
单词 两边
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BALANCE〕Put your arms out to the side so that you don't lose your balance. 把胳膊往两边伸直,这样就不会失去平衡。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕The jacket has two side pockets and two more pockets inside. 这件夹克两边都有口袋,里面还有两个口袋。朗文写作活用〔HIGH〕Two tall marble columns stood at either side of the entrance. 两根高大的大理石柱子矗立在入口的两边朗文写作活用〔Zapata mustache〕A mustache that curves downward on each side.萨帕塔小胡子:两边各向下弯曲的八字胡美国传统〔abreast〕The aircraft had four seats, two abreast on each side of the aisle.飞机上有四个座位,过道两边各有并排的两个。英汉大词典〔alcove〕In the alcoves on either side of the fire were bookshelves.火炉两边的凹室里是书架。柯林斯高阶〔arcade〕A roofed passageway or lane, especially one with shops on either side.有拱廊的街道:有屋顶的通道或小巷,尤指两边有商店时美国传统〔asunder〕The curtains had been drawn asunder.窗帘被拉向两边美国传统〔back〕The traffic was starting to back up in both directions.两边的车辆都开始排起了长龙。朗文当代〔balance〕Chemistry Equality of mass and net electric charge of reacting species on each side of an equation.【化学】 化学平衡:反应式两边在质量或起反应的纯净电荷方面的均等美国传统〔balance〕Mathematics Equality with respect to the net number of reduced symbolic quantities on each side of an equation.【数学】 平衡式:在等式两边有关约减符号数量的净值均等美国传统〔balance〕These scales balance.天平两边的秤盘平衡。英汉大词典〔bank〕Great banks of snow and ice lined the roads.道路两边有大堆大堆的冰雪。麦克米伦高阶〔bank〕The Greek slaves manned the banks in the Roman galleys.古罗马有桨帆船两边的桨是由希腊奴隶划的。英汉大词典〔border〕Tall trees border the avenue.街道两边是大树。韦氏高阶〔branch off〕Streets branch off from both sides of the highway.公路的两边形成了一些街巷。韦氏高阶〔bridgeboard〕A notched board at either side of a staircase that supports the treads and risers.木楼梯侧板,木楼梯小梁:在阶梯两边支撑楼梯的踏板和竖板的有凹口的木板美国传统〔bundt cake〕A ring-shaped cake baked in a tube pan that has fluted sides.烘面包:在两边有沟槽的模管盘里烘的环状面包美国传统〔cancel〕To remove (a common factor or term) from both sides of an equation or inequality.约去;消去:从一个方程式或不等式的两边去掉(一个公因子或公共项)美国传统〔canthus〕The angle formed by the meeting of the upper and lower eyelids at either side of the eye.眦,眼角:眼的两边由上下眼皮相合而形式的角美国传统〔careful〕Be careful to look both ways when you cross the road.过马路时要注意向两边看。剑桥高阶〔carotid〕Either of the two major arteries, one on each side of the neck, that carry blood to the head.颈动脉:两条主支脉中的一条,颈部两边各一条,把血液运输到头部美国传统〔cheek〕The fleshy part of either side of the face below the eye and between the nose and ear.颊:面的眼睛以下鼻子和耳朵之间两边有肉的部分美国传统〔choose〕Let's choose up and play ball.让咱们分成两边开始打球吧。英汉大词典〔circular〕Both sides of the river can be explored on this circular walk.沿着这条环行线路走一圈,河的两边都可以看到。柯林斯高阶〔coulee〕Upper Midwest A valley with hills on either side.【中西部偏北】 山谷:两边有山的谷地美国传统〔crown〕The masonry at the crown of the arch is paler than on either curve.拱顶部分的砖石颜色比两边曲面的要淡。朗文当代〔crumple zone〕The car has front and rear crumple zones and two side-impact protection bars.这辆汽车前后都有缓冲区,两边有防撞护条。剑桥高阶〔diverge〕These two roads diverge like the branches of a Y.这两条路像Y 字母那样向两边叉开。英汉大词典〔edge〕The main street was edged on both sides with dirty, decaying buildings.那条主要街道的两边都是些肮脏、破败的房子。英汉大词典〔edge〕Trees lined the edges of the path.小路的两边都有一行树。牛津搭配〔either〕You can park on either side of the street.这条街两边都可停车。牛津高阶〔eustachian tube〕A slender tube that connects the tympanic cavity with the nasal part of the pharynx and serves to equalize air pressure on either side of the eardrum.耳咽管,咽鼓管:一条连接鼓膜腔与鼻腔部分的细管,起到使两边耳鼓气压均等的作用美国传统〔fringe〕The river is fringed with trees.河两边种有树。21世纪英汉〔front bench〕The first bench on either side of the aisle in a parliament, reserved for ministers and leaders of the principal political parties.