
单词 冷淡
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENTHUSIASTIC/UNENTHUSIASTIC〕There was rather a muted response to the speech. 人们对这次演说反应相当冷淡朗文写作活用〔English〕The English are often regarded as being cold and reserved.英格兰人常常被认为是冷淡且矜持的。麦克米伦高阶〔UNFRIENDLY〕When Bill finally arrived, nearly an hour late, he got a rather cool reception. 比尔终于赶到时差不多迟了一小时,受到了相当冷淡的接待。朗文写作活用〔accusing〕Husband and wife turned coldly accusing backs toward each other.夫妇俩冷淡地以背相向,互相责备。英汉大词典〔acquaintance〕On first acquaintance she is cool and slightly distant.初次相见时她表现冷淡并有点爱搭不理。柯林斯高阶〔aloof〕Guy became aloof and silent.盖伊变得冷淡起来, 不作声了。外研社新世纪〔any〕The universities have shown few if any signs of a willingness to change.这些大学即使表示愿意改革,态度也是很冷淡的。朗文当代〔apathetic〕You won’t succeed if you are apathetic.要是你冷淡,你就不能成功。牛津同义词〔asexual〕I must say I've always found him rather asexual.我得说,我一直觉得他有些性冷淡剑桥高阶〔attenuate〕Theirs had been an increasingly attenuated relationship.他们的关系日益冷淡柯林斯高阶〔blood〕Deliberately, coldly, and dispassionately.审慎地,冷淡地,缺乏激情地美国传统〔certain〕I felt there was a certain coldness in her manner.我觉得她的态度有点冷淡牛津高阶〔chill〕The border dispute between the two countries chilled their relations for decades.两国之间的边界争端使他们几十年来的关系都很冷淡麦克米伦高阶〔cold〕Martin was really cold towards me at the party.马丁在聚会上对我非常冷淡朗文当代〔coolly〕His manner was coolly polite and impersonal.他的态度礼貌中透着冷淡,没有什么人情味。麦克米伦高阶〔coolly〕It's your choice, Nina,' David said coolly.“这是你的选择,尼娜,”戴维冷淡地说。柯林斯高阶〔coolly〕She seemed quite unaware of the sudden coolness of her friend's manner.她似乎完全没有意识到朋友的态度突然变得冷淡起来。柯林斯高阶〔coolly〕The idea met with a cool response.人们对这个想法反应冷淡柯林斯高阶〔coolness〕I was surprised by his coolness towards us.他对我们的冷淡态度使我感到惊讶。韦氏高阶〔cool〕He replied with a cool “I don't think so.” 他冷淡地回应说:“我认为不是那样。”韦氏高阶〔cool〕She seemed so cool I feared I had offended her.她的态度好像很冷淡,我怕自己冒犯她了。英汉大词典〔cool〕She was a silent girl, cool and remote.她是个沉默的女孩, 冷淡而难以亲近。外研社新世纪〔cool〕The affair had cooled, on her side at least.他们的关系冷淡了下来,至少在她那一方是如此。朗文当代〔cool〕The idea met with a cool response.这一想法的反响很冷淡外研社新世纪〔cool〕They gave the Prime Minister a cool reception.他们对首相报以冷淡的反应。牛津高阶〔deadpan〕To express oneself in an impassive, matter-of-fact way.面无表情地表达:以冷淡的不带感情的方式来表达自己美国传统〔discern〕He discerned a certain coldness in their welcome.他觉察到他们的接待有点冷淡牛津高阶〔disfavor〕To view or treat with dislike or disapproval.不喜欢;冷淡:认为不喜欢,或把…看作是责难美国传统〔disinterest〕Lack of interest; indifference.无兴趣;不关心,冷淡美国传统〔distance〕There was some distance between them at the last meeting.在上次会议上,他们相互之间态度有点冷淡英汉大词典〔distant〕After the quarrel Sue remained cold and distant.那次争吵之后,休一直冷淡疏远。朗文当代〔distant〕Violet was cold and distant.维奥莉特显得冷淡疏远。麦克米伦高阶〔distant〕When they met, he was very cold and distant.他们见面时,他十分冷淡疏远。牛津搭配〔dryness〕There's a certain dryness in her tone.