
单词 在那里
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DARK〕It was difficult to see who was standing there in the dim half-light of the hall. 大厅里昏暗不明,很难看清谁站在那里朗文写作活用〔DISHONEST〕It was dishonest of him to suggest that he actually had a degree from Oxford - he was just there for one term. 他不诚实地说他确实拥有牛津大学学位,实际上他仅在那里读了一个学期。朗文写作活用〔ENEMY〕As we approached the camp a guard called out: ‘Who goes there -- friend or foe?’ 我们走近军营时,一个警卫喊道:“谁在那里—是朋友还是敌人?”朗文写作活用〔FOLD〕Don't put your shirts in there - they'll get creased. 别把你的衬衫放在那里,会弄皱的。朗文写作活用〔MAKE FUN OF〕Instead of helping, they just sat and sneered. 他们不帮忙,反而坐在那里嗤笑。朗文写作活用〔THERE/NOT THERE〕I tried to call you last night, but I guess you weren't around. 昨晚我想给你打电话,但我估计你不在那里朗文写作活用〔THERE/NOT THERE〕She says the bottle is in the cupboard, but it just isn't there. 她说那瓶子在食橱里,但它却不在那里朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕It was not wanderlust alone that made him keen to visit Brazil. He thought he might hear news of his natural mother there. 他热衷于到巴西去不单是因为喜欢旅游,他认为在那里可能会听到有关自己生母的消息。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕The hotel provides an excellent base from which visitors can sample the delights of scuba diving and waterskiing. 这家旅馆提供了一个很好的基地,在那里游客可以尝试戴水肺潜水和水橇滑水的乐趣。朗文写作活用〔UNCONSCIOUS〕When the realization hit her, she just sat there looking dazed. 她猛然清醒过来,就坐在那里,显得神志恍惚。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕Beth wished she could stay there forever. 贝丝真希望能永远待在那里朗文写作活用〔among〕My friend Peter was there, among others.我的朋友彼得还有其他人都在那里外研社新世纪〔base〕Being there gave me a chance to touch base with three friends whom I had not seen for a year.在那里,让我有机会和一年没见面的三个朋友取得了联系。柯林斯高阶〔before〕She's lived there since before the war.她从战前起就一直住在那里牛津高阶〔belong〕I worked there for five years but never really felt I belonged.我在那里工作了五年,但是一直适应不了。朗文当代〔but〕She never passed her old home but she thought of the happy years she had spent there(= she always thought of them).她从没有经过自己的旧居,但会想起在那里度过的幸福岁月。牛津高阶〔cash bar〕A bar, such as one at a large party, where drinks are sold by the glass.吧台:如大型晚会的吧台,在那里出售成杯的饮料美国传统〔catch〕You wouldn't catch me in there, I can tell you.我可以告诉你,你永远别想在那里看见我。柯林斯高阶〔cerebrate〕He sat there cerebrating.他坐在那里思索着。英汉大词典〔close call〕It was a close call for residents when a tornado swept through just west of the town. 龙卷风从镇子的西边一点刮过,对住在那里的人来说真是侥幸逃过一劫。剑桥高阶〔confusion〕His confusion at meeting her there was quite apparent.在那里和她不期而遇,他明显有些不知所措。朗文当代〔consider〕When you consider how long she worked there, it's surprising that she would leave so suddenly.当你考虑到她在那里工作了多长时间时,她会如此突然地离开让人感到吃惊。韦氏高阶〔day〕He just sits there all day doing nothing.他整天坐在那里, 无所事事。外研社新世纪〔decisive〕I stood there wondering what to do, but my sister was more decisive and immediately went to the phone.我站在那里不知所措,我姐姐则比我果断,立刻向电话机走去。韦氏高阶〔everlasting〕She sat with that everlasting stupid smile on her face.她坐在那里,脸上一直挂着傻乎乎的微笑。麦克米伦高阶〔fantasy〕She retreated into a fantasy world, where she could be anything she wanted.她遁入了幻想世界,在那里她想要成为什么都可以。剑桥高阶〔fell〕They looked in wonder at the carcase of the fell beast that lay there.他们惊异地看着躺在那里的猛兽尸体。