
单词 关节炎
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕Lehman is in constant pain, and suffers from a severe form of arthritis. 莱曼患有严重的关节炎,疼痛一直持续着。朗文写作活用〔EFFECTIVE/NOT EFFECTIVE〕Doctors soon realized that this drug was also effective in relieving the symptoms of arthritis. 医生不久就意识到,这种药对缓解关节炎的症状也有效。朗文写作活用〔FEW/NOT MANY〕Joyce is among the tiny minority of arthritis sufferers who experience these symptoms. 乔伊斯是极少数出现这种症状的关节炎患者之一。朗文写作活用〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕Arthritis made it difficult for him to do everyday things like take out the garbage or mow the lawn. 关节炎使他难以做一些日常的事情,比如倒垃圾或修草坪。朗文写作活用〔Tylenol〕I was taking Tylenol for my arthritis.我因患关节炎在服泰诺。剑桥高阶〔act up〕Does the weather make your arthritis act up?这天气诱发你关节炎了吗?外研社新世纪〔act up〕Whenever it rains, my arthritis starts acting up.只要一下雨,我的关节炎就会发作。韦氏高阶〔act〕My left knee acts up in damp weather. Her arthritis is acting up again.我的左膝一到阴湿天气就犯病。她的关节炎又犯了美国传统〔affect〕Arthritis is a crippling disease which affects people all over the world.关节炎是一种会危害全人类健康的致残性疾病。柯林斯高阶〔affect〕Arthritis is a crippling disease which affects people all over the world.关节炎是一种致残性疾病, 危害全世界人民的健康。外研社新世纪〔alternative〕New ways to treat arthritis may provide an alternative to painkillers.关节炎的新疗法可能是止痛药之外的另一种选择。柯林斯高阶〔arthritic〕Her hands were swollen and arthritic.她的手患有关节炎,肿得厉害。剑桥高阶〔arthritic〕I developed serious arthritic symptoms and chronic sinusitis.我得了严重的关节炎和慢性鼻窦炎。柯林斯高阶〔arthritic〕Many arthritics find it difficult to climb stairs.很多关节炎患者感到爬楼梯非常困难。剑桥高阶〔arthritis〕I am half crippled with arthritis.我因为关节炎而成了半跛。文馨英汉〔arthritis〕I have a touch of arthritis in the wrist.我的手腕患有轻微关节炎柯林斯高阶〔arthritis〕I have a touch of arthritis in the wrist.我的手腕有一点关节炎外研社新世纪〔arthritis〕I have severe arthritis in my hands.我的双手有严重的关节炎麦克米伦高阶〔arthritis〕In later life she was crippled with arthritis.晚年她因患关节炎而行动不便。剑桥高阶〔arthritis〕Inflammation of a joint or joints resulting in pain and swelling.关节炎:由于一组或多组关节发炎而导致的疼痛和肿胀美国传统〔arthritis〕It is unclear why some people develop arthritis.尚不明确为什么有些人会得关节炎牛津搭配〔bent〕He is bent with age [arthritis].他因年老[关节炎]而弯腰。文馨英汉〔bother〕Her arthritis has been bothering her.关节炎一直让她备受煎熬。韦氏高阶〔bracing〕Bracing on its own seldom is enough to relieve all the symptoms of osteoarthritis.单靠使用支具不足以缓解骨关节炎的所有症状。外研社新世纪〔carpometacarpal〕Osteoarthritis often involves the first carpometacarpal joints, knee joints, and spine.骨关节炎常常发生在大拇指的腕掌关节,膝关节和脊柱。剑桥高阶〔case〕Some cases of arthritis respond to a gluten-free diet.一些关节炎患者在接受无麸质饮食治疗后病情会好转。外研社新世纪〔chronic〕He suffers from chronic arthritis/pain.他患有慢性关节炎/疼痛。韦氏高阶〔chrysotherapy〕The treatment of certain diseases, especially rheumatoid arthritis, with gold compounds.金疗法:用金的化合物治疗某些疾病,如风湿性关节炎美国传统〔coxitis〕Inflammation of the hip joint.髋关节炎:髋关节的发炎美国传统〔crippled〕He was crippled with arthritis.他因关节炎而跛脚。文馨英汉〔cripple〕He's eighty and crippled with arthritis.他 80 岁了,因患关节炎而腿瘸。牛津搭配〔crippling〕Arthritis and rheumatism are prominent crippling diseases.关节炎和风湿病是两大主要致残疾病。外研社新世纪〔crippling〕Arthritis and rheumatism are prominent crippling diseases.关节炎和风湿病是会严重损害身体健康的主要疾病。柯林斯高阶〔deformation〕Bad rheumatoid arthritis deforms limbs.严重的类风湿性关节炎会造成四肢变形。柯林斯高阶〔deform〕Bad rheumatoid arthritis deforms limbs.风湿性关节炎严重时会使肢体变形。外研社新世纪〔degenerative〕Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint condition characterized by the erosion of the cartilage.骨关节炎是一种软骨腐蚀导致的变性关节病。外研社新世纪〔develop〕Scientists are developing new drugs to treat arthritis.科学家们正在研制治疗关节炎的新药。朗文当代〔distort〕Arthritis had distorted her fingers.关节炎使她手指变形了。21世纪英汉〔effective〕The cheaper drugs are just as effective in treating arthritis.