
单词 柠檬
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-guzzling〕Melissa had guzzled gin and tonics like they were lemonade.梅利莎像喝柠檬汽水一样大口地喝着加奎宁水的杜松子酒。柯林斯高阶〔DECORATE〕Serve the fish with a garnish of lemon. 上鱼时配一些柠檬朗文写作活用〔FLOW〕Add a couple of squirts of lemon juice to the mixture. 给混合物喷一点柠檬汁。朗文写作活用〔HEALTHY/UNHEALTHY〕Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons are very good for you. 橙子、柠檬等柑橘类水果对身体非常好。朗文写作活用〔PERFECT〕Cold lemonade is just the thing on a hot day. 冰冻柠檬汁正是热天所需要的东西。朗文写作活用〔POUR〕Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice and herbs. 往鱼上洒些柠檬汁和香草。朗文写作活用〔PRESS〕Squeeze the lemons and pour the juice into a jug. 榨压柠檬,把汁水倒入壶里。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕You can use lemon juice to remove the grease. 你可以用柠檬汁来去除这些油污。朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕The lemon juice gives the dressing its sharp flavour. 这种柠檬汁给调料添了浓烈的味道。朗文写作活用〔WATER〕To make citron pressé, dilute fresh lemon juice with water and add sugar. 做柠檬汁,要将新鲜柠檬汁用水稀释并加糖。朗文写作活用〔aioli〕A rich sauce of crushed garlic, egg yolks, lemon juice, and olive oil used especially to garnish fish and vegetables.蒜泥蛋黄酱:一种用蒜泥、蛋黄、柠檬汁和橄榄油配制起来的调味汁,尤其用作鱼和蔬菜的配料美国传统〔amid〕The hotel was in a beautiful position amid lemon groves.旅馆位于柠檬树丛之中,优美宜人。牛津高阶〔bigarade〕A rich sauce served with duck, consisting of thickened duck stock flavored with the rind of bitter oranges, lemon juice, and sugar.酸橙酱:由浓的鸭原汁配酸橙、柠檬汁和糖调制而成的用作鸭肉配料的浓酱美国传统〔blend〕The sweetness of the yoghurt blends nicely with the sharpness of the lemons.酸奶的甜味和柠檬的强烈味道融合得非常好。麦克米伦高阶〔bresaola〕Sliced salt-cured, air-dried beef that is dressed with olive oil, lemon juice, and black pepper before serving.牛肉干:食用前涂上橄榄油、柠檬汁、黑胡椒的已用盐腌好、晾干了的牛肉片美国传统〔ceviche〕Raw fish marinated in lime or lemon juice with olive oil and spices and served as an appetizer.酸橘汁腌鱼:腌泡于加橄榄油和香料的酸橙汁或柠檬汁中的生鱼,作开胃品用美国传统〔chug〕I'm chugging my third brew while Kyle curses into his lemonade.凯尔骂骂咧咧喝柠檬汁时, 我正灌下第三杯啤酒。外研社新世纪〔citric〕Of or relating to citric acid.柠檬酸的:属于或关于柠檬酸的美国传统〔cool〕Store lemons in a cool dry place.把柠檬贮存在干燥凉爽的地方。牛津高阶〔daiquiri〕An iced cocktail of rum, lime or lemon juice, and sugar.代基里酒:一种由朗姆酒、莱姆汁或柠檬汁和糖混合的加冰鸡尾酒美国传统〔dash〕Add a dash of lemon juice.加一点儿柠檬汁。牛津搭配〔dash〕Add a dash of lemon juice.加少量柠檬汁。牛津高阶〔desire〕Add lemon juice if desired .需要的话加点柠檬汁。朗文当代〔do the trick〕This sauce needs more flavour - I know, some lemon juice should/ought to do the trick.这种调味汁需要加点儿味——我知道了,加点儿柠檬汁就可以了。剑桥高阶〔doctor〕Bottles of lemonade doctored with rat poison were discovered in the kitchen.厨房里发现了几瓶掺了老鼠药的柠檬汁。剑桥高阶〔enterprising〕The enterprising children opened a lemonade stand.一些有进取心的孩子摆摊卖柠檬汽水美国传统〔extract〕Blend in the lemon extract, lemon peel and walnuts.调入柠檬汁、柠檬皮和核桃。柯林斯高阶〔extract〕Citric acid can be extracted from the juice of oranges.