外研社新世纪〔fiancee〕Paul and his fiancée were there.保罗和他的未婚妻在那里牛津高阶〔flick〕She sat there, flicking ash into the ashtray.她坐在那里, 把烟灰弹入烟灰缸。外研社新世纪〔garrison〕They didn't garrison any troops there.他们没有派军队在那里驻防。英汉大词典〔hard〕They reached the border where officials gave them a hard time.他们到了边境,在那里受到边防官的刁难。朗文当代〔hell〕He says he'll sit there until hell freezes over before he'll pay them one cent.他说他宁可永远坐在那里,也不会付给他们一分钱。柯林斯高阶〔hometown〕He was born in Miami, but he considers New York his hometown since he's lived there most of his life.他出生在迈阿密,但却将纽约视作自己的故乡,因为他一生的大部分时间都生活在那里剑桥高阶〔hug〕She stood hugging her quilted jacket round her.她紧裹棉衣站在那里柯林斯高阶〔incredible〕It seemed incredible that she had been there a week already.真让人难以置信,她已经在那里待了一个星期了。牛津高阶〔institution〕He was transferred to Shoal Creek Mental Institution for an indefinite period.他被转到了肖尔溪精神病院,要在那里无限期地呆下去。柯林斯高阶〔know〕I grew up there, you know what I mean, so I know what it's like.我在那里长大,你知道我的意思,所以我知道是怎么回事。韦氏高阶〔lace〕They sat with their fingers laced.他们手指交叉着坐在那里牛津高阶〔lemon〕He just stood there looking like a real lemon.他就像个十足的傻瓜一样站在那里朗文当代〔lie〕All the dog did was just lie there.那条狗就只是趴在那里韦氏高阶〔like〕I was just, like, standing there.当时我,呃,就站在那里朗文当代〔look out for sb/sth〕Look out for Anna while you're there.你在那里的时候注意找一找安娜。剑桥高阶〔look〕I took a quick look, but he wasn't there.我瞄了一眼,他不在那里韦氏高阶〔lump〕I stood there with a lump in my throat and tried to fight back tears.我站在那里,喉咙哽塞,拼命想止住眼泪。柯林斯高阶〔message〕If I'm not there, just leave a message with Chris.如果我不在那里,就给克里斯留个口信。麦克米伦高阶〔might I ask/inquire/know〕And what are you doing in there, might I ask? 我可以问一下你在那里干什么吗?剑桥高阶〔motionless〕She stood absolutely motionless.她纹丝不动地站在那里牛津高阶〔multitude〕He preached to the assembled multitude.他向聚集在那里的民众布道。牛津高阶〔onwards〕They lived there from the 1980s onwards.他们从 1980 年代起一直住在那里牛津高阶〔on〕He happened to be in England when the war broke out and he just stayed on.战争爆发时他碰巧在英格兰,于是就留在那里了。柯林斯高阶〔open up〕Three armed men were waiting when the postmaster arrived to open up the shop.邮政局长到邮局开门营业时, 3名持械男子正等在那里外研社新世纪〔ordinary〕Ordinary grass seed won't grow there.一般草的种子在那里长不起来。英汉大词典〔plant〕She planted her feet firmly to the spot and refused to move.她双脚钉在那里,不肯移动。朗文当代〔puff〕He sat there, puffing away at a cigarette.他坐在那里,抽着烟。剑桥高阶〔rear〕There they reared a monument in his memory.他们在那里立碑纪念他。文馨英汉〔regally〕He sat with such regal dignity.他端坐在那里,浑身透着王者的威严。柯林斯高阶〔right〕He sat staring right ahead.他坐在那里, 眼睛盯着正前方。外研社新世纪〔school〕The prime minister himself was born and schooled in Edinburgh.首相本人出生在爱丁堡, 并在那里接受了教育。外研社新世纪〔scrub〕It is so dry that only isolated trees and low scrub can survive there.气候十分干燥,只有一些零星树木和低矮灌木丛才能在那里生长。英汉大词典〔send〕I've sent the heavy cases on so that they'll be there when we arrive.我已把重箱子先托运走,这样我们到达时它们就已在那里了。英汉大词典〔shocked〕He stood in shocked silence after hearing the news.听到消息后,他站在那里惊愕得说不出话来。韦氏高阶〔sicken〕What he saw there sickened him, despite all his years of police work.尽管他当了那么多年警察, 在那里看到的情形还是使他感到恶心。外研社新世纪〔smudge〕She stood there in the old coat and woollen cap, her face smudged with dirt.她站在那里,身穿旧外套,头戴羊皮帽,脸上脏兮兮的。柯林斯高阶〔soak up〕I was lying on my stomach soaking up the sun.我正趴在那里晒太阳。