
单词 娇嫩
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bruise〕She has delicate skin and bruises easily.她的皮肤娇嫩,很容易碰伤。牛津搭配〔delicate〕Babies have very delicate skin.婴儿的皮肤非常娇嫩牛津高阶〔delicate〕Delicate skin must be protected from the sun.娇嫩的皮肤必须防止日晒。麦克米伦高阶〔delicate〕Peaches have delicate skins which are easily bruised.桃子的表皮很娇嫩,容易碰伤。剑桥高阶〔delicate〕The sun can easily damage a child's delicate skin .阳光很容易晒伤小孩娇嫩的皮肤。朗文当代〔enemy〕Cigarette smoke is the undoubted enemy of a clear fresh complexion.香烟的烟雾无疑会对娇嫩白皙的皮肤造成伤害。麦克米伦高阶〔handling〕The way in which a matter, especially a delicate one, is taken care of.处理:人们照看特别是那些难处理的或是娇嫩的事或物时的方式美国传统〔much〕The skin is much too delicate.皮肤太娇嫩了。柯林斯高阶〔otherworldly〕The children in the picture look delicate and otherworldly, as though they had never run or played.照片上的孩子们看起来娇嫩纤弱、超凡脱俗,似乎从不乱跑乱叫。剑桥高阶〔produce〕If used on delicate skin, this cream may produce a stinging sensation.这种药膏用在娇嫩的皮肤上会产生刺痛感。剑桥高阶〔soft〕Kids were getting soft these days.孩子们如今变得娇嫩了。英汉大词典〔spring〕The apricot plant provides delicate, white spring flowers.杏树春季开娇嫩的白花。外研社新世纪〔way〕The name Latifah, by the way, means 'delicate'.顺便说一句,Latifah 这个名字意思是“娇嫩”。柯林斯高阶Babies’skin is very tender, so you need to use mild soap.婴儿的皮肤很娇嫩,要使用温和的肥皂。剑桥国际Delicate plants need to be kept in a greenhouse during the winter.冬季,娇嫩的植物要养在温室里。剑桥国际If used on delicate skin this cream may produce a stinging sensation.这种润肤霜用在娇嫩的皮肤上会产生一种刺痛的感觉。剑桥国际Peaches have delicate skins which are easily bruised.桃子皮娇嫩易破。剑桥国际She can't eat spicy food because she's got a very delicate stomach (= some types of food make her feel ill easily).她不能吃辣的食物因为她的胃很娇嫩剑桥国际Take care with these delicate flowers. 当心这些娇嫩的鲜花。译典通The gardener used a stake to support the uprightness of the fragile plant. 这位园丁用了一个木柱将这株娇嫩的植物撑直。译典通Their new products include facial cleansers and moisturizers for sensitive skin.他们的新产品包括适合娇嫩皮肤的洗面乳和润肤霜。剑桥国际There are lots of tender blossoms in the garden. 花园里尽是娇嫩的花朵。译典通These plants are very delicate and can only grow in a hothouse. 这些植物非常娇嫩,只能在温室里培植。译典通This cream is being touted as a way of making your skin look younger.这种面霜被说成可以使肌肤看起来更娇嫩剑桥国际