较便宜的药品对治疗关节炎同样有效。朗文当代〔etodolac〕A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, used especially for the treatment of osteoarthritis.乙妥多来,吲哚乙酸:非类固醇消炎药,尤指用于骨关节炎的治疗美国传统〔flare〕Mr. Gray's arthritis flared up sometimes.格雷先生的关节炎不时发作。英汉大词典〔gnarled〕His hands were gnarled with arthritis.他的双手因为关节炎而扭曲变形。外研社新世纪〔gnarled〕His hands were gnarled with arthritis.他的双手因患关节炎而扭曲变形。柯林斯高阶〔grasp〕His arthritis is so bad he can barely grasp a pencil.他的关节炎很严重,几乎连铅笔都握不住。韦氏高阶〔grip〕She had arthritis in her left hand and couldn't grip properly.她左手有关节炎, 握不住东西。外研社新世纪〔gyp〕His arthritis gave him gyp.关节炎使他痛苦不堪。英汉大词典〔impair〕His movements were painfully impaired by arthritis.他行动不便,深受关节炎之苦。柯林斯高阶〔it〕My wife has become crippled by arthritis. She is embarrassed to ask the doctor about it.我妻子因为患关节炎腿瘸了。她不好意思去向医生询问相关病情。柯林斯高阶〔kick up〕Her arthritis kicks up in cold weather.她的关节炎每到冷天就发作。21世纪英汉〔manifestation〕The manifestation of arthritis in young people calls for immediate treatment.年轻人中出现的关节炎需要立即治疗。麦克米伦高阶〔manipulate〕The way he can manipulate my leg has helped my arthritis so much.他为我的腿实施的推拿术治疗对我的关节炎大有好处。柯林斯高阶〔manipulate〕The way he can manipulate my leg has helped my arthritis so much.他推拿我腿部的方式对我的关节炎大有好处。外研社新世纪〔martyr〕She's a martyr to her arthritis.她深受关节炎的折磨。朗文当代〔mezereon〕The dried bark of this plant, formerly used externally as a vesicant and internally for arthritis.瑞香皮:这种植物晒干的树皮,从前曾外用作发疱剂,内服治疗关节炎美国传统〔misdiagnose〕Her condition was misdiagnosed as arthritis.她的病被误诊为关节炎朗文当代〔misshapen〕Her hands were misshapen by arthritis.她的双手因为关节炎而扭曲变形了。柯林斯高阶〔oil〕Fish oils are supposed to help relieve arthritis.据说鱼油有助于缓解关节炎的症状。朗文当代〔prescribe〕This drug is one of the most commonly prescribed for arthritis.这种药是最常开来治疗关节炎的。麦克米伦高阶〔rheumatism〕Rheumatoid arthritis.类风湿性关节炎美国传统〔rheumatoid arthritis〕A chronic disease marked by stiffness and inflammation of the joints, weakness, loss of mobility, and deformity.类风湿性关节炎:一种慢性疾病,症状为关节僵硬及发炎、脆弱、丧失可动性及畸形美国传统〔rheumatoid factor〕An immunoglobulin present in the blood serum of many individuals affected by rheumatoid arthritis, used as a means of diagnosing the disease.风湿病因子:出现在许多被类风湿性关节炎侵袭的个体血浆中的免疫,用作诊断这种疾病的工具美国传统〔shuffle〕He's got arthritis and walks with a shuffle.他得了关节炎,走路时拖着脚。剑桥高阶〔suffering〕They hope these new drugs will help to bring an end to the suffering of arthritis patients.他们希望这些新药有助于结束关节炎病人的痛苦。韦氏高阶〔suffer〕She suffers from arthritis.她得了关节炎韦氏高阶〔treatment〕She went in to hospital to have treatment for arthritis.她入院治疗关节炎外研社新世纪〔trouble〕Her arthritis troubles her greatly.关节炎把她折腾得够呛。21世纪英汉〔twinge〕He felt a twinge of arthritis when he stood up.他站起来的时候感到了关节炎引起的一阵刺痛。韦氏高阶Arthritis is a common complaint among the elderly. 关节炎是老年人的一种常见病。译典通Because of arthritis she can only make her way (= move) around the house slowly.由于关节炎,她只能在房子里慢慢地四处走动。剑桥国际By middle age, osteoarthritis is the most common cause of knee problems.到了中年,骨关节炎是引起膝盖不适的最普通的疾病。剑桥国际He suffers from arthritis in his leg joints. 他的腿有关节炎译典通He suffers from severe rheumatoid arthritis which came on suddenly at the age of 35.他在35岁的时候突然患上了严重的类风湿性关节炎剑桥国际He's got arthritis and walks with a shuffle.他得了关节炎,走路时只能拖拖曳曳的。剑桥国际Her hands were swollen and arthritic.她的双手因关节炎而发肿。剑桥国际Many arthritics (=people suffering from arthritis) find it difficult to climb stairs.很多关节炎病人感到上下楼梯很困难。剑桥国际Mira used to take anti-inflammatory drugs for her arthritis.米拉过去常用消炎药来治关节炎剑桥国际My mother is arthritic and her joints are swollen.我母亲患有关节炎,她的关节发肿。剑桥国际She described herself as crippled with arthritis.她说自己因关节炎而行走不便。剑桥国际They recommended hydrotherapy treatment for arthritis.他们建议用水疗法治疗关节炎剑桥国际

