
单词 salvation
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Calvinism〕The religious doctrines of John Calvin, emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God's grace alone.卡尔文主义:约翰·卡尔文的宗教教义,强调上帝是万能的,以及仁慈上帝对人的救赎作用美国传统〔LEGAL〕The National Salvation Front took power, later trying to legitimize its position with elections. 民族拯救阵线夺取了政权,后来他们企图通过选举使他们的地位合法化。朗文写作活用〔Mahayana〕One of the major schools of Buddhism, active in Japan, Korea, Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, and China, which teaches social concern and universal salvation.大乘佛教:佛教的主要流派之一,流传于日本、朝鲜、尼泊尔、西藏、蒙古和中国,教导人们关心社会和普渡众生美国传统〔Salvation Army〕Salvation Army band救世军乐队外研社新世纪〔Salvationist〕A member of the Salvation Army.救世军成员美国传统〔ascetic〕Salvation requires difficult self-denial and demanding ascetic deeds.救赎要求在思想上进行艰难的自我否定, 在行动上践行清心寡欲的清苦生活。外研社新世纪〔bhakti〕The devotional way of achieving salvation, emphasizing the loving faith of a devotee for a deity and open to all persons irrespective of sex or caste.守贞专奉:得到灵魂拯救的虔诚方式,强调信徒对神的挚爱忠诚,并向所有性别和社会等级的人公开美国传统〔boot〕Valkonen, who lived at the Salvation Army's hostel, was booted from the facility.在救世军旅社居住的瓦尔科宁被撵出来了。外研社新世纪〔dispose〕I shall dispose of this clothing to the Salvation Army.我将把这批衣物送给救世军。英汉大词典〔election〕Theology Predestined salvation, especially as conceived by Calvinists.【神学】 上帝挑选:上帝的选择,尤指加尔文教徒所信奉的美国传统〔elect〕Theology One selected by divine will for salvation.【神学】 被上帝选中灵魂得救的人美国传统〔elect〕Theology Selected by divine will for salvation.【神学】 (神学)被挑选出来的:蒙上帝挑选而灵魂永远得救的美国传统〔elect〕Theology To select by divine will for salvation.【神学】 (神学)被挑选出来:上帝挑选某人使其灵魂得救美国传统〔evangelical〕Of or relating to the group in the Church of England that stresses personal conversion and salvation by faith.狂热的:属于或关于英国国教会的,他们强调个人只要皈依就可改变信仰并获得拯救美国传统〔faith〕They believe that people can come to salvation through faith.他们相信人们能够通过信仰得救。牛津搭配〔hand back〕He took a saxophone from the Salvation Army but was caught and had to hand it back.他从救世军那里拿了一支萨克斯管,但却被抓住了,只得将其交还。柯林斯高阶〔heaven〕Often Heaven The abode of God, the angels, and the souls of those who are granted salvation. 常作 Heaven 天国,天堂:上帝,天使及那些得到拯救的灵魂的居所美国传统〔irreconcilable〕This belief was irreconcilable with the Church's doctrine of salvation.这种信仰与教会的救赎教义是不相容的。朗文当代〔lifeline〕One that is or is regarded as a source of salvation in a crisis.救星:是或被认为是在危机中拯救别人的人美国传统〔outvote〕They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.他们被救国阵线以多数票否决后,退席以示抗议。柯林斯高阶〔outvote〕They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.被救国阵线以多数票否决后, 他们退席以示抗议。外研社新世纪〔particularism〕Theology The belief that a person can gain salvation only by God's free choice.【神学】 特殊神宠论:一种信仰人们只能靠上帝的自由选择而获得赎罪的神学教义美国传统〔posit〕If she needs salvation, she will posit a savior.如果她需要救助,她就会设想一个救助者。21世纪英汉〔predestination〕The divine decree foreordaining all souls to either salvation or damnation.宿命:预先注定所有灵魂或得到拯救或得到永久的惩罚美国传统〔predestination〕The doctrine that God has foreordained all things, especially that God has elected certain souls to eternal salvation.