“fair and square”的英英意思

单词 fair and square
释义 fair and square, a. and adv.
A. adj. Honest, just, straightforward.
B. adv. In a just or straightforward manner, honestly; with set purpose, determinedly; completely, utterly. Also with ellipsis of ‘acting’ or the like = fair dealing.
1604Fr. Bacon's Proph. 443 in Hazl. E.P.P. IV. 284 Faire, and square..The gamester calls fooles holy-day.1649Cromwell Lett. cxlvi. (Carlyle) There will clearly be no living for the Portugal unless he..do that which is fair and square.1673Wycherley Gentl. Dancing-Master Epil., You are fair and square in all your dealings.1712Arbuthnot John Bull iv. ii. 7 We'll settle it between Ourselves: Fair and Square.1887G. R. Sims Mary Jane's Mem. 252 We're lovers all fair and square and above board.1890F. R. Stockton in Century Mag. 543/1 When a man sits down, fair and square, to tell a story.1931Daily Express 16 Oct. 7 Thirty years ago, American boot manufacturers opened shops right and left in this country, but British pluck and skill beat them fair and square.1957New Yorker 16 Feb. 125 The financial burden ought to be borne fair and square by the home government.
Hence fairly and squarely adv.
1638W. Chillingworth Relig. Prot. iv. §19. 201 Me thinkes he hath little reason to complain, that he hath not been fairely, and squarely dealt with.1862Congress. Globe 27 Mar. 1402/2, I..doubt..the ability of these guns to remain in their position if..struck fairly and squarely by shot from the enemy.1890W. A. Wallace Only a Sister 338, I think I can fight my own battles fairly and squarely.

