
单词 创始人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Arius〕Greek Christian theologian and founder of Arianism, a doctrine that led to his condemnation as a heretic.阿里乌斯:希腊基督教神学家和阿里乌斯派创始人。他的教义致使他被定罪为异端美国传统〔EXTREME〕Yassin is the founder of the militant Islamic movement Hamas. 亚辛是伊斯兰激进运动组织哈马斯的创始人朗文写作活用〔INVENT〕Diaghilev is considered by many to be the creator of the first modern dance company. 许多人认为佳吉列夫是第一家现代舞蹈团的创始人朗文写作活用〔Lao-tzu〕Chinese philosopher who is traditionally regarded as the founder of Taoism.老子:中国古代哲学家,传统上被认为是道家的创始人美国传统〔Manes〕Persian prophet and founder of Manichaeism. He professed that the world is a fusion of the equal but opposite forces of good and evil.摩尼:波斯预言家和摩尼教创始人。他宣称世界是由善和恶相等且相对的两种力量组成的混合体美国传统〔PLAN〕Beveridge is usually thought of as the architect of the British National Health Service. 贝弗里奇通常被认为是英国国民保健制度的创始人朗文写作活用〔Parmenides〕Greek philosopher and a founder of the Eleatic school.帕曼尼迪思:希腊哲学家,伊利亚德学派的创始人美国传统〔RELIGION〕A monk named Kashyapa is regarded as the founder of the Zen sect of Buddhism. 一位名叫迦叶的和尚被认为是佛教禅宗派的创始人朗文写作活用〔Shaftesbury〕English politician. Originally a Royalist, he later opposed Charles II in the English Civil War and is considered the founder of the Whig Party.沙夫茨伯里:英国政治家。开始是保皇派,后来在英国内战中反对查理二世,被认为是辉格党的创始人美国传统〔Zeno of Citium〕Greek philosopher who founded the Stoic school, teaching that virtue is necessarily good and that objects of desire are morally ambiguous.芝诺:希腊哲学家,斯多葛哲学学派的创始人,教育人们美德是必要的善行而欲望的对象在道德上是模糊不清的美国传统〔Zoroaster〕Persian prophet who founded Zoroastrianism. Little is known about his life.琐罗亚斯德:波斯预言家,琐罗亚斯德教创始人,对于其身世人们知之甚少美国传统〔abdicable〕The aging founder of the university decided to abdicate.该大学年事已高的创始人决定引退。21世纪英汉〔beginner〕Who was the beginner of it all?谁是这一切的创始人牛津同义词〔buccaneering〕Virgin's buccaneering founder, Richard Branson 维珍公司富有冒险精神的创始人里查德 · 布兰森牛津高阶〔comrade-in-arms〕Mr Meridor's father was a comrade-in-arms of the party's founder.梅里多先生的父亲是该党创始人的战友。柯林斯高阶〔cult〕A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.拜神驱病法:通常为一种非科学的方法或疗法,其创始人宣称该法对治愈某一特殊疾病具有唯一的或独特的疗效美国传统〔founder〕He was one of the founders of the university's medical faculty.他是这所大学医学院的创始人之一。外研社新世纪〔founder〕He's the son of the company's founder.他是公司创始人的儿子。韦氏高阶〔founder〕Mohammed was the founder of the Muslim religion.穆罕默德是伊斯兰教的创始人英汉大词典〔founding father〕Alan Newell was the founding father of artificial intelligence.艾伦•纽厄尔是人工智能理论的创始人剑桥高阶〔godfather〕He's the godfather of punk.他是鬅客摇滚乐的创始人牛津高阶〔grandfather〕This is the 23rd medical novel by the grandfather of the genre.这是医学小说的创始人所撰写的第23部作品。外研社新世纪〔grandmother〕Betty Friedan, the grandmother of modern feminism, draws derision with her talk of 'elderly liberation'.现代女权运动的创始人贝蒂·弗里丹因其“老年人解放”的言论而引来嘲笑。外研社新世纪〔grave〕The company founder must be turning in his grave because of the changes we've made.看到我们所做的改变,公司创始人一定在九泉之下不得安宁。韦氏高阶〔impetus〕With the death of its founder, the campaign lost much of its impetus.