
单词 保温
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-filled〕She made sandwiches, filled a flask and put sugar in.她做了三明治,把保温瓶灌满,又放了糖进去。柯林斯高阶〔Thermos〕When the kettle boiled he poured hot water into his Thermos.壶里的水烧开后, 他把开水倒进了保温瓶。外研社新世纪〔chafing dish〕A metal dish or pan mounted above a heating device and used to cook food or keep it warm at the table.火锅:一种置放于加热装置上的金属盘或平底锅,放在餐桌上用来烧煮食物或保温美国传统〔dish〕Pile potatoes into a warm serving dish.把土豆倒在一个保温的盛菜用的盘子里。柯林斯高阶〔dissipation〕Insulation helps prevent the dissipation of heat from houses in the winter.保温材料有助于防止冬天房屋的热损耗。韦氏高阶〔fill〕She made sandwiches, filled a flask and put sugar in.她做了三明治, 把保温瓶灌满水, 并在里面放了糖。外研社新世纪〔flask〕He took out a metal flask from a canvas bag.他从帆布袋里取出一只金属保温瓶。外研社新世纪〔heat〕The thick walls retain the heat.厚实的墙体能够保温牛津搭配〔heat〕Water retains heat much longer than air.水保温的时间比空气长得多。外研社新世纪〔hob〕A shelf or projection at the back or side of a fireplace, used for keeping food or utensils warm.铁架:火炉旁或其后用于食品或厨具保温的铁架或凸出物美国传统〔horrid〕Tea always tastes horrid out of Thermos flasks.从保温瓶里倒出来的茶总是很难喝。外研社新世纪〔hot〕The containers keep the food hot for five hours.食物在这种容器里能保温 5 个小时。牛津搭配〔hot〕The food should stay hot until we're ready to eat.我们用餐之前,饭菜需保温牛津搭配〔insulated〕The hot water tank should be insulated with proper insulating materials.热水箱应该使用适宜的隔热材料进行保温处理。牛津搭配〔insulate〕Insulate the hot-water tank to save on energy costs.给热水箱包裹保温材料以节省能源开支。外研社新世纪〔insulator〕Fat is an excellent insulator against the cold.脂肪是绝佳的保温层。外研社新世纪〔lag〕Water tanks should be well lagged and the roof well insulated.水箱和屋顶都需要敷设严密的保温层。柯林斯高阶〔lag〕We've had the hot-water tank lagged.我们已给热水箱加上了保温外罩。朗文当代〔retain〕If left covered in a warm place, this rice will retain its heat for a good hour.如果加盖放在暖和的地方,这些米饭可以保温足足一个小时。柯林斯高阶〔retain〕This rice will retain its heat for an hour.这种米能够保温一小时。外研社新世纪〔serving〕Pile the potatoes into a warm serving dish.将土豆堆在一个保温菜盘里。柯林斯高阶〔steam table〕A table in which containers of cooked food are kept warm by hot water or steam circulating below.蒸汽桌:一种保温桌子,其中盛放的已烹调好的食物靠下部循环的热水或蒸汽保温美国传统〔sufficiently〕Make sure that the temperature is sufficiently cool.确保温度足够凉爽。韦氏高阶〔tea〕Four or five men were drinking tea from flasks.四五个男人在喝保温瓶里的茶水。柯林斯高阶〔thermos〕She brought them thermoses of coffee.她给他们拿来了几保温瓶的咖啡。英汉大词典〔vacuum bottle〕A bottle or flask having a vacuum between its inner and outer walls, designed to maintain the desired temperature of the contents.保温瓶,暖水瓶:在内壁和外壁之间有一真空层的瓶或热水瓶,这种设计是了保持瓶内期望的温度美国传统〔warmth〕Insulation will help retain the house's warmth.加隔热层将有助于房子保温牛津搭配〔warm〕I've put your dinner in the oven to keep it warm .我把你的饭菜放进了烤箱里保温朗文当代

