
单词 cubeb
释义 cubeb|ˈkjuːbɛb|
Forms: 4 cucubes, 4–5 qui-, quybib(e, -yb(e, 6 -ibbe, 5–6 cubibe, -ube, 7 -ub, 6–7 -ebe, 7– cubeb.
[a. Fr. cubèbe (14th c. in Littré) = Pr., Sp., It. and med.L. cubēba, ad. Arab. kabābah. In OF. also quibibes (in W. de Biblesworth), quybybes, cucubes (in MSS. of Mandeville, 14th c.), whence the ME. variants.]
The berry of a climbing shrub Piper Cubeba or Cubeba officinalis, a native of Java and the adjacent islands; it resembles a grain of pepper, and has a pungent spicy flavour, and is used in medicine and cookery. (Usually in pl. cubebs, which in pharmacy is sometimes construed as a collect. sing.) African cubebs: the fruit of an allied African species, Piper clusii.
c1300K. Alis. 6796 Theo gilofre, quybibe, and mace.c1305Land of Cokaygne 78 in E.E.P. (1862) 158 Of cucubes þer n'is no lakke.c1314Rembrun v, Clowes, quibibes, gren de Paris.c1400Mandeville 50 The Fruyt, the whiche is as Quybybes, thei clepen Abebissam [Fr. le fruit qest come quibibes (v.r. cucubes, cubes, quybybes)].c1440Promp. Parv. 421/1 Quybybe, spyce, quiparum.1555Eden Decades 238 Cububes which growe in the Ilande of Iaua.1579Langham Gard. Health (1633) 175 Cubebs strengthen a weake and windy stomach.1605Timme Quersit. iii. 172 Take..cubebs, cardamony..of eache one ounce and a half.1830Lindley Nat. Syst. Bot. 174 The Cubebs of the shops..are the dried fruit of Piper cubeba.1875H. C. Wood Therap. (1879) 504 In some respects, cubebs..resembles black pepper in its effects.
b. attrib., as cubeb pepper (= prec.), cubeb tree.
1693Phil. Trans XVII. 619 The Cubeb-Tree..from Bengal.1860Piesse Lab. Chem. Wonders 106 Cubeb pepper used in medicine.
Hence cuˈbebene, the chief constituent of oil of cubebs; cuˈbebic acid, a resinous acid obtained from cubebs; hence cuˈbebate, a salt of this acid; cuˈbebin, a crystalline substance existing in cubebs.
1876Harley Mat. Med. 436 Hydrate of cubebene or camphor of cubebs.1875H. C. Wood Therap. (1879) 505 Ten grammes of the cubebate of magnesium.1838T. Thomson Chem. Org. Bodies 896 A peculiar substance, to which he has given the name of cubebin.

