
单词 bysning
释义 I. ˈbysening, vbl. n. Obs.
[f. prec. + -ing1.]
The action of setting an example; concr. a pattern, example, symbol, type.
c1175Lamb. Hom. 93 Efter þissere bisnunge weren arerede munechene lif mid.a1300Cursor M. 21718 Of croice in þe ald testament was mani bisning [v.r. bisening].c1325Metr. Hom. 138 Forthi wil I schaw other thinges, That er apert biseninges.
II. ˈbysening, bysning, ppl. a. Obs.
[f. bysen v. (in sense of ON. býsna to portend) + -ing2.]
Ill-boding, portentous, monstrous, frightful; also quasi-n. a monster.
c1375? Barbour St. Pelagia 268 To mak hethinge Of me as of a bysninge thinge.St. Ninian 645 Sa wes it borne a bysnynge..For a-gane kynd wes it sa Þat bak-wart stud hele & ta.1501Douglas Pal. Hon. 625 Ilk wicht hes sum weilfair..Saif me bysning.Ibid. 740 In till sum bysning beist transfigurat me.