外研社新世纪〔someone〕He noticed a huge crowd gathered outside—someone really famous must be staying there.他注意到外面聚集了乌压压一大群人——一定是有某位大名人在那里柯林斯高阶〔spot〕Wherever she's needed she's quickly on the spot.哪里需要她,她就迅速出现在那里英汉大词典〔squarely〕He stood squarely in front of them, blocking the entrance.他就对着他们站在那里,挡住入口。牛津高阶〔stand〕They just stood there laughing.他们只是站在那里笑。朗文当代〔stare〕She sat there quietly, staring out of the window.她静静地坐在那里,凝视着窗外。英汉大词典〔take〕He continually abuses her, and she just sits there and takes it.他不断地辱骂她,而她只是坐在那里默默忍受。剑桥高阶〔take〕None of us was completely taken with the idea of staying there for an entire month.在那里待上整整一个月,我们没有一个人完全赞同这个主意。韦氏高阶〔teach〕The young woman attends vocational school,where she is being trained as a computer technician.这个年轻女子进入职业学校,在那里她被训练成计算机工程师。美国传统〔that〕Who was there that could stop him? 在那里的人有谁能阻止他呢?文馨英汉〔therein〕Therein lies the problem.问题就在那里英汉大词典〔there〕She's still there.她仍然在那里文馨英汉〔there〕Their house is down there, past the post office.他们的房子就在那里, 过了邮局就是。外研社新世纪〔there〕You'll find the details there.你会在那里找到详细的信息。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕He sat turning the pages idly.他坐在那里无所事事地翻着书。牛津高阶〔twiddle〕She had sat there twiddling nervously with the clasp of her handbag.她坐在那里紧张地摆弄着手提包的扣钩。柯林斯高阶〔valet〕There's a service which will valet your car for you while it is parked.有一项代客洗车服务是趁车停在那里时进行的。剑桥高阶〔vulnerable〕She looked very vulnerable standing there on her own.她独自站在那里看上去弱不禁风。牛津高阶〔wherein〕He gazed once more around the room, wherein were assembled his entire family.他再一次环视房间,他全家人都在那里剑桥高阶〔which〕Moreover, which you will hardly credit, he was not there himself.还有,你不大会相信的,他本人并不在那里英汉大词典〔who〕Her parents, who were killed in a car accident, lived there.她父母曾住在那里, 后来死于一场车祸。外研社新世纪〔years〕We lived there for years.我们在那里住了很长时间。外研社新世纪〔zap〕Dave just sat there, zapping through all the channels.戴夫就坐在那里,不停地换频道。朗文当代He just stood there blubbering when I told him I was leaving him.当我告诉他我要离开他时他只是站在那里大哭。剑桥国际Helen stood (with her) hands on (her) hips, waiting for an explanation.海伦双手放在臀部,站在那里等候着解释。剑桥国际His death at the age of 35 has occasioned an outpouring of grief in South Africa where he was seen as a future leader.他年仅35岁就英年早逝,这引起了南非人民极大的悲哀,因为他在那里被看作是一位未来的领袖。剑桥国际Hundreds of squatters have invaded waste land in the hope that they will be allowed to stay.成百的擅自占住者涌入荒地,希望能被允许留在那里剑桥国际I just looked in at the office to leave some documents.我刚才顺便到办公室去了一趟,把一些文件放在那里剑桥国际I used to play tennis there when I was your age. 当我在你这个年纪的时候,我常在那里打网球。译典通I'll have to stop you there, we've run out of time.我只好让你在那里打住,我们的时间已经用完了。剑桥国际If we put the washing-machine over there the fridge will fit snugly (= closely) into this space.如果我们把洗衣机放在那里,冰箱就能刚好放进这地方了。剑桥国际It would not be politic for you to be seen there.你在那里被别人看见,是不精明的。剑桥国际Parking there is an infallible way of getting a fine.在那里停车肯定会遭到罚款。剑桥国际They decided that John must stay there. 他们决定约翰必须留在那里译典通They patrolled the sea between there and the island to stop the guerrillas being rearmed.他们在那里和岛之间巡逻海面以阻止游击队重新武装。剑桥国际Upstairs he had a studio where he painted a little. 他在楼上有一个画室,有时在那里作一点画。译典通You may spend two or three days there. 你可以在那里待上两三天。译典通