从橘子汁中可以提取出柠檬酸。外研社新世纪〔feel〕I feel like (having) a nice cool glass of lemonade.我想喝一杯美味的冰柠檬汁。剑桥高阶〔fizz〕I wonder if there's any fizz left in the lemonade.我不知道柠檬水还能不能起泡。外研社新世纪〔flavour〕The drink has a very strong citrus flavour.这种饮料有很浓的柠檬味。麦克米伦高阶〔flavour〕The lemon juice brings out the natural fruit flavours.柠檬汁散发出天然的水果香味。牛津搭配〔garnish〕Garnish the fish with lemon slices.用柠檬片来配鱼。麦克米伦高阶〔geranial〕A structural isomer of citral that is obtained from the oxidation of geraniol.香叶醛:由香叶醇氧化得到的柠檬酸的结构上的同质异构体美国传统〔glass〕Two glasses of lemonade, please.请给我两杯柠檬汁。剑桥高阶〔guzzle〕Melissa had guzzled gin and tonics like they were lemonade.梅利莎狂饮加了奎宁水的杜松子酒, 就像喝柠檬汽水一样。外研社新世纪〔guzzle〕The cherry wine was being guzzled like lemonade.樱桃酒像柠檬水一样被大口灌下肚去。英汉大词典〔ice〕I'll have lemonade please—no ice.请给我来杯柠檬汽水,不要加冰块。牛津高阶〔juice〕Add the juice of two lemons.加两个柠檬的汁。牛津高阶〔lemon drop〕A small, hard, lemon-flavored candy.柠檬喉糖:一种小而硬的柠檬味糖果美国传统〔lemon yellow〕A moderate to brilliant vivid yellow.淡黄色,柠檬黄,柠檬色:一种轻淡、明亮、生动活泼的黄色美国传统〔lemonade〕He was pouring ice and lemonade into tall glasses.他正把冰块和柠檬汽水倒进高脚杯里。柯林斯高阶〔lemonade〕Would you like a lemonade? 你要来一杯柠檬汽水吗?朗文当代〔lemony〕Having the characteristic odor, flavor, or color of lemons.柠檬香的,柠檬味的,柠檬色的:具有柠檬特有的香味、味道或颜色的美国传统〔lemon〕Add a few drops of lemon juice.加几滴柠檬汁。朗文当代〔lemon〕Add the juice of half a lemon.加入半个柠檬的汁。麦克米伦高阶〔lemon〕Color Lemon-yellow.【色彩】 柠檬黄的美国传统〔lemon〕Garnish it with a slice of lemon.用一片柠檬来装饰这道菜。韦氏高阶〔lemon〕Squeeze a quarter of a lemon over the fish.往鱼上挤四分之一个柠檬的汁液。牛津搭配〔like〕How would you like a glass of lemonade? 来一杯柠檬水,怎么样?麦克米伦高阶〔lime〕Oranges, lemons and limes were found to cure scurvy.发现橙子、柠檬和来檬可以治疗坏血病。外研社新世纪〔maitre d'hôtel〕A sauce of melted butter, chopped parsley, lemon juice, salt, and pepper.总管黄油沙司:用融化的黄油、欧芹丝、柠檬汁、盐和胡椒调制成的调味汁美国传统〔pare〕First, pare the rind from the lemon.首先把柠檬皮剥掉。牛津高阶〔piccata〕Sliced, sautéed, and served in a sauce containing lemon, butter, and spices. Used of meat or fish.香溜肉片,嫩煎小牛肉片:在含有柠檬、黄油和香料的酱调味中,切成薄片、嫩煎和配菜的。用于肉或鱼的美国传统〔pour〕Can I pour you some lemonade? 我给你倒点柠檬汁吧?韦氏高阶〔press〕I pressed the juice of half a lemon into a glass of water.我用手将半个柠檬的汁挤入一杯水中。柯林斯高阶〔refreshing〕Lemonade tastes so refreshing on a hot day.炎热的天气里喝点柠檬汽水使人心旷神怡。麦克米伦高阶〔rub〕Peel a celeriac and rub the surface with a cut lemon.将块根芹去皮, 然后用切开的柠檬擦拭其表面。外研社新世纪〔shandy〕A drink made of beer and lemonade.一种用啤酒和柠檬水制成的饮料美国传统〔slice〕She cut a thin slice of lemon.她切下一薄片柠檬牛津搭配〔sour salt〕Crystals of citric acid used in cooking.酸盐:柠檬酸的晶体,用于烹饪美国传统〔sour〕A mixed drink made especially with whiskey, lemon or lime juice, sugar, and sometimes soda water.酸味鸡尾酒:尤指威士忌、柠檬或酸橙汁、糖以及有时加苏打水的混合酒美国传统〔special〕Our fish special tonight is salmon in a lemon-cream sauce.我们今晚的特色鱼是柠檬奶油沙司鲑鱼。麦克米伦高阶〔splash〕Add a splash of lemon juice to flavor the butter.加上一点柠檬汁给黄油调味。柯林斯高阶〔splat〕He splatted a lemon against a wall.他啪的一声把柠檬扔在墙上。英汉大词典〔squeeze〕Garnish the fish with some fresh parsley and a squeeze of lemon.用新鲜西芹作鱼的饰菜,再挤上几滴柠檬汁。剑桥高阶〔squirt〕Juice from the lemon squirted into my eye.柠檬汁溅到了我眼睛里。韦氏高阶〔straw〕She sipped her lemonade through a straw.她用吸管吸着柠檬水。朗文当代〔swig〕McGuire took a long swig from his bottle of bitter lemon.麦圭尔举起瓶子咕咚咕咚地喝了一大通苦柠檬汁。柯林斯高阶〔taste〕This lemonade tastes more like water.这柠檬水味道更像白水。麦克米伦高阶〔toss down〕He tossed down a lemonade.他喝光一杯柠檬水。21世纪英汉〔trick〕Another neat trick is to add lemon peel to the water.另一种妙招是在水里加点儿柠檬皮。牛津搭配〔well〕Add the lemon juice and mix well.加进柠檬汁并搅拌均匀。牛津高阶〔which〕Which of you want tea and which want lemonade? 你们有谁想喝茶,有谁想喝柠檬水?韦氏高阶〔zest〕Mix the rest of the olive oil with the zest and juice of the lemon.将其余的橄榄油和柠檬皮及柠檬汁混合在一起。柯林斯高阶〔zest〕The outermost part of the rind of an orange or a lemon, used as flavoring.橙皮:用作调味香料的柳橙皮或柠檬皮的最外层部分美国传统〔zest〕The recipe calls for a tablespoon of lemon zest.菜谱上说要放一汤匙柠檬皮。韦氏高阶〔zing〕Lemon juice adds zing to drinks.柠檬汁能让饮料更带劲。朗文当代A slice of lime in a drink makes a refreshing change from lemon.在饮料中加一片酸橙有一种不同于柠檬的清新味道。剑桥国际Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the bowl.把柠檬切成两半,再把汁挤在碗内。剑桥国际For dessert I had the most delicious tangy lemon tart.我有最可口美味的柠檬馅饼作饭后甜点。剑桥国际I like this homemade lemonade, it's real good! 我喜欢这自制的柠檬水,它真棒!剑桥国际I'd like three Coca Colas and a lemonade.我要三杯可乐和一杯柠檬苏打水。剑桥国际I'd love a dry martini and lemonade.我想要干马提尼酒和柠檬水。剑桥国际I've drunk two cans of lemonade, and I'm still thirsty! 我已经喝了两罐柠檬汁,可我仍很渴。剑桥国际I’d like a tequila and lemonade, please.请给我一杯龙舌兰酒加柠檬水。剑桥国际Lemon juice is quite acid.柠檬汁很酸。剑桥国际Lemons always taste sour, even when they are ripe because of the acid in them.柠檬的味道是酸的,即使是成熟的柠檬也如此,因为它含有酸。剑桥国际Oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit are types of citrus fruit.橘子、柠檬、酸橙和葡萄柚是柑橘属水果的几种。剑桥国际She squeezed some juice from a lemon. 她从一只柠檬中挤出了一些汁。译典通Squeezers are normally used to extract the juice from citrus fruit such as oranges, lemons and limes.榨汁器一般用来榨诸如桔子,柠檬和橙子之类的柑橘属植物的果实。剑桥国际Squeezing lemon juice over peeled apples stops them going brown.在削好的苹果上榨柠檬汁能防止苹果变成褐色。剑桥国际The courgettes, lightly battered, were fried and served with fresh lemon sauce.稍微浇以面糊的菜瓜炸好后拌以新鲜柠檬汁。剑桥国际The fish was garnished with slices of lemon. 那盆鱼上配了几片柠檬作为装饰。译典通The guests were drinking coffee, lemonade, or sherbet. 客人们正在喝咖啡,柠檬水或冰冻果子露。译典通The sweet lime is possibly a natural mutant of lemon.这种甜性酸橙可能是柠檬的自然变种。剑桥国际The waitress brought us a pitcher of lemonade. 服务小姐给我们送来一壶柠檬水。译典通The wine has a sharp, fresh citric flavour.这酒有种很酸的新鲜柠檬的味道。剑桥国际Use half a lemon dipped in salt and vinegar. 用半个柠檬蘸上盐和醋。译典通With its lemon flavour and refreshing acidity, this is the perfect summer wine.它带有柠檬口味和清新的酸味, 是理想的夏季葡萄酒。剑桥国际