议会的正面席:为内阁大臣及主要党派领导人保留的国会过道两边的第一把椅子美国传统〔gill arch〕One of several bony or cartilaginous arches located on either side of the pharynx and supporting the gills in fish and amphibians.鳃弓:位于咽两边的支撑鱼和两栖动物的鳃的骨或软骨弓美国传统〔half-open interval〕A set of numbers representing all the numbers between a pair of given numbers and including either of the endpoints.半开放区间:代表一对既得数字之间所有的数字及两边尽头数字的一组数字美国传统〔hall〕Each floor had ten rooms on both sides of the hall.每一层在走廊的两边都有十个房间。朗文当代〔homeomorphism〕Mathematics A one-to-one correspondence between the points of two geometric figures that is continuous in both directions.【数学】 同态:向两边延伸的两个几何图形在各点上的一一对应美国传统〔join〕It has a dormer roof joining both gable ends.带天窗的斜屋顶连接着两边的山墙。外研社新世纪〔join〕It has a dormer roof joining both gable ends.带天窗的斜屋顶连接着两边的山墙。柯林斯高阶〔join〕Join the two edges of the material.把材料两边连接起来。麦克米伦高阶〔knee〕His jeans had holes in both knees.他的牛仔裤两边膝盖处都有洞。朗文当代〔ladder〕An often portable structure consisting of two long sides crossed by parallel rungs, used to climb up and down.梯子:一种通常是可移动的结构物,由长长的两边两边平行的梯级连接组成,用于爬上爬下美国传统〔lagging〕A wooden frame built especially to support the sides of an arch until the keystone is positioned.支拱板条:专门用来在拱顶石放置好以前支撑拱的两边木架子美国传统〔level〕He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them.他说在非军事区两边仍然有数以千计的韩国和朝鲜军人用枪互相瞄准对方。柯林斯高阶〔mall〕A street lined with shops and closed to vehicles.商业街:一条两边有许多商店并禁止机动车辆入内的街道美国传统〔median〕The line that joins the midpoints of the nonparallel sides of a trapezoid.中线:梯形非平行两边的中点连线美国传统〔montero〕A hunter's cap with side flaps.圆猎帽:两边帽檐可以翻下的猎人帽美国传统〔nappe〕Mathematics Either of the two parts into which a cone is divided by the vertex.【数学】 锥顶片:位于锥顶两边而形成一个锥体的两片中的一片美国传统〔opposing〕Parents and children are on opposing sides of most arguments.在多数争论中,父母和孩子总是站在对立的两边英汉大词典〔osmosis〕Diffusion of fluid through a semipermeable membrane until there is an equal concentration of fluid on both sides of the membrane.渗透:液体通过一个半透膜进行的扩散,直到膜两边液体的浓度相同为止美国传统〔pave〕The sidewalks were paved with brick and lined with trees.人行道上铺着砖, 两边种着树。外研社新世纪〔peel away〕The fighting planes,flying in formation, one by one, peeled away to left and right.编队飞行的战斗机一架架地向左右两边飞离编队。21世纪英汉〔pin together〕Pin the two sides together.把两边别在一起。外研社新世纪〔position〕The guards took up their positions on either side of the door.卫兵们在门两边站好。牛津搭配〔rear〕The mountains reared up on each side, steep and white.两边的山峦高耸入云,山势陡峭,覆盖着积雪。柯林斯高阶〔rendering〕The rendering on two sides of the house needed to be removed.这座房子两边墙上的灰泥必须得去掉。剑桥高阶〔sagittal plane〕A longitudinal plane that divides the body of a bilaterally symmetrical animal into right and left sections.矢形面:把两边对称的动物身体分成左右两边的纵向平面美国传统〔selvage〕An ornamental fringe at either end of an oriental rug.织边,流苏:东方地毯两边装饰性的花边美国传统〔sew〕She sewed the two sides together.她把两边缝了起来。朗文当代〔shore〕We laid the ship aground and shored her up on each side.我们把船拖上岸,两边用撑柱撑住。英汉大词典〔shoulder〕The route of the procession was lined with police officers standing shoulder to shoulder.游行所经道路两边都是肩并肩站立的警察。牛津搭配〔side〕There were stone lions on either side of the door.门的两边都有石狮子。麦克米伦高阶〔side〕Two large screens stood on either side of the stage (=one on the left and one on the right side of it).舞台的两边立着两块大屏幕。朗文当代〔spread〕The suburbs spread (out) for miles to either side of the city.郊区向城市两边都伸展出数英里。剑桥高阶〔straddler〕He's one of the straddlers who gets on with both candidates.他是那种两边讨好的人, 跟两位候选人关系都不错。