
单词 核电站
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENVIRONMENT〕The explosion in the nuclear plant led to one of the most serious environmental catastrophes in history. 这次核电站爆炸给自然环境造成了历史上最为严重的一场大灾难。朗文写作活用〔FUTURE〕Nuclear power stations will still be needed for a long time to come. 在未来很长一段时间内,人们仍将需要核电站朗文写作活用〔IGNORE〕The officials in charge of the Chernobyl power station had shut their eyes to the danger. 负责切尔诺贝利核电站的官员们对危险熟视无睹。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕After this accident, it will be difficult for the government to persuade people that nuclear power stations are safe. 此次事故后,政府很难使民众相信核电站是安全的。朗文写作活用〔RECORD〕She aims to chart new cases of cancer in areas around nuclear power stations. 她的目的是想把核电站周围地区的癌症新病例记录下来。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕Environmentalists had been drawing unwelcome attention to the discharge of radioactive waste from nuclear power-stations. 环保主义者呼吁人们关注核电站放射性废料排放的问题,这是有些人不想看到的。朗文写作活用〔cheaply〕It will produce electricity more cheaply than a nuclear plant.它的发电成本要比核电站低。柯林斯高阶〔close〕Local people feel that the nuclear power station is too close for comfort.当地老百姓觉得核电站离他们太近,让他们没有安全感。麦克米伦高阶〔decommission〕The government is decommissioning the nuclear power plant.政府计划关闭这座核电站韦氏高阶〔despite〕Three more nuclear power stations were built despite widespread opposition.尽管受到广泛的反对,还是又有3座核电站建了起来。麦克米伦高阶〔disaster〕The nuclear power station was an environmental disaster waiting to happen.这座新的核电站可能对环境造成灾难性的影响。麦克米伦高阶〔discharge〕The authorities are particularly concerned about discharges from nuclear power stations.当局特别关注核电站的排放物。麦克米伦高阶〔dose〕Workers at the nuclear plant were exposed to high doses of radiation.核电站的工作人员受到大量辐射。牛津高阶〔effluent〕A discharge of liquid waste, as from a factory or nuclear plant.废物:废水的排出,尤指从工厂或核电站排出的美国传统〔energy〕The nuclear plant provides a fifth of the nation's energy supplies.这家核电站生产的能量占全国能源供应总量的两成。牛津搭配〔favour〕Nuclear power stations have lost favour in recent years.近年来核电站已经不太受欢迎了。麦克米伦高阶〔fear〕There are fears about the safety of the nuclear plant.人们担心核电站的安全。麦克米伦高阶〔feeling〕There is now strong national feeling against the nuclear plant.现在全国对核电站群情激奋。麦克米伦高阶〔folly〕It's sheer folly to build nuclear power stations in a country that has dozens of earthquakes every year.在每年会发生几十次地震的国家建造核电站简直就是愚蠢至极。柯林斯高阶〔fuel〕The plant reprocesses spent fuel from nuclear power stations.这家工厂对从核电站回收的废燃料进行后处理。牛津搭配〔mishap〕A series of mishaps led to the nuclear power plant blowing up.一系列不幸事故导致核电站发生爆炸。剑桥高阶〔next door〕Would you want to live next door to a nuclear power station? 你会愿意住在核电站旁边吗?剑桥高阶〔post〕Guards were to be posted around nuclear power stations.核电站周围要设置卫兵。朗文当代〔power station〕Chernobyl nuclear power station 切尔诺贝利核电站朗文当代〔produce〕Half the country's electricity is produced by nuclear power stations.该国一半的电能是核电站产生的。外研社新世纪〔radiation〕Some workers at the power station were exposed to high levels of radiation.这个核电站的一些工人受到了高强度辐射的侵害。麦克米伦高阶〔related〕Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area are directly related to the new nuclear power station.专家们认为,该地区癌症病例的大量出现和新建的核电站之间有直接关系。剑桥高阶〔safe〕The Government insisted that Britain's nuclear power stations are as safe as houses.政府坚称, 英国的核电站非常安全。外研社新世纪〔safe〕The Government insisted that Britain's nuclear power stations are as safe as houses.英国政府坚称英国的核电站非常安全。柯林斯高阶〔the real world〕The dramatic portrayal of a nuclear accident in The China Syndrome (1979) was followed by a real-world accident at Three Mile Island.《中国综合症》(1979)展示了一个虚构的核电站事故,随后在真实世界中就发生了三里岛事件。剑桥高阶〔vindicate〕Anti-nuclear protesters regarded the Chernobyl accident as a clear vindication of their campaign.反核示威者认为,切尔诺贝利核电站核泄漏事故清楚地表明他们的反核运动是正确的。牛津高阶A bunch of idiots was let loose on a nuclear power station.一群白痴在核电站里到处乱跑。剑桥国际A series of mishaps led to the nuclear power plant blowing up.一系列的意外导致了核电站爆炸。剑桥国际A spokesperson said that there was no danger of a leak/escape of radioactivity from the nuclear power station.发言人说核电站没有放射线泄漏之虞。剑桥国际Environmentalists have failed to prevent the plans for the nuclear power plant from going into action.环境主义者未能阻止核电站计划的实施。剑桥国际Everything that goes awry (=wrong) in the town is blamed on the nuclear power station.镇里所有不对劲的事都归咎于核电站剑桥国际Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area are directly related to the new nuclear power station.专家们认为该地区大量的癌症病例与新的核电站直接有关。剑桥国际Fallout from the Chernobyl accident caused contamination thousands of kilometres away from the site of the explosion.切尔诺贝利核电站事故产生的核尘埃造成离爆炸地点上千公里的地方受到沾染。剑桥国际Protesters claim there is a link between the nuclear power station and the increased incidence of cancer in the area.抗议者宣称在核电站和这地区上升的癌症发病率之间有联系。剑桥国际She claims that operating risks are virtually nil for this type of nuclear power station.她说管理这样的核电站实际上是没有风险的。剑桥国际Terrorists have attempted to sabotage the nuclear power station.恐怖主义者企图破坏核电站剑桥国际The authorities wanted to build a nuclear power station in the region, but they reckoned without the opposition of local people.当局想在该地区建一座核电站,但他们没料到当地人反对。剑桥国际There is controversy about a proposal to build a nuclear power station. 对于建议中的建设核电站一事存有争议。译典通They officially designated the area around the nuclear power station (as) a disaster area/(as) unsuitable for human habitation. [+ obj (+ as) + n/adj] 他们正式指定核电站周围的一带为灾祸区/人不宜居住区。剑桥国际We're very alert to (=we understand and give attention to) the dangers of operating a nuclear power station.我们对核电站运行的危险非常警惕。剑桥国际Workers at two nuclear power stations are receiving an annual dose of radiation three times the legal limit.在两家核电站工作的工人每年受到的放射能剂量是法定限度的3倍。剑桥国际

