
单词 服务台
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GIVE〕When you leave the hotel, please hand in your key at the desk. 离开旅馆时,请把钥匙交到服务台朗文写作活用〔baggage〕Check your baggage in at the desk.在服务台托运行李。朗文当代〔buzzer〕She rang a buzzer at the information desk.她按了一下服务台的蜂鸣器。柯林斯高阶〔check in〕She checked her suitcase in at the service desk.她在服务台把手提箱寄存起来。21世纪英汉〔clop〕He clopped over to the reception counter in his large leather boots.他穿着大皮靴向服务台橐橐地走过去。21世纪英汉〔desk〕Ask the desk to ring through to Miss Jackson's room.要服务台把电话接到杰克逊小姐的房间。英汉大词典〔desk〕I spoke to the girl on the reception desk.我跟服务台的女孩说了一下。柯林斯高阶〔desk〕Leave a message for me at the desk.在服务台给我留个口信。麦克米伦高阶〔desk〕They put me on desk duty for a month.他们让我在服务台值了一个月的班。牛津搭配〔guest〕We would like to remind all our guests to leave their keys at reception before they depart.我们要提醒所有客人在离开前将房间钥匙交还到服务台剑桥高阶〔information〕Call information.打电话给服务台文馨英汉〔message〕I left a message for her at reception.我在服务台给她留了言。牛津搭配〔obtain〕Later it might be possible to obtain the key by requesting it when the desk was busy.稍后, 等服务台忙碌的时候, 或许有可能要到钥匙。外研社新世纪〔on〕Please leave your key at the reception desk on your departure from (= when you leave) the hotel.离开酒店时请把钥匙交到服务台剑桥高阶〔page〕Paging Peter Smith. Would you go to reception, please.彼得•史密斯请注意, 请到服务台来一下。外研社新世纪〔reception〕I signed in at reception.我在服务台登记了。外研社新世纪〔reception〕Wait at reception for me.在服务台等我。外研社新世纪〔report〕All visitors to the exhibition must report to the main service desk.到展览会参观的人都必须先到总服务台报到。21世纪英汉〔reservation〕He went to the desk to make a reservation.他到服务台进行了预订。柯林斯高阶〔see sb right〕Ask Mrs Martin at the desk over there about the invoices - she'll see you right.请向那边服务台的马丁夫人咨询有关发票的事——她会帮你解决的。剑桥高阶〔send〕She sent him to the information desk.她让他去问服务台韦氏高阶〔tap〕At this late hour nobody but a desk clerk would be on tap.时间这么晚了,除了服务台值勤员以外大概没有什么人可供差遣了。英汉大词典〔toll-free〕For reservations, call toll-free the reception desk.要订位时,请打免费电话给柜台[服务台]。文馨英汉〔tone〕The service desk at the entrance, with its friendly, helpful and efficient staff, sets the tone for the rest of the store.入口处服务台的员工友好、热心、效率高, 让这家店显得越发高档。外研社新世纪〔tone〕The service desk at the entrance, with its friendly, helpful and efficient staff, sets the tone for the rest of the store.入口处设有服务台,加之友好、热心与高效的服务人员,营造了这家商店的整体氛围。柯林斯高阶Ask at the customer service counter.向顾客服务台询问。剑桥国际Helen's working on the desk until 5 pm.海伦在服务台一直要工作到下午5点。剑桥国际I'll meet you at reception in half an hour.半小时后我在服务台见你。剑桥国际Please hand in your keys at reception on your departure from (= when you leave) the hotel.离开旅馆时请把钥匙交到服务台剑桥国际Reception just rang through to say your visitor has arrived.服务台刚刚打来电话说你的客人到了。牛津商务The 24-hour help desk adds a new dimension to the product.24 小时服务台给这款产品增添了一个新的特色。牛津商务The Weather Service issues warnings to people in the path of a hurricane (= in the area in which it is moving) so they have time to prepare or get out of the way.气象服务台向飓风移动方向的人们发出警告,所以他们有时间作好准备或离开。剑桥国际The table used to do duty as a hotel desk. 这张桌子以前曾充当旅馆服务台译典通The table used to do duty for a hotel desk. 这张桌子以前曾充当旅馆服务台译典通We try to maintain a set response time for calls to our help desk.对于打到服务台的电话,我们争取在一个既定的时间内回应。牛津商务Would Ben Potter please report to the check-in desk? 请本 • 波特到服务台牛津商务Write down all the specifications of your computer before phoning the help desk.在给服务台打电话之前,写下计算机的各项规格。牛津商务You can leave a message with reception.你可以把口信留在服务台剑桥国际You have to get a token from reception if you want to use the washing machine.如果你要用洗衣机,你必须到服务台购买一枚筹码。剑桥国际