宿命论:上帝已经预先注定万物的教义,尤指上帝已经选择给予某些人永久的拯救美国传统〔redemption〕Theology Salvation from sin through Jesus's sacrifice.【神学】 救赎:通过耶稣的牺牲使人从罪恶中得到救赎美国传统〔reply〕The National Salvation Front has already replied to this series of opposition moves with its own demonstrations.民族救亡阵线已经组织了示威,以此回击反对派的一系列活动。柯林斯高阶〔reprobate〕Theology Rejected by God and without hope of salvation.【神学】 邪恶的:为上帝摈弃的、没希望得到拯救的美国传统〔rinky-dink〕Let's go see what sort of rinky-dink the Salvation Army has this week.咱们去看看这星期救世军有什么旧货出售。英汉大词典〔sacramentalism〕The doctrine that observance of the sacraments is necessary for salvation and that such participation can confer grace.重视圣礼主义:认为遵守圣礼对于救赎是必要的、参加圣事可授予神的恩典的教条美国传统〔salvationism〕Religious doctrine stressing salvation of the soul.救世教义:强调灵魂拯救的宗教教义美国传统〔salvation〕A drug treatment program was Ron's salvation.药物治疗计划是罗恩的救星。朗文当代〔salvation〕After the diagnosis, getting to know Mary was his salvation.调查分析一番之后,他意识到结识玛丽是他唯一的出路。剑桥高阶〔salvation〕During the divorce, work was my salvation.离婚期间,工作是我的救星。麦克米伦高阶〔salvation〕Group therapy classes have been his salvation.他一直靠参加集体疗法班来调节心理。牛津高阶〔salvation〕I consider books my salvation.我视书本为救星。柯林斯高阶〔salvation〕I consider books to be my salvation.我将书籍视为我的救星。外研社新世纪〔salvation〕Pray for salvation.为获得拯救而祈祷。韦氏高阶〔salvation〕Sleep is the salvation of the nervous system.睡眠可解除神经系统的疲劳。英汉大词典〔salvation〕The Gospel message is one of personal salvation.福音消息是人们灵魂得救的消息。剑桥高阶〔salvation〕The Internet turned out to be the salvation of the company.因特网结果成了这家公司的救星。朗文当代〔salvation〕The church's message of salvation has changed the lives of many.基督教中耶稣拯救灵魂的教义改变了很多人的生活。柯林斯高阶〔salvation〕The country's salvation lies in forcing through democratic reforms.拯救国家的希望在于强制推行民主改革。柯林斯高阶〔salvation〕Tourism has been the salvation of the island.旅游业成了这个岛的救星。韦氏高阶〔salvation〕When I lost my cash, my credit card was my salvation.我现钱丢了,信用卡解决了我的困难。牛津同义词〔salvation〕Your salvation depends on quick action.你要得到解救全赖于赶快行动。英汉大词典〔soteriology〕The theological doctrine of salvation as effected by Jesus.耶稣救世学:受耶稣影响的救世神学学说美国传统〔synergism〕Theology The doctrine that individual salvation is achieved through a combination of human will and divine grace.【神学】 神人协作论:认为个人灵魂的拯救是通过人的意愿与神的恩典共同作用的教义美国传统〔universalism〕Theology The doctrine of universal salvation.【神学】 宇宙神教;普救说:全世界救世的学说美国传统〔wherein〕It is difficult to know wherein Mr Ritchie hoped to find salvation for his country.很难弄清里奇先生希望从哪里为他的国家求得救助。柯林斯高阶It's a Salvation Army hostel for homeless men and women.这是一家为无家可归者所设的救世军招待所。剑桥国际She works for the Salvation Army. 她为救世军工作。译典通Small industries will be the salvation of many areas now in decline. 小型企业将是目前处于衰退的许多地区的救星。译典通That blanket was my salvation when my car broke down in the snow.当我的车子在雪地里抛锚的时候,那条毯子是我的救星。剑桥国际The Gospel message is one of personal salvation.福音的信息是个人救赎的信息。剑桥国际The company is in trouble and the latest plan for its salvation has few supporters.公司遇到了麻烦,解救困境的最新计划没有多少支持者。剑桥国际

