
单词 disvelop
释义 disˈvelop, v. Obs.
Also 6–7 -vellop(e.
[ad. 14–16th c. F. desveloper, in mod.F. développer: see develop.]
The earlier form of develop, occurring chiefly in the literal sense: To unfold, unfurl, display heraldically. Hence disˈveloped ppl. a., Her. displayed. disˈveloping vbl. n.
1592W. Wyrley Armorie, Ld. Chandos 79 The Prince and King as two that all us rules Disuellope siluer a sharpned pile of gules.1610J. Guillim Heraldry iv. xiii. (1611) 223 With..my disuellopped pennon me before.Ibid. iv. xiii. (1660) 328 Disvellopping is the proper term for spreading or displaying of the Martial Ensign.1659Unhappy Marksm. in Harl. Misc. (Park) IV. 3 (D.) Since the time wherein those black thoughts disveloped themselves by action.1727–51Chambers Cycl., Disveloped, in heraldry, is used much in the same sense with displayed.—Thus colours, said in an army to be flying, are, in heraldry, said to be disveloped.1755Johnson, To disvelop, to uncover. Dict.

