
单词 一致性
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔clutch at〕What do we clutch at to boost our identity?我们用什么来增强我们的一致性呢?外研社新世纪〔coherence〕The new developments require a new coherence of strategy.事态的新发展需要一种新的策略上的一致性英汉大词典〔coherence〕The quality or state of cohering, especially a logical, orderly, and aesthetically consistent relationship of parts.一致性:连贯的性质或状态,尤指各部分间逻辑的、有序的、完美的一致关系美国传统〔commonness〕The team showed a commonness of purpose.这个团队显示出了目标的一致性韦氏高阶〔concordance rate〕A quantitative statistical expression for the concordance of a given genetic trait.一致率:为给定基因特征的一致性所作的数学统计表现方式美国传统〔concordance〕There is little concordance between the two studies.这两项研究之间基本没有一致性韦氏高阶〔congruity〕The quality or fact of being congruent.一致性:协调的性质或事实美国传统〔consistency〕I have reviewed this Bill for consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.我检查了这个法案与《1990年新西兰人权法案》的一致性外研社新世纪〔consistency〕There are checks to ensure consistency between interviewers.对主持面试者会进行监督,以确保他们之间的一致性朗文当代〔consistency〕Your actions lack consistency; you say one thing and do the other.你的行动缺乏一致性,说的是一回事,做的却是另一回事。英汉大词典〔consistent〕These findings appear consistent across racial and ethnic groups.这些发现看上去具有超越种族和民族的一致性牛津搭配〔convergence〕There is a convergence between capitalist firms and cooperatives in terms of business strategy.资本主义企业同合作社在商业战略上有着一致性外研社新世纪〔erratic〕Lacking consistency, regularity, or uniformity.无规律的:缺乏连续性、规律性或一致性美国传统〔identify〕To establish the identity of.建立一致性美国传统〔inconcinnity〕Lack of congruity or harmony; unsuitability.不一致性:缺少一致性或协调性的;不合适美国传统〔inconformity〕Lack of conformity; disagreement.不一致,不符合:缺少一致性;不同意美国传统〔incongruity〕Lack of congruence.不和谐:缺少一致性美国传统〔likeness〕These nouns denote agreement or conformity, as in character, nature, or appearance between persons or things.这些名词显示了人或物之间在性格、天性或处表上的相似或一致性美国传统〔paper〕Often papers An official document, especially one establishing the identity of the bearer. 常作 papers 公文:一种官方文件,尤指内容具有一致性美国传统〔purity〕A quantitative assessment of homogeneity or uniformity.纯度:同质性或一致性的定量评估美国传统〔rhyme〕A poem or verse having a regular correspondence of sounds, especially at the ends of lines.押韵等角航线:具有发音的规律性一致性的一首诗或韵文,尤指在诗行末端美国传统Samples of the products are inspected for quality and consistency.产品的样品要接受品质和一致性的检验。牛津商务There is lack of uniformity in the annual reports. 这几份年度报告缺乏一致性译典通

