FSGFarrar, Straus and Giroux (book publishers)
FSGFinancial Services Guide (various organizations)
FSGFinancial Services Group (various organizations)
FSGFree Standards Group (nonprofit organization promoting open source software standards)
FSGFinancial Solutions Group (various locations)
FSGFormula Student Germany (racecar competition)
FSGFoundation Strategy Group (Boston, MA)
FSGFédération Suisse de Gymnastique (French: Swiss Gymnastics Federation; Switzerland)
FSGFocal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
FSGFree Standards Group
FSGFinite State Grammar
FSGFirst Storage Group
FSGFlame Safe Guard (burners)
FSGFederal Supply Group
FSGFrench Sarcoma Group (clinical study)
FSGFaculté des Sciences de Gabès (French: Gabès School of Science; Gabès, Tunisia)
FSGFundacíon Secretariado Gitano (Spanish: Gypsy Secretariat Foundation; Spain)
FSGFish Skin Gelatin
FSGFull Service Gross (real estate leases)
FSGFirst Security Group (Tennessee)
FSGFrequent Subgraph Discovery (algorithms)
FSGFinancial Sponsors Group (various organizations)
FSGFamily Support Group
FSGFinancial Statement Generator (Oracle)
FSGFacility Service GmbH (Germany)
FSGForce Support Group (various armed forces)
FSGFirst Sergeant
FSGFrères de Saint-Gabriel (French: Brothers of Saint Gabriel)
FSGFinite State Grammar (linguistics)
FSGFire Support Group
FSGFalling Sand Game
FSGFleet Support Group (UK company)
FSGFinger Stick Glucose
FSGFaculty Study Group (various universities)
FSGFronde Systems Group (various locations)
FSGFederal Stock Group
FSGFluorinated Silica Glass
FSGFaith Sharing Group (various locations)
FSGFairmont Specialty Group (insurance; Houston, TX)
FSGFlexible Solution Group (various locations)
FSGField Services Group
FSGFederal Surveillance Group (fictional organization; Scorpion TV series)
FSGFixed Spreading Gain
FSGFederated Software Group, Inc.
FSGFormat Standard Generalized Markup Language
FSGFood Study Group (World Food Programme UN)
FSGFacilitated Study Group (academics)
FSGForward Support Group
FSGFoursquare Gospel
FSGFirst State Group (Australia)
FSGFrench School Girls (gaming clan)
FSGFederalnaya Sluzhba Granitsy (Russian: Federal Border Service)