MLIMali (ISO Country code)
MLIMagnetic Level Indicator
MLIManufacturers Life Insurance Company (Canada)
MLIMerrill Lynch International (UK)
MLIMultiple Link Interface
MLIMulti Layer Inspection
MLIMaterials Library
MLIModified Lifted Index
MLIMulti Layer Insulation
MLIMinistry of Light Industry (China)
MLIMulti-Layer Insulation
MLIMarket Linked Investment
MLIMethod of Limits (neurophysiology)
MLIModulation de Largeur d'Impulsion (French: Pulse Width Modulation)
MLIMind and Life Institute
MLIMortgage Life Insurance
MLIModern Languages International (Philippines)
MLIMaster of Landscape Institute (UK)
MLIMember of the Landscape Institute
MLIMoline, IL, USA - Quad City Airport (Airport Code)
MLIMultiple Link Interface (ODI)
MLIMillstreet Industries Inc. (Regina, SK, Canada; stock symbol)
MLIMath Level Indicator
MLIMeasurement Layer Interface (UMA)
MLIMaternal Line Index
MLIMilitary Language Instructor (Defense Language Institute)
MLIMortgage Loan Inspection
MLIMachine Language Instruction
MLIMicronesian Language Institute (University of Guam)
MLIMultilayer Inductor
MLIMilitary List Items
MLIMinimum Line of Interception
MLIMichigan Land Institute
MLIModern Learning Infrastructure
MLIMunition List Items
MLIMyerson Lingualized Integration
MLIMustang Lighting, Inc.
MLIMaternal Life International, Inc. (Butte, MT)