
单词 人厌恶
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GIVE〕It's disgusting to trade away your democratic rights in this way. 以这种方式放弃自己的民主权利令人厌恶朗文写作活用〔anathema〕Conservatives have long regarded state intervention in the family as anathema.保守派很久以来就认为国家对家庭的干预令人厌恶麦克米伦高阶〔armpit〕The city has been called the armpit of America.这座城市被称为美国最令人厌恶的地方。牛津高阶〔beastly〕Very disagreeable; unpleasant.令人厌恶的;不愉快的美国传统〔crud〕One who is contemptible or disgusting.卑鄙的人,令人厌恶的人美国传统〔crud〕Something loathsome, despicable, or worthless.污垢,渣滓,可鄙者:令人厌恶、可鄙或无用的事物美国传统〔cure〕The experience was a detestable ordeal, and it cured him of any ambitions to direct again.那次经历是一次令人厌恶的煎熬,使得他放弃了任何再当导演的想法。柯林斯高阶〔despicable〕He's a despicable human being! 他是个令人厌恶的人!剑桥高阶〔detestable〕He is a detestable villain.他是一个令人厌恶的恶棍。韦氏高阶〔dirty〕War is a dirty business.战争招人厌恶英汉大词典〔disgusting〕Passengers were kept for three hours in a disgusting waiting room.乘客被迫在令人厌恶的候车室里等了好几个小时。剑桥高阶〔distasteful〕I find his attitude highly distasteful.我觉得他的态度很令人厌恶牛津搭配〔distasteful〕The work was distasteful, but it was the best I could find at the time.这份工作令人厌恶,但这是我当时能找到的最好的工作。韦氏高阶〔dog〕A person regarded as unattractive or uninteresting.无趣的人:无吸引力的人,令人厌恶的人美国传统〔dung〕Something foul or abhorrent.令人厌恶的东西美国传统〔execrable〕Accusing us of being disloyal to cover his own sorry behavior is truly execrable.他指责我们不忠诚以掩盖他自己的错误行为,真令人厌恶柯林斯高阶〔filth〕Disgusting garbage or refuse.垃圾,废物:令人厌恶的垃圾或废物美国传统〔foul〕Offensive to the senses; revolting.令人讨厌的;使人厌恶美国传统〔frightful〕Causing disgust or shock; horrifying.可怕的:让人厌恶或震惊;吓人的美国传统〔fulsome〕Offensive to the taste or sensibilities.品味或感觉令人厌恶美国传统〔glibly〕Mr. Lewis takes an insufferably glib attitude toward it all.刘易斯先生对这一切不以为意,令人厌恶柯林斯高阶〔hoot〕Some people hooted in disgust.有些人厌恶地大声嚷嚷。牛津高阶〔lordly〕His lordly manners were quite repulsive.他傲慢的举止非常令人厌恶外研社新世纪〔mankind〕Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination.对男人女人都不得撒谎;撒谎是令人厌恶之事。外研社新世纪〔nasty〕He made it all sound very nasty.他使一切听起来都非常令人厌恶牛津搭配〔nauseating〕Causing disgust, loathing, or revulsion.令人厌恶的:引起嫌恶、憎恶或厌恶的美国传统〔nauseous〕He found her sixties idealism nauseous.他觉得她60年代的理想主义令人厌恶外研社新世纪〔objectionable〕I found the violence in that film really objectionable.我觉得那部电影中的暴力场面实在令人厌恶剑桥高阶〔off-putting〕There is nothing more off-putting than a dirty bathroom.再没有什么比肮脏的盥洗室更让人厌恶的了。外研社新世纪〔offensive〕This film is offensive, distasteful, and crude.这部影片让人反感、令人厌恶、粗俗不堪。外研社新世纪〔remote〕His remoteness was resented.他的冷漠让人厌恶柯林斯高阶〔repellent〕She still found the place repellent.她还是觉得这个地方令人厌恶柯林斯高阶〔repulsive〕What a repulsive old man! 这老头子真是令人厌恶剑桥高阶〔shocking〕Highly offensive; indecent or distasteful.令人厌恶的:非常让人讨厌的;粗鄙的或令人厌恶美国传统〔sick-making〕It's sick-making the way he tried to duck his responsibilities.他试图逃避责任的样子令人厌恶外研社新世纪〔sickeningly〕These problems sound sickeningly familiar.这些问题听起来过于熟悉了, 令人厌恶外研社新世纪〔slimy〕He was the very worst kind of slimy salesman.