiog. Wks. 1859 I. 31 The Delaware counties had bound up their delegates to disagree to this article.1869Gladstone Sp. in Parlt. (Daily News 16 July), I shall move to disagree to that clause..I beg now to move that the House disagree with the Lords' amendment..of the preamble of the Irish Church Bill.Ibid., The Lords' amendment was then disagreed to.1869Daily News 27 July, The Lower House has disagreed from the amendment.
4. To be at variance, to dispute or quarrel.
1548Hall Chron. Hen. IV, 29 b, Takyng a corporall othe..never after to disagre or renewe any displeasure.1667Milton P.L. ii. 497 Devil with Devil damn'd Firm concord holds, men onely disagree Of Creatures rational.1758S. Hayward Serm. xvii. 531 Children of the same family ought not to disagree.1835Lytton Rienzi ii. i, Come, we must not again disagree.
5. Of food, climate, etc.: To conflict in physical operation or effect; to be unsuitable. Const. with.
1563etc., [see disagreeing ppl. a. 4.]1768tr. Cornaro's Disc. 15 To try, whether those, which pleased my palate, agreed or disagreed with my stomach.Ibid. 45 Fruit, fish, and other things of that kind disagree with me.1813Martin in Med.-Chirurg. Trans. IV. 47 Increasing one drop every day until it might begin to disagree with the stomach.1820Shelley Œdipus ii. ii. 28 So plain a dish Could scarcely disagree.1827Scott Napoleon xlvi, Ascribed to his health's disagreeing with the air of that capital.1865Mrs. Carlyle Lett. III. 288 It couldn't have been sound, that champagne..or it wouldn't have so disagreed with me.Mod. The confinement and close application to work disagrees with him.
II. disaˈgree, n. Obs. rare—1.
[f. prec. vb.]
1589Greene Tullies Love (1609) D iv b, It may bee that the destinies have appointed their disagree.