她的声调中有些冷淡的味道。英汉大词典〔dry〕His manner is dry.他的态度冷淡英汉大词典〔freeze off〕They froze off his offers to help.他们冷淡地拒绝了他提供的帮助。21世纪英汉〔frosty〕My words got a frosty reception.我的话反应冷淡朗文当代〔frosty〕The chairperson's plan received a frosty reception from the committee.委员会对主席的计划反应冷淡剑桥高阶〔frosty〕The latest proposals were given a frosty reception.对最新的建议反应冷淡牛津高阶〔glacial〕Inside the jeep the atmosphere was glacial.吉普车里的气氛相当冷淡柯林斯高阶〔glum〕He stared down at his dinner plate in a morose and unsociable manner.他低头盯着餐盘,一副冷淡不友好的样子,美国传统〔greet〕Stella greeted her mother coolly.斯特拉冷淡地跟她的母亲打了个招呼。牛津搭配〔hard-boiled〕Callous; unfeeling.冷淡的;没有感情的美国传统〔hard〕Lacking compassion or sympathy; callous.冷淡的:缺乏热情或同情心的;冷酷的美国传统〔iceberg〕Informal A cold, aloof person.【非正式用语】 冷若冰霜的人:冷淡的 、与人保持距离的人美国传统〔ice〕Extreme unfriendliness or reserve.冷淡:极其不友好或谨慎美国传统〔icily〕His response was icy.他反应冷淡柯林斯高阶〔icily〕She received him icily.她极其冷淡地接待他。文馨英汉〔icy〕His response was icy.他的反应很冷淡外研社新世纪〔impersonal〕His manner was cold and impersonal.他态度冷淡,不带任何感情色彩。麦克米伦高阶〔impersonal〕I find the atmosphere there rather impersonal.我发现那儿的气氛相当冷淡牛津搭配〔indifference〕The state or quality of being indifferent.冷淡的态度或性质美国传统〔indifferent〕Her eyes assumed a weary, indifferent look.她的眼里露出一种厌倦冷淡的神色。外研社新世纪〔lukewarm〕Economists have never been more than lukewarm towards him.经济学家对他向来态度冷淡外研社新世纪〔lukewarm〕Economists have never been more than lukewarm towards him.经济学家对他向来态度冷淡柯林斯高阶〔lukewarm〕His reaction was only lukewarm.他的反应只有冷淡牛津搭配〔lukewarm〕Our plan got a lukewarm reception.我们的计划遭遇了冷淡的回应。韦氏高阶〔partake of〕Her manner partook of an aloofness.她的态度有点冷淡21世纪英汉〔phlegm〕One of the four humors of ancient physiology, described as cold and moist and thought to cause sluggishness, apathy, and evenness of temper.懒散,迟钝;冷漠:古代生理学的四种体液之一,被描述为冷淡和伤感,被认为由懒散、冷漠和性情平和引起美国传统〔pointed〕She reacted to the news with pointed indifference.她对这则新闻反应明显冷淡韦氏高阶〔postpone〕The event has been postponed indefinitely due to lack of interest.由于反应冷淡,这一活动被无限期地搁置了。牛津搭配〔receive〕The speech was well/warmly/coldly, etc. received by the conference delegates.会议代表对演讲反应良好/热烈/冷淡剑桥高阶〔reception〕Her first book got a wonderful/warm/frosty reception from the critics.评论家对她的第一本书反应很好/热烈/冷淡剑桥高阶〔reject〕He had rejected his daughter for marrying a Christian.他因女儿嫁了一个基督徒而一直对她很冷淡麦克米伦高阶〔remote〕Distant in manner; aloof.冷淡的,疏远的:态度疏远的;孤高的美国传统〔remote〕His father was a remote, quiet man.他父亲是个冷淡的人,话不多。朗文当代〔requitable〕She requited his love with coldness.她对他的爱报以冷淡态度。21世纪英汉〔ritz〕I don't know why she ritzed her friends recently.我不知道她近来为什么对朋友们很冷淡21世纪英汉〔stand off〕They stood off towards my proposal.他们对我的倡议反映冷淡21世纪英汉〔stand〕To stay at a distance; remain apart or aloof.与人不亲近;疏远,冷淡美国传统〔stiff〕He was distant and stiff, staring out the window.他凝视着窗外, 表情冷淡且刻板。