
单词 consolidated
释义 consolidated, ppl. a.|kənˈsɒlɪdeɪtɪd|
[f. prec. vb. + -ed.]
1. a. Made solid, firm, or compact; solidified; combined, unified.
a1850J. C. Calhoun Wks. (1874) II. 387 All consolidated governments,—governments in which a single power predominates, are necessarily despotic.1859Gray Less. in Bot. 47 These consolidated plants are evidently adapted and designed for very dry regions.1871Tyndall Fragm. Sc. (ed. 6) I. xii. 386 A mass of partially consolidated mud.
b. esp. of sources of revenue, funds, debts, etc.
consolidated annuities: the Government securities of Great Britain, including a large part of the national debt, consisting originally of a great variety of public securities, which were consolidated in 1751 (25 Geo. II. c. 27) into a single stock bearing interest at 3 per cent. (In 1889, the interest was reduced to 23/4 per cent., and is to be further reduced in 1903 to 2½.) See also the abbreviated form consols. Consolidated Fund: the united product of various taxes and other branches of the revenue of Great Britain and Ireland, whence the interest of the national debt, the grants to the Royal Family, the Civil List, and other charges not dependent upon annual vote in Parliament, are paid.
1753Bank of Eng. Dividend Bk. 5 Jan., A list of the proprietors in the capital or joint stock of 3 per cent. consolidated annuities erected by an Act of Parliament (25 Geo. II).1760–1Act. 1 Geo. III, c. 7 Joint stock of three pounds per centum annuities consolidated at the Bank of England.1785Burke Sp. Nabob Arcot's Debts Wks. IV. 240 The right honourable gentleman leads to battle his last grand division, the consolidated debt of 1777.1786–7Act 27 Geo. III, c. 13 §55 Three pounds per centum consolidated annuities.Ibid. c. 47 Shall be carried to and constitute a fund to be called the Consolidated Fund.1796Cnt. Rumford in Phil. Trans. LXXXVII. 215 To accept of one thousand pounds stock, in the three per cent. consolidated public funds of this country.1818Parl. Debates 1421 These grants should be charged on the hereditary revenue of the crown, instead of the consolidated fund.1870Daily News 14 Feb., The portions of the Roman Consolidated Debt which had..fallen to the charge of Italy.1875Jevons Money (1878) 249 A certificate of consolidated stock entitles the holder to an annuity.
2. spec. (see quot. and consolidation 5).
1887Sci. Amer. LVI. 3/2 The locomotive was one of the heaviest kind known as a consolidated engine, having four drive-wheels on a side, and weighing 106,000 pounds.