这项运动因为创始人逝世而势头大减。牛津搭配〔in her power〕The company was almost destroyed in a power struggle between its two founders.两位创始人的权力之争差点儿毁了公司。韦氏高阶〔indictment〕A New York jury brought criminal indictments against the founder of the organization.纽约的一个陪审团对该组织创始人提起了多项刑事诉讼。牛津搭配〔initiator〕Colbert was a great initiator of state scientific enterprises.科尔伯特是国家科学事业的伟大创始人外研社新世纪〔invent〕The first safety razor was invented by company founder King C. Gillette in 1903.第一把安全剃刀由公司创始人金‧坎普‧吉列于1903年发明。剑桥高阶〔languish〕Without the founder's drive and direction, the company gradually languished.没有了创始人的斗志与指引,公司逐渐走向没落。柯林斯高阶〔languish〕Without the founder's drive and direction, the company gradually languished.没有了创始人的斗志和指引, 这家企业慢慢走向了衰落。外研社新世纪〔limited〕He is the founder of International Sports Management Limited.他是国际体育管理有限公司的创始人柯林斯高阶〔limited〕He is the founder of International Sports Management Limited.他是国际运动管理有限责任公司的创始人外研社新世纪〔macrobiotics〕Michio Kushi, father of modern macrobiotics.现代长寿饮食法的创始人——久志道夫柯林斯高阶〔macrobiotics〕Michio Kushi, father of modern macrobiotics现代长寿饮食法的创始人——久志道夫外研社新世纪〔member〕He is a founder member of the Prison Reform Trust.他是监狱改革基金会的创始人之一。朗文当代〔mother〕She is regarded as the mother of an entire industry.她被视作整个行业的创始人韦氏高阶〔mystery〕A religious cult practicing secret rites to which only initiates are admitted.秘密的宗教礼拜:只有被创始人允许才可以举行的秘密的宗教礼拜美国传统〔none other than〕It turns out I was sitting next to none other than the founder of the magazine.结果我竟然坐在这本杂志的创始人旁边。韦氏高阶〔paternity〕The paternity of the theory is disputed.该理论的创始人是谁仍有争议。英汉大词典〔patriarch〕One who is regarded as the founder or original head of an enterprise, an organization, or a tradition.创始人:被作为某一企业、组织或传统的创建者或最初首领的人美国传统〔progenitor〕Marx was the progenitor of communism.马克思是共产主义的创始人剑桥高阶〔relativity〕Einstein is the creator of the special and general theories of relativity.爱因斯坦是狭义相对论与广义相对论的创始人英汉大词典〔spirit〕He was the founder and guiding spirit of New York's Shakespeare Festival.他是纽约莎士比亚戏剧节的创始人及领导者。柯林斯高阶〔trailblazer〕An innovative leader in a field; a pioneer.创始人:某一领域内的革新领袖;先驱美国传统〔trailbreaker〕A trailblazer.开路人,创始人美国传统Although the founder of the company has retired, he is still pulling the strings.尽管这家公司的创始人已退休,但他仍在幕后操纵。牛津商务Even the founder of the company had to vest as a guarantee to investors.作为对投资者的担保,即使是公司的创始人,也必须至少持有公司股票一段时期。牛津商务He is the founder of the club. 他是这个俱乐部的创始人译典通He is the group's founder and chief executive.他是这个集团的创始人及总裁。牛津商务John Reith was the founding father of the BBC.约翰·雷斯是英国广播公司的创始人剑桥国际Marx was the progenitor of communism.马克思是共产主义的创始人剑桥国际She is the company's founder and controlling shareholder.她是公司的创始人和控股股东。牛津商务She was one of the founding members of the firm.她是公司的创始人之一。牛津商务The company's founder was upbeat about its prospects.公司的创始人对其前景十分乐观。牛津商务The organization appears to be moving towards disintegration after the retirement of its founder.该组织在它的创始人退休后,看来是要走向瓦解。剑桥国际

