CLASSCommunity Living Assistance Services and Supports (Act)
CLASSCelecoxib Long-Term Arthritis Safety Study
CLASSCollege of Letters Arts and Social Sciences
CLASSCustomer Local Area Signal System
CLASSCommunity Living Assistance and Support Services
CLASSComprehensive Large Array Data Stewardship System
CLASSCelebrating Loyalty and Achievement for Staying in School (award)
CLASSConsular Lookout And Support System
CLASSCanadian Land Surface Scheme
CLASSCanadian Laser Aesthetic Surgery Society
CLASSCross-Chain Loran Atmospheric Sounding System
CLASSCooperative Library Agency for Systems and Services
CLASSCentralized Local Area Selective Signaling
CLASSClient Access to Systems and Services
CLASSClose Air Support System
CLASSCoalition of Law Abiding Sporting Shooters (Australia)
CLASSContinuum and Line Analysis Single-Dish Software
CLASSClass-Christian Liberty Academy School System
CLASSClosed Loop Artillery Simulation System
CLASSClinical Anatomy Interactive Lesson
CLASSCome Late and Start Sleeping
CLASSCommunications Link Analysis and Simulation System
CLASSCAST Lesson Authoring System
CLASSComposite Lightweight Affordable Spacecraft Structure
CLASSCarrier Landing Aid Stabilization System
CLASSChildren Learning About Space Science (NASA)
CLASSCommunication Link Analysis and Simulation System
CLASSCustomized Local Area Signaling Service (telecommunications)
CLASSCentral Leatherstocking Area Sighthound Society (Starkville, NY)
CLASSCustomer Local Area Signal(ing) Service
CLASSCollege Level Assessment and Survey Services
CLASSJava Intermediate Compiled Bytecode (file extension)
CLASSComputerized Labeling And Address Sequence System
CLASSCustom Local Area Subscriber Service (ITI)
CLASSConsolidated Loan Administration and Servicing System
CLASSCross-Layer Signaling Shortcut
CLASSCentralized Line Access Switch System
CLASSClassroom Listening and Scoring System