LAMPLinux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl
LAMPLeadership and Management Programme (UK)
LAMPLoveless Academic Magnet Program (Montgomery, AL)
LAMPLyman-Alpha Mapping Project (US NASA)
LAMPLakewide Management Plan
LAMPLarge Account Management Process (Miller Heiman Group)
LAMPLinux Apache Mysql Php
LAMPLysosome-Associated Membrane Protein
LAMPLoop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (nucleic acid amplification method)
LAMPLocal Area Management Plan (various locations)
LAMPLakewide Action and Management Plans (US EPA)
LAMPLiteracy Assessment and Monitoring Programme (UNESCO)
LAMPLatin American Microform Project
LAMPLibrary Access to Music Project (MIT)
LAMPLouisiana Alliance for Minority Participation
LAMPLearn about Movie Posters (website)
LAMPLighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program (St. Augustine, FL)
LAMPLakeshore Area Multi-Service Project (Canada)
LAMPLocally Advanced Multimodality Protocol
LAMPLine Activity Monitoring Program (flight data)
LAMPLake Acidification Mitigation Project
LAMPLarge Advanced Mirror Program
LAMPLouisiana Asset Management Pool
LAMPLocalized Aviation MOS Program (weather bulletin)
LAMPLay Apostolic Ministries with the Poor (New York City Catholic Service Ministry)
LAMPLocation Aware MAC Protocol
LAMPLow-level Airspace Management Plan
LAMPLogistics Automation Master Plan
LAMPLatin American Maize Evaluation Project
LAMPLicense Application Migration Project (Washington)
LAMPLagrangian Measurement Platform
LAMPLook At Me Post
LAMPLow Altitude Mapping and Photography
LAMPLos Angeles Mentoring Project
LAMPLogistics Assessment Methodology Prototype
LAMPLinux-Apache-MySQL (Standard Query Language)-Php (software bundle)
LAMPLand A Mighty/Meaty Punch
LAMPLatin American Missionary Project (UK)
LAMPLocal Anaesthetic, Manipulation and Plaster
LAMPLivelihood and Micro Finance Promotion (Fund)
LAMPLegal Age Meeting Points