
单词 垒手
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔baseman〕A player assigned to first, second, or third base.垒手,守垒员:被分派到第一、第二或第三个垒上的队员美国传统〔first baseman〕The infielder stationed near first base.一垒手:场内守在第一垒附近的球手美国传统〔first base〕Mattingly played first base for the Yankees.马丁利在扬基队任一垒手剑桥高阶〔first base〕The fielding position occupied by the first baseman.一垒手的防卫位置美国传统〔first〕A first baseman.一垒手美国传统〔foul out〕The batter fouled out to the first baseman.击球手因界外腾空球被一垒手接住而出局。韦氏高阶〔hole〕He hit a grounder that went through the hole between the first and second basemen.他打了个滚地球,从第一垒手和第二垒手间穿过。韦氏高阶〔liner〕He hit a liner to the first baseman.他朝一垒手打出一记平直球。韦氏高阶〔overthrow〕He overthrew the first baseman. = He overthrew first base.他投球越过了一垒手韦氏高阶〔pick off〕The pitch turned around suddenly and threw to the second baseman to pick the runner off second base.投手突然回身投向二垒手,于是在二垒上将对方封杀出局。21世纪英汉〔pop fly〕He hit a high pop fly to the second baseman.他击出一个高高的小腾空球,飞向二垒手韦氏高阶〔sacker〕Football A lineman skilled at sacking the quarterback.【橄榄球】 垒手:精于擒抱四分卫的线上球员美国传统〔second baseman〕The infielder who is positioned near and to the first-base side of second base.二垒手:位于二垒附近且接邻一垒边缘的内野手美国传统〔second base〕The position played by a second baseman.二垒手防御位置:二垒手占有的位置美国传统〔squeeze play〕Baseball A play in which the batter attempts to bunt so that a runner on third base may score.【棒球】 抢分战术:击球员用力击球使三垒的跑垒手能够得分的一种棒球运动美国传统