外研社新世纪〔strange〕Why did you become quite strange to me? 为什么你变得对我十分冷淡?英汉大词典〔studied〕He viewed us with a studied indifference.他故意对我们很冷淡韦氏高阶〔suggest〕The effusive praise the professor heaped on one of the students seemed to imply indifference toward or disapproval of the rest.教授堆在一个学生头上的热情的赞扬似乎让人感到他对其他学生的冷淡和否定。美国传统〔tempt〕Their unfriendliness tempted me to leave the party.他们的冷淡态度使我很想离开宴会。英汉大词典〔too〕Doctors have criticized the government's response to the crisis as too little, too late.医生批评政府对这次危机反应过于冷淡和迟缓。朗文当代〔turn〕She had not been friendly to Pete and he, in his turn, was cold to her when she came to stay.她对皮特不太友好,而她来住的时候皮特对她也很冷淡牛津搭配〔typically〕She has that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is typically English.她像典型的英国人那样态度矜持,略显冷淡剑桥高阶〔undemonstrative〕His father was distant and undemonstrative.他的父亲冷淡且喜怒不形于色。韦氏高阶〔undersexed〕Having less sexual desire or potency than what is regarded as normal.性欲不强的,性冷淡的:具有比正常情况要少的性欲或性能力的美国传统〔unemotional〕My father was a remote and unemotional man.我父亲是个冷淡、不动感情的人。麦克米伦高阶〔unfriendly〕People always complain that the big banks and big companies are unfriendly and unhelpful.人们老是抱怨大银行和大公司服务态度冷淡, 不愿提供帮助。外研社新世纪〔wane〕Her enthusiasm for the whole idea was waning rapidly.她对整个想法的热情迅速冷淡了下来。牛津高阶〔wintry〕He was, according to witnesses, extremely wintry with Her Royal Highness.据目击者称, 他对殿下极其冷淡外研社新世纪〔withdraw〕To become detached from social or emotional involvement.冷淡:在社交场合或感情方面变得冷漠美国传统Frigidity is often difficult to deal with because there are so many taboos attached to human sexuality.性冷淡症很难治疗,因为关于人体性能力方面的忌讳太多。剑桥国际He had a frost in his manner. 他态度冷淡译典通He is not a natural communicator--he can be shy and remote to all but his closest friends.他天生不爱说话,除了和最亲密的朋友外,他在所有人面前都会显得羞涩和冷淡剑桥国际He'd be a much better doctor if he weren't so clinical towards his patients.如果他对病人不那么冷淡的话,他会是个好得多的医生。剑桥国际He's a very stolid, serious man.他是个非常冷淡、严肃的男子。剑桥国际His colleagues ostracized him after he criticized the company in public.他在公众场合非议了公司之后,他的同事对他采取了冷淡疏远的态度。剑桥国际It was apparent from the frostiness of his reply that he didn't want to come with us.从他回答的冷淡中显然可看出他不想跟我们一起来。剑桥国际Lisa walked in the room with a wintry smile on her face. 丽莎脸上带著冷淡的微笑走进了房间。译典通Robert received a brittle reception there. 罗伯特在那里受到冷淡的接待。译典通Sarah shook his hand frigidly.萨拉很冷淡地与他握了握手。剑桥国际She has a very cold and impersonal manner.她的态度非常冷淡剑桥国际She has that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is typically English.她的态度有点含蓄和些微冷淡, 这是典型的英国式的。剑桥国际That rather cool manner of hers is just a device to avoid having to talk to people.她那相当冷淡的态度只是避免和人们谈话的一个方式。剑桥国际The new products got a cool reception from customers.消费者对新产品反应冷淡牛津商务There is a noticeable coolness in his manner. 在他的举止中表现出一种明显的冷淡译典通

