
单词 co-determination
释义 co-determiˈnation
[co- 3.]
a. (See quot. 1909.)
b. Co-operation of management and workers in formulating policy decisions, esp. by the representation of workers on management boards. Orig. in the Federal Republic of Germany [tr. G. mitbestimmung]. Hence, equality of powers in decision-taking.
1909Cent. Dict. Suppl. I. 267/3 Codetermination... 1. A determination that determines the same matter.—2. The reciprocal relation of determining the same matter.1952Times 23 Feb. 7/6 The distribution of power in the companies will depend also on the operation of the law giving the workers in coal mines and steelworks Mitbestimmungsrecht—the right of ‘co-determination’, as it is rather flatly translated—that is, the right to share in policy decisions.1959Encounter Feb. 14/1 An experiment not in ‘co-determination’ or ‘joint management’.1972M. Argyle Social Psychol. of Work viii. 206 It is difficult to assess the success of codetermination in Germany since it has been adopted by entire industries at the same time.1983Listener 6 Jan. 3/2 It is a recommendation for dependence instead of co-determination, for a satellite existence rather than that of a proud participant in Europe's affairs.

