
单词 寄生物
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔antiparasitic〕Destroying or inhibiting the growth and reproduction of human or animal parasites.抗寄生物的:消灭或抑制人体及动物体内寄生虫生长繁衍的美国传统〔endoparasite〕A parasite, such as a tapeworm, that lives within another organism.内寄生物:生活于另一生物体内的寄生物,如绦虫美国传统〔hemiparasite〕An organism that can live either independently or as a parasite.半寄生物,兼性寄生物:一种微生物,既可独立生存,又可作为寄生虫生存美国传统〔monogenean〕Any of various trematodes of the order Monogenea that typically pass the entire life cycle as ectoparasites on a single fish.单殖亚纲动物,单殖吸虫:任一种单殖目亚钢寄生虫,通常在一条鱼上作为寄生物度过整个生命周期美国传统〔obligate〕An obligate parasite cannot live independently of its host.专性寄生物离开寄主无法存活。外研社新世纪〔parasiticide〕An agent or a preparation used to destroy parasites.杀寄生物药:一种用于杀死寄生物的药剂或配剂美国传统〔parasiticide〕Destructive to parasites.杀寄生物的,除寄生虫的美国传统〔parasitism〕Parasitosis.寄生物病,寄生虫病美国传统〔parasitism〕The characteristic behavior or mode of existence of a parasite or parasitic population.寄生,寄生行为:寄生物或寄生种群存在时具有显著特征的行为或方式美国传统〔parasitize〕To live on or in (a host) as a parasite.寄生于…:作为寄生物生活在(宿主的)上面或体内美国传统〔parasitoid〕Any of various insects, such as the ichneumon fly, whose larvae are parasites that eventually kill their hosts.拟寄生物:如姬蜂等几种昆虫中的任意一种,它的幼虫便是寄生物且最终会杀死宿主美国传统〔parasitoid〕Of or relating to a parasitic insect of this kind.拟寄生物的:属于或有关这种寄生昆虫的美国传统〔parasitology〕The scientific study of parasitism.寄生物学,寄生虫学:对寄生(现象)的科学研究美国传统〔parasitosis〕A disease resulting from parasitic infestation.寄生物病,寄生虫病:由寄生物感染引起的病变美国传统Some trees exude from their bark a sap that repels insect parasites.有些树从树皮里渗出一种汁液驱除昆虫的寄生物剑桥国际

