
单词 利可图
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INTELLIGENT〕Doug's always been clever at finding the best deals available. 道格总是精于寻找最有利可图的交易。朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕The company says that the publishing side of its division is unprofitable and must be closed down. 该公司称它的出版部门无利可图,必须关闭。朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕Unprofitable flight routes have been axed as recession hits the aviation industry. 经济衰退影响航空业,无利可图的航线被削减了。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕To suggest that people are only honest when it can benefit them, is a damning comment on the human character. 说人只是在有利可图的时候才会诚实,这是人性可悲的写照。朗文写作活用〔beckon〕He sent his ships wherever profit beckoned.任何地方只要有利可图,他就把船派去。英汉大词典〔bottom line〕The bottom line is that it's not profitable.最重要的一点是它无利可图柯林斯高阶〔bottom line〕The bottom line is that it's not profitable.最根本的问题是无利可图外研社新世纪〔conspiracy〕Several financiers joined the plot to take over the profitable company.几位金融资本家参与了接管这个有利可图企业的密谋。美国传统〔cost-effective〕In the eyes of the intelligence agency terrorism can be a cost-effective undertaking.在该情报局看来,恐怖主义可以成为一种有利可图的活动。英汉大词典〔crown jewel〕A prized corporate asset, typically a very profitable part of a company sought by another party in a hostile takeover attempt.共有资产:一项贵重的共有财产,通常指另一派系在某次试图接收过程中寻求的某一公司的十分有利可图的部分美国传统〔less〕Fishing was growing less and less profitable.捕渔业越来越无利可图了。麦克米伦高阶〔money〕There's money in sport these days.目前体育市场有利可图剑桥高阶〔money〕There's money to be made from tourism.旅游业非常有利可图牛津高阶〔number〕I'm afraid the numbers just don't make your idea a profitable option.恐怕这个数额不能说明你的想法有利可图韦氏高阶〔pay dirt〕If a salesperson does not quickly hit pay dirt with a customer they will usually move straight on to someone else.如果销售员发现某个顾客无利可图,通常便会转而寻找另外的顾客。剑桥高阶〔pay〕Possessing a valuable secret may pay off.掌握有价值的秘密是桩有利可图的好买卖。英汉大词典〔profitable〕It was profitable for them to produce large amounts of food.大批量生产食品使他们有利可图外研社新世纪〔profit〕Trade corporations would be run at a profit.经营贸易公司一般要有利可图英汉大词典〔racket〕An easy, profitable means of livelihood.容易赚钱的生计:一种轻松、有利可图的营生办法美国传统〔remunerative〕Yielding suitable recompense; profitable.有利益的:给以适当的赔偿的;有利可图美国传统〔scruple〕He wouldn't scruple to cheat his own mother if there was money in it for him.只要有利可图,他会毫无顾忌地欺骗自己的母亲。剑桥高阶〔smell〕Can't you smell the profits? 你察觉不出有利可图吗?韦氏高阶〔turn〕He says the fares are just too low to turn profits.他说票价太低,根本无利可图柯林斯高阶〔venture〕She advised us to look abroad for more lucrative business ventures.她建议我们去国外寻找更有利可图的商业机会。剑桥高阶He wouldn't scruple to cheat his own mother (= He would cheat her without worrying about it) if there was money in it for him.只要有利可图,他会骗他母亲而毫无顾忌。剑桥国际His father decamped to pursue other interests abroad.他父亲突然出国去寻求有利可图之事。剑桥国际If a salesperson does not quickly hit pay dirt with a customer they will usually move straight on to someone else.要是一个推销员没有很快在一个顾客身上发现有利可图的东西,他通常会立即转向其他人。剑桥国际If we have to discount our prices/these cars we aren't going to make a profit.要是我们不得不对我们的价格/这些汽车打折扣,就要无利可图了。剑桥国际It is profitable to farm shellfish. 养殖贝类有利可图译典通Prices have been fixed at uneconomic levels.价格被固定在无利可图的水平上。牛津商务She advised us to look abroad for more lucrative business ventures.她建议我们去国外找找更多的有利可图的商业机会。剑桥国际The company is keen to jump into the profitable US market.公司渴望进入有利可图的美国市场。牛津商务The company's name is its most bankable asset.这家公司的名字是其最有利可图的资产。牛津商务The stock is expected to be a good long-term investment.预计股票是有利可图的长期投资。牛津商务The store needs a gross margin of 25% to become profitable.这家商店需要有 25% 的毛利率才有利可图牛津商务There is a huge temptation to misbehave (= be dishonest) on the financial markets when there is money to be made.在金融市场上,当有利可图时想采取欺诈行动的诱惑是巨大的。剑桥国际There's money in it for you.对你来说是有利可图的。剑桥国际There's money in sport these days.如今体育活动有利可图剑桥国际There's money to be made from tourism.旅游业有利可图牛津商务What we thought was a good investment turned out to be a dud.我们原以为是个好的投资项目,结果证明无利可图牛津商务

