TESSTransiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (US NASA)
TESSTrademark Electronic Search System (US Patent and Trademark Office)
TESSthe Exponential Encryption System
TESSToxic Exposure Surveillance System
TESSTexas Excavation Safety System
TESSTrading Edge Strategy Software
TESSTactical Engagement Simulation System
TESSThe Exponential Security System (RFC 1824)
TESSTsuneishi Economical Standard Ship (multipurpose bulk carrier; Japan)
TESSThreatened and Endangered Species System (US Fish and Wildlife Service database)
TESSThe English Spelling Society (UK)
TESSTactical Environmental Support System
TESSTertiary Education Superannuation Scheme (Australia)
TESSTerrorism, Espionage, Sabotage and Subversion
TESSTreatment-Emergent Signs and Symptoms
TESSTotal Enterprise Security Service (SecureInfo Corporation)
TESSTRW Environmental Safety Systems Inc.
TESSTrend Enterprise Security Solution
TESSTactical Environment Support System
TESSTriboelectrostatic Separation
TESSTesting Evaluation of Speech Synthesis (assistive technology)
TESSTraining and Evaluation Support System (US FAA)
TESSTarget End-To-End Signature Simulation
TESSTest Equipment, Strategy and Support
TESSTeaching English to Spanish-Speakers
TESSTactical Electromagnetic Systems Study
TESSTest & Evaluation Simulation Subsystem
TESSThe Enhanced Soldier System
TESSTransition Efficiencies in Safeguards and Security