
单词 价值连城
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔billion〕He thought that it must be worth billions.他以为那一定价值连城柯林斯高阶〔block〕Many priceless antiques went on the block.许多价值连城的古董被放置在拍卖台上美国传统〔cast〕The priceless treasures had been cast into the Nile.价值连城的珍宝被扔进了尼罗河。牛津高阶〔fortune〕The big pearl is worth a fortune.这颗硕大无朋的珍珠价值连城英汉大词典〔garner〕His priceless collection of Chinese art and artefacts was garnered over three decades.他那批价值连城的中国艺术品和手工艺品是花了30多年才收集起来的。柯林斯高阶〔harm〕Workers scrambled to carry priceless objects out of harm's way.工人们争先恐后地将价值连城的物品运到安全的地方。柯林斯高阶〔home〕Priceless antique furniture was destroyed in the fire at the stately home.那座富丽堂皇的宅子里价值连城的古董家具在大火中付之一炬了。牛津搭配〔jewel〕She loved dressing up and wearing priceless jewels.她喜欢穿着体面正式的服装、佩戴价值连城的珠宝首饰。朗文当代〔mint〕They were worth a mint.它们价值连城外研社新世纪〔priceless〕The painting is priceless.这幅画价值连城韦氏高阶〔rarity〕It was a real prize due to its rarity and good condition.因为稀有并且品相完好,它价值连城柯林斯高阶〔treasure〕The museum houses many priceless treasures.这家博物馆收藏了许多价值连城的珍品。剑桥高阶〔valuable〕The watch is extremely valuable.这块手表价值连城韦氏高阶〔valued〕That cup is priceless. You can't put a value on it.那个杯子价值连城,无法定价。柯林斯高阶〔work of art〕A number of priceless works of art were stolen from the gallery.美术馆中许多价值连城的艺术品被盗。牛津高阶〔worth〕This art collection is worth a fortune (= worth a very large amount of money) .这批艺术收藏品价值连城朗文当代I should hold on to that drawing--it might be valuable one day.我应该保留那幅画----或许有一天它会价值连城的。剑桥国际You should hang on to that painting --it might be valuable one day.你应该保存那幅画----有一天它可能会价值连城剑桥国际

