
单词 sambaqu
释义 sambaquí|sambaˈki|
A form of shell heap, found on the S. Brazilian coast, resulting mainly from the action of the wind and the sea, in which remains of prehistoric and historic cultures have been found; also attrib. (See quot. 1946.)
1944S. Putnam tr. E. da Cunha's Rebellion in Backlands ii. 50 The pre-Columbian of the ‘Sambaquis’.1946A. Serrano in J. H. Steward Handbk. S. Amer. Indians I. iii. 401 The word ‘sambaquí’ is of Tupí-Guaraní origin and means ‘hill of shells’.Ibid. 403 The sambaquís are littoral cordons or concentrations of shells, broken and reshaped by natural forces.Ibid. 404 Artifacts in the most ancient sambaquís, which are farthest from the sea, correspond to the primitive culture of Lagoa Santa.Ibid., The prevailing idea..has been that of a cultural unity—a single sambaquí culture—that is distinctive and characteristic of these deposits. It is no longer possible to maintain this.1953Jrnl. R. Anthrop. Inst. LXXXIII. 60 On the coast, the classic sambaquí culture, called the ‘Southern Phase’, may succeed the chipped-axe phase.1977G. Clark World Prehist. (ed. 3) x. 447 There is evidence from the shell mounds or sambaqui sites that intensive exploitation of coastal resources had begun.