外研社新世纪〔straggle〕Unpainted wooden buildings straggle along the main road out of town.镇外大马路的两边散布着未经粉刷的木房子。朗文当代〔street〕Look both ways before you cross the street .过马路前要两边看看。朗文当代〔street〕Make sure you look both ways when you cross the street.过马路时一定要看两边剑桥高阶〔suture〕The process of joining two surfaces or edges together along a line by or as if by sewing.缝合:通过或似乎通过缝制把两个平面或两边连接到一条线上的过程美国传统〔tarred〕The side tracks off the tarred road were rutted and uneven.柏油路面两边的辅道上布满车辙,凹凸不平。柯林斯高阶〔terrace〕A residential street on top of or climbing a slope.斜坡上房屋间的街巷:位于斜坡上或斜坡顶部的一条两边为居住区的街道美国传统〔the〕Take the top of the piece of paper and fold it so that it is even with the bottom.抓住纸张的顶端,将其对折,并使上下两边对齐。麦克米伦高阶〔transpose〕Mathematics To move (a term) from one side of an algebraic equation to the other side, reversing its sign to maintain equality.【数学】 移项:把(一个项)从代数方程的一边移到另一边。改变它的正负号以使方程两边仍保持相等美国传统〔true rib〕Any of the ribs that are attached to the sternum by a costal cartilage, especially any of the seven upper ribs on either side of the thorax in human beings.真肋:通过肋骨软骨部分与胸骨附结的肋骨,尤指人体胸部两边的七根上肋美国传统〔trunnion〕A pin or gudgeon, especially either of two small cylindrical projections on a cannon forming an axis on which it pivots.炮耳:轴或耳轴,尤指炮两边形成旋转中轴的两个圆柱形小突起美国传统〔upright〕Firmly secure the two uprights to opposite walls in the alcove and then fit the shelves in between them.先在两边墙壁的凹处固定住两根柱子,然后把搁板插进去装好。剑桥高阶〔way〕He left the house, looking carefully both ways.他离开房子,谨慎地望望两边朗文当代〔way〕Look both ways before crossing the road.过马路时要两边都看。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕Look both ways(= look left and right)before crossing the road.横过马路前要朝左右两边看一看。牛津高阶〔wildness〕The lane was lined with wild flowers.小路两边都是野花。柯林斯高阶〔zygomorphic〕Bilaterally symmetrical. Used of organisms or parts.两侧对称的:两边对称的,用于生物体或器官美国传统A pair of weighing scales balances on a fulcrum.一对天平秤盘平衡于支点两边剑桥国际As the skin grows older it loses its elasticity and starts to hang off the face.皮肤老化后会失去弹性,开始垂在脸颊两边剑桥国际Be sure to look both ways when you cross the street.穿马路时一定要看马路两边剑桥国际He embraced her, kissing her on both cheeks.他拥抱她,吻她两边的面颊。剑桥国际I love driving along narrow country roads that are lined with trees.我喜欢在两边种着树木的狭窄的乡间道路上开车。剑桥国际It is rash to cross the street without looking both ways. 不朝两边看看就穿马路是莽撞的。译典通Look from side to side (= from left to right/right to left) before you cross the road.在过马路前要往两边看。剑桥国际Missile launchers and radar emplacements were clearly visible on either side of the road.导弹发射装置和雷达阵地在道路的两边都可以清楚地看到。剑桥国际One of the workmen was killed when the sides of the trench they were working in collapsed.工人们正在里面进行施工的沟渠的两边倒塌,有一个工人压死了。剑桥国际The handles on each side of the box are purely ornamental (= They are for decoration only).这个盒子两边的把手纯粹是装饰性的。剑桥国际The main canals in Amsterdam are lined with houses built by wealthy merchants in the 17th and 18th centuries.阿姆斯特丹的主要运河两边排列着十七、十八世纪富有商人造的房子。剑桥国际The president was flanked on both sides by senior ministers.总统的两边跟着资深的部长。剑桥国际There are trees on both sides of the road.路两边有树。剑桥国际There are trees on each side of the pavement. 人行道两边有树。译典通This grammar guide falls between two stools--it's too difficult for a beginner but not detailed enough for an advanced student.这本语法指南两边都不适用,对初学者太难,对水平高的学生又不够详细。剑桥国际Unfortunately I was sitting at the table with smokers on either side of me.不幸的是,我坐的那张桌子两边的人都吸烟。剑桥国际You hold the paddle with both hands and push it through the water on both sides of the canoe.你用双手握住桨在独木舟的两边滑水。剑桥国际