他是那种最令人厌恶的谄媚的推销员。剑桥高阶〔slugfest〕The battle between the two Democrats is turning into a nasty little slugfest.两个民主党人之间的斗争正演化成一场令人厌恶的谩骂。牛津高阶〔split〕It's an even split; some love it, some hate it.两种态度势均力敌;一些人喜爱,一些人厌恶牛津搭配〔stinker〕A person regarded as irritating, disgusting, or contemptible.讨厌的人:被认为是令人烦恼、令人厌恶或鄙视的人美国传统〔stink〕To be highly offensive or abhorrent.讨厌透顶:非常具有侮辱性并令人厌恶美国传统〔take〕To be the most outrageous or disappointing.糟透了:成为最让人厌恶的或最让人失望的美国传统〔thud〕He hit the floor with a sickening thud.他撞到地板上,发出一声令人厌恶的闷响。牛津搭配〔turn-off〕I find beards a real turn-off.我觉得胡子确实令人厌恶牛津高阶〔twerp〕A person regarded as insignificant and contemptible.笨蛋:被认为是无足轻重的和令人厌恶的人美国传统〔ugsome〕Disgusting; loathsome.令人厌恶的;讨厌的美国传统〔unedifying〕The unedifying saga of their divorce was played out in the newspapers.他们那令人厌恶的离婚故事被报纸刊登出来了。麦克米伦高阶〔unforgivable〕I also suspect that I'm becoming a bore, which is something unforgivable in anybody, but especially in a journalist.我还怀疑自己正在变成一个令人厌恶的人,这对任何人来说都是不可原谅的,对于一名记者而言更是如此。柯林斯高阶〔unprincipled〕It is a market where people can be very unprincipled and unpleasant.在这个市场里,一些人可能根本不讲道德原则,非常令人厌恶柯林斯高阶〔untouchable〕Loathsome or unpleasant to the touch.触摸起来让人厌恶或令人不快的美国传统〔unwholesome〕Offensive or loathsome.令人生厌的:让人厌恶的或令人讨厌的美国传统〔work〕The building is hated by some and considered a work of art by others.一些人厌恶这座建筑,而其他人则认为它是一件艺术品。牛津搭配〔worm〕It's distressing enough to find a worm in your apple but finding half of one is worse.在苹果里发现一条虫子已经够让人厌恶了,如果发现半条就更糟了。剑桥高阶〔yucky〕The food was yucky.这食物令人厌恶朗文当代He finds all pornography distasteful, whether it's hard-core (= very detailed) or soft-core (= not very detailed).他感到色情描写无论是细节的还是非细节的都令人厌恶剑桥国际He found the subject of their conversation very distasteful.他发现他们的话题非常令人厌恶剑桥国际He's got a disgusting beer gut (= large stomach caused by drinking a lot of beer) hanging over his trousers.他在裤子上面悬着一个令人厌恶的啤酒肚。剑桥国际He's revolting --he ogles (at) every woman who walks past him.他真令人厌恶----他挑逗地盯着每一个走过他身边的女人看。剑桥国际His behavior was repulsive. 他的行为令人厌恶译典通I can smell something nasty in the bottom of the fridge.我能闻到冰箱底部令人厌恶的气味。剑桥国际Most people have a detestation of war.大多数人厌恶战争。剑桥国际Newspaper editors don't print the really obnoxious letters that they receive.报刊编辑不刊登收到的那些实在令人厌恶的信件。剑桥国际The ceiling was mouldy and there was a revolting green slime in between the bathroom tiles.天花板上发霉了,在浴室的瓷砖间有着令人厌恶的绿色粘液。剑桥国际The drain's blocked and smells disgustingly of rotten fish.下水道堵住了,散发出令人厌恶的烂鱼气味。剑桥国际The offending ads have been removed from the website.令人厌恶的广告已从网站上删除了。牛津商务The professor was a real Jekyll and Hyde figure--sometimes kind and charming, and at other times rude and obnoxious.这位教授真是个双重人格的人物----有时和蔼而富有魅力,有时粗鲁而令人厌恶剑桥国际What a repulsive old man! 一个多么令人厌恶的老人!剑桥国际When we got back to the apartment the place was full of foul-smelling smoke.当我们回到公寓时,那里弥漫着令人厌恶的烟味儿。剑桥国际